Hating skinny people

Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
I have been thin to normal most of my life. But in the past 3-4 years due to a thyroid problem I started struggling with my weight. MFP has been essential to my recent success in losing those extra pounds. But I can't help but notice negative comments about "skinny people". Apparently skinny people are mean, insensitive b*****s. I hope that people think twice before posting comments like that. I honestly have never heard thin/normal weight people hating on fat people the way some folks here do on skinny people. If thin people are so terrible why is everyone trying so hard to be one?


  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member
    I have no problem with skinny people, and I really haven't heard anything negative on here about it.
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    I have been thin to normal most of my life. But in the past 3-4 years due to a thyroid problem I started struggling with my weight. MFP has been essential to my recent success in losing those extra pounds. But I can't help but notice negative comments about "skinny people". Apparently skinny people are mean, insensitive b*****s. I hope that people think twice before posting comments like that. I honestly have never heard thin/normal weight people hating on fat people the way some folks here do on skinny people. If thin people are so terrible why is everyone trying so hard to be one?

    It is stereotyping to say that all skinny people are mean. I personally do not have a lot of weight to lose, but I have FOUGHT to maintain a healthy weight all of my adult life, so perhaps I have a better understanding of the struggle. I do, however, have friends who are thin who have said some shockingly mean things about overweight people. So perhaps the people posting these comments have had a negative experience.
  • serabee5
    serabee5 Posts: 89
    I have been overweight for almost 25 years - and I agree with you. There seems to be a lot more animosity from fat to thin folks - than the other way around. Are there mean spirited "skinny people"? YES! But our goal should not be to join there ranks.
  • Cartel
    Cartel Posts: 40
    People tend to hate what they cant have. Typical human reaction. I personally try to be as chill as possible and not hate anything or anyone in general.
  • andipandi
    andipandi Posts: 91 Member
    they are like that here and in the real world...i was wondering that very same thing. why do you want to be what you dislike so much?
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    The only thing that a skinny person can do to piss me off is complain that they are fat. Other than that I love skinny people so much I want to be one LOL
  • I think that sometimes bad feelings towards naturally thin people come from being jealous that the thin people don't need to count calories, don't need to kill themselves with workouts at the gym, and don't have to worry constantly about what they're putting in their mouth every second of the day. When, really, weight isn't always an indicator of health. A person who is overweight but exercises daily and eats right typically has a healthier heart than a skinny person who sits on the couch and eats potato chips all day long. Nobody is naturally "healthy" so now there is nobody to be mad at, since we're all just trying to be healthy and nobody can cut corners on their way to good health! :)
  • CoachMaritova
    CoachMaritova Posts: 409 Member
    It's true.
  • elbandito
    elbandito Posts: 157
    I don't hate skinny people. I'm three of them myself! :)
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    I have been skinny then was "normal" for 20 years. I've seen struggles on both sides so maybe i'm not the best person to answer but I have seen skinny minnies being quite evil about over weight folk but I've seen it the other way around too.

    I had a friend who just could not gain weight, believe me she ate like an absolute glutton from morning til night and then in her sleep (was a sleep walker and sleep eater) I witnessed a very large lady (30 stone) totally mock her and heap critisism on her for being skinny, she said some very hurtful things so I guess its swings and roundabouts, you can be just as b!tchy whether you be skinny, slim, pudgy, fat or obese...human nature at its worst!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I don't know any mean skinny people. I personally get a little jealous (and petty if I'm being truthful) about skinny people who get away with eating whatever they want and not working out (I guess that's called skinny fat). But like I said...that stems from jealousy. I know there are *skinny* people out there that don't "have it easy" and eat right and exercise...that doesn't bother me.

    I can watch someone down nothing but fast food, soda, and junk food all day every day, not exercise and still be 5'9 and fit a size 6....While I'm over here busting my *kitten* to fit into a size 18...and just the smell of fires makes me bloat. Its depressing (and makes me jealous of their metabolism..."life's unfair...blah blah blah). Can't help it, it makes me mad...and secretly try to blow up said person with my eyes.

    Not trying to sound like bi*chy....but I'm only human...and can't help the way I feel sometimes.
  • BabyDuchess
    BabyDuchess Posts: 353 Member
    People tend to hate what they cant have. Typical human reaction. I personally try to be as chill as possible and not hate anything or anyone in general.

    I think I love you.....lol :flowerforyou:
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I don't hate skinny people. I'm three of them myself! :)

  • haeden
    haeden Posts: 183 Member
    I think that the only thing most people dont like is hearing people who are very kinny keep saying things like "im fat".
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    if you are skinny, unhealthy, overweight, obese, thin, normal weight, i could care less, all i care about is how you treat me. if you are rude or mean because i am trying to maintain, they dont need to be my friends. if they are mean for that, then im sure they are mean period. i am sorry you have had to deal with this, i have fortuneately never had to deal with this, and maybe i am just lucky, but nobody should be treated like that. i think, at least on here, most people are polite and helpful. :flowerforyou:
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    I don't hate skinny people. I'm three of them myself! :)

    LOL....that was great!

    Why anyone has to be ugly to anyone else is beyond me.
  • I've been thin all of my life until I got engaged (go figure!) and went upto 70kg for the first time in my life and although it made me unhappy I never made a big deal of it. I have now lost that weight but have a friend who is even smaller than me and complains about her weight CONSTANTLY-especially when I was overweight!! She is always telling me what she has ate and how she should really have exercised after eating that box of donuts but just feels fat instead. I have just come to realise that no matter how often I tell her she is gorgeous and thin, she doesn't see herself that way so whats the point in me trying to convince her? Just like me, she has her own demons to work on but as harsh as it sounds I change the subject now when she starts obsessing as I don't want to encourage it and honestly - I am just sick to death of hearing about it now!! Of course I have tried to talk to her about her eating as I do believe there is something else going on and she could do with help but i'm her friend not her therapist. All I can suggest is if someone/something annoys you - don't get involved in it.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    People aren't mean because they are skinny..people are mean because they are MEAN!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I don't hate skinny people. I'm three of them myself! :)

  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I think that the only thing most people dont like is hearing people who are very skinny keep saying things like "im fat".

    I agree with this!
  • lclarkjr
    lclarkjr Posts: 359 Member
    The negative comments I see tend to be motivated by jealousy. MFP shouldn't be about "US vs. THEM". It's about everyone trying to be fit and healthy regardless of your starting weight, current weight, or goal weight. Overall health and fitness trumps weight loss any day.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    My husband is fattist and I hate it. He honestly believes fat people are all lazy with no self control, but I know it's not that simple.

    I have known a couple of naturally skinny people, but the rest are watching what they eat and constantly active. A skinny colleague said at lunch one day 'I never count calories. If you eat what you really want you'll be fine' and the very next day she was saying 'I never eat pasta', so clearly she's decided she never wants anything that might make her bigger :laugh: Everyone is facing the same pressures.
  • Tjarvi
    Tjarvi Posts: 53
    People of all shapes and sizes can really suck from time to time.
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    I think that the only thing most people dont like is hearing people who are very kinny keep saying things like "im fat".

    My very thin teen daughter and her friends often say this. My reaction is, "I'll show you fat." And we laugh. But seriously it just goes to show how super models have made life difficult for everyone. Not sure why this would bother you. I don't think they mean anything by it except their own distorted perception.
  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    There is nothing wrong with a person YOU perceive as skinny complaining that they are fat.
    They can't help it that they happen to be smaller than you.
    You can never know exactly the way another person feels or why they feel the way they do.
    So don't judge them.
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    Deep, deep inside me there is a skinny person. Anyone got a problem with that?
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    I have had this rant for years... :( I know there are mean people of all sizes, but sometimes it feels as though it's okay to bash a skinny person. Get over it. And it's terribly insensitive to do so to an overweight person. I don't want any bashing. I just want fair.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    In my experience, it's jealousy. Some people feel that you have no control over how big or small you are or they just don't care enough - so instead of trying to eat healthier and get fit, they sit on their duffs and complain while eating a big pile of french fries. Hell, I've been that person so I know!

    Then I smartened up and figured out that if I just put a little bit of effort into it, I can change and be healthy and fit like other people I know. AND I have found out that most of them DO have to work almost as hard at it as I do, they just don't make a huge deal out of it and have figured out how to make it all work so it looks easy.
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