bethmiller3377 Posts: 27 Member
edited September 28 in Success Stories
Hey y'all!
Quickly I'll run through this...
I've lost over 100 pounds, still have a few more to go and I have 3 boys, but was pregnant 4 times. :-) SO...I have a lot of excess skin after all of that....I'm going to see a surgeon on Monday, about having a tummy tuck.
Had anyone been through this?? Is anyone GOING to go through this?
I saw my OB/GYN The other day for a checkup. She said "I really don't think you have much more weight to's a LOT of skin there...once that is removed, you'll probably BE at your goal weight."
I was SO excited, but terrified! What do y'all think? Does anyone know how the healing is, after this surgery? I've watched some on YouTube and it's Def. MAJOR surgery...but I didn't lose all that weight just to be left, with what I call, "baby dumbo" around my waist. ;-)
Help me calm my nerves?! LOL


  • katieandlilly
    katieandlilly Posts: 31 Member
    I had a body lift to remove loose skin after massive weight loss and three pregnancies. I had 11.5 pounds of skin removed. When I woke up he told me he didn't do any liposuction and I didn't need a support garment, which is usually standard, because I had so little actual fat. My ab muscles were also completely separated, he said there was 5 inches of space in between.

    I took down the pictures but my day to day recovery was chronicled at

    I stopped updating after week three.

    It was a five figure surgery, and it was an unbelievably painful, hard recovery.
  • lindak71
    lindak71 Posts: 92 Member
    I like what Michael Ventrella, winner of the Biggest loser, calls it- "sharpei stomach." I have excess skin as well, but need to lose a bit more. I don't think I'll be getting the surgery, though, because of the expense and the risk/recovery. Please make sure you really think hard about everything before you decide anything. Good luck.
  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451
    I lost 150 pounds. I was young, but I had gained 100 of those pounds in one year, so my skin had lost elasticity, and I could hold my tummy skin out alost a foot from my body. I had a tummy tuck and brachoplasty (which removes skin from upper arms). Recovery was awful (the arms were worse than the tummy though). BUT it was so worth it. I had my tummy tuck in January of '06, and I am so grateful that I did. After six months the healing is mostly done- and within a year I felt completely back to normal- only better than normal. And as far as "being at goal" after... yeah, I proably lost a few more pounds from the skin being gone- but not being able to move for about a month and not being able to work out normally for about 6... by the time healing was done I was 10 pounds heavier than the day they weighed me in for surgery. So be careful of that.

    Good luck to you!
  • RoxMyWorld
    RoxMyWorld Posts: 127 Member
    I want to have skin removal surgery so bad. I have lost almost 60lbs so far and I have at least 40 more to lose but I already have tons of lose skin and it looks aweful. I have no idea what the cost is or what the process is but I would love to follow your process.
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    I have no experience with it, but I would do it. I feel the same way you do- If I have worked so hard to lose weight, I don't want a ton of loose skin flapping around like Dumbo, LOL!
  • fitmom2000
    fitmom2000 Posts: 18 Member
    I know someone who lost over 100 pounds and over time, with diet and excercise that included yoga, the skin tightened over time. Your skin is an organ, which means it is constantly changing. I would give yourself time to see what your results are continuing with fitness and keeping the weight off.

    It's major surgery, and you're a mom. I can't imagine not being able to hold or play with my kids for weeks, or have limitations that can last for months. I also can't imagine taking some of the risks involved with three young kids, but that's just me.

    I think if you give yourself time and you don't see progress, and it's something you really want, go for it. But give yourself a year or even two and see where you get. You didn't gain the 100 pounds overnight, it took your body a long time to adjust to the extra weight. It will take it a long time to adjust to losing, too.
  • JGCowboy
    JGCowboy Posts: 58
    Its amazing to see how much many of you have lost. I am sure that others will find comfort and motivation in your journeys! Congrats!
  • amrichard13
    amrichard13 Posts: 6 Member
    I think most surgeons (if they are good and caring) will require that you maintain a stable weight for some time before having this procedure done. The sad truth is that many people after losing serious amounts of weight put it and more back on.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I've done a bit of reading about loose skin and they say it can take up to two years for the skin to fully recover from a major weight loss so my plan is to wait (and maintain) that long and then consider surgery to tighten up. I have noticed that my upper arms are tightening up slowly with the help of strength training. I've also started using a firming lotion on my upper thighs, upper arms, belly and chest - no idea if it's actually working but I figure the moisturizing can't hurt anyway.

    The only part I'm currently annoyed with is my belly - it's so floppy now that it actually makes slappy noises when I'm doing things like running downstairs or jumping jacks. It's embarrassing!!

    To your question, I can't answer from my own experience but I used to work with a girl who had a tummy tuck. It was fairly painful and took a while to recover from but she was pretty happy with the results. This is a bit TMI but hers was also medically necessary as she was getting rashes from the overlap of skin so the relief of that obviously helped with the happiness factor.
  • ypena78
    ypena78 Posts: 236 Member
    I agree with most people on here. I dont believe in surgery because of all the risks, & i hear of people going under & never coming out all because they want the floppiness fat to go away. this is what I feel. Once I reach my goal weight loss if I have floppy skin oh well, thats just me, you atleast lost the weight, that is the main part & that is what it should be about losing weight and feeling great, but i have read up on loose skin & it will go away within time. you have to maintain your weight for about a year & you will get the elastcity back. I feel sometimes doctors tell you that you have to have it removed to get some money, sometimes I dont trust doctors, always get a second opinion on everything, My advice is do some major research & do all your homework before you make a BIG decision like this, talk about with your family to see how they feel abut this as well, & what they think about it. Good luck....
  • katieandlilly
    katieandlilly Posts: 31 Member
    Between babies i maintained my weight loss for 5 years and the skin never went back, not even a little. It is largely genetic, some go back, some never do.

    Surgery is not an option but to make people think that their skin will just go back when, for many folks, it won't didn't go back is ridiculous, mean, and grossy misinformed. (and really judgy - seriously, I get so aggravated at folks talking about stuff they know nothing about)
  • katieandlilly
    katieandlilly Posts: 31 Member
    Sorry - I meant to say "Surgery is not the best nor first option"
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    I know someone who lost over 100 pounds and over time, with diet and excercise that included yoga, the skin tightened over time. Your skin is an organ, which means it is constantly changing. I would give yourself time to see what your results are continuing with fitness and keeping the weight off.

    It's major surgery, and you're a mom. I can't imagine not being able to hold or play with my kids for weeks, or have limitations that can last for months. I also can't imagine taking some of the risks involved with three young kids, but that's just me.

    I think if you give yourself time and you don't see progress, and it's something you really want, go for it. But give yourself a year or even two and see where you get. You didn't gain the 100 pounds overnight, it took your body a long time to adjust to the extra weight. It will take it a long time to adjust to losing, too.

    Agreed. I've read a lot that says you should wait 6 months to a year before you consider surgery. Give your body a little time nd you eithr might not need surgery OR if you do there might be less to take off.
  • bast2112
    bast2112 Posts: 63
    I know someone who lost over 100 pounds and over time, with diet and excercise that included yoga, the skin tightened over time. Your skin is an organ, which means it is constantly changing. I would give yourself time to see what your results are continuing with fitness and keeping the weight off.

    It's major surgery, and you're a mom. I can't imagine not being able to hold or play with my kids for weeks, or have limitations that can last for months. I also can't imagine taking some of the risks involved with three young kids, but that's just me.

    I think if you give yourself time and you don't see progress, and it's something you really want, go for it. But give yourself a year or even two and see where you get. You didn't gain the 100 pounds overnight, it took your body a long time to adjust to the extra weight. It will take it a long time to adjust to losing, too.

    I agree. If it were me, I'd give my skin a few years (like 2 or 3 years) to tighten on it's own, then if it's still REALLY bad, I would consider the surgery. It's risky and the recovery is brutal. You would need to have an A++ support system during your recovery, and the resolve to really watch your nutrition (under the enormous stress of the pain and recovery process) since working out would be greatly limited for a long time.

    For now, DELIGHT in how great you look in clothes! :)
  • Shannibal
    Shannibal Posts: 103 Member
    Skin is an organ and will shrink back down over time. It took a while to get stretched out and will take a while to shrink back. If you exfoliate your skin on a regular basis to remove the dead skin, this could help speed up the process by allowing the living skin to get back in to shape. Gaining some muscle also helps.

    My advice is to let the body do its thing. You will get back to where you need to be. The cost, the pain, and the recovery of the procedure just is not worth it in my opinion.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I had a body lift to remove loose skin after massive weight loss and three pregnancies. I had 11.5 pounds of skin removed. When I woke up he told me he didn't do any liposuction and I didn't need a support garment, which is usually standard, because I had so little actual fat. My ab muscles were also completely separated, he said there was 5 inches of space in between.

    I took down the pictures but my day to day recovery was chronicled at

    I stopped updating after week three.

    It was a five figure surgery, and it was an unbelievably painful, hard recovery.

    Thank you so much for sharing this. We could be body twins with the excess skin hanging while pregnant. I thought I was a freak of nature for that one.

    Best wishes on your continued recovery.
  • Tammysueless
    Tammysueless Posts: 166
    My cousin (who is a nurse) undergone this proceedure and said it was the worst pain she had ever went through. And shes had 4 kids! She had the Gastric bypass, so she lost a bunch of weight very quickly and her skin never had a chance to recover. She has mixed feelings about it now that it's all over and she has recovered. Its nice to be able to wear a bikini but she has scars all over from the surgerys. You will just have to search your soul and decide if its worth all the pain, money and risk to you. When you go in to see your Dr. keep in the back of your mind that they are not gonna show you the photos of the people who wern't a total success.Keep searching the net and educating yourself. I wish you the very best of luck in whatever you decide.:flowerforyou:
  • I have lost 116# so far and have 30-40 left to lose. I spoke with my surgeon about this very subject just last week. He told me to wait until a year out and then do each procedure individually as the healing would be faster and less chance of complications over doing a larger area or multiple areas at the same time. For me...I'm doing my arms first as that is the most self conscious area because everyone sees that area. I have been doing quite a bit of cardio and strength training so I 'm hoping I will not have as much on my legs and rear end by the time I'm ready to do those areas. As for the tummy...way too much loose skin to think it will go back into place so I will definately have that done eventually. Jury is still out on the breasts...can tuck them into my socks right about now....:ohwell:

    The point for me anyway is to feel great first and foremost but I also want to look great for my hubby...he married me fat and has been by my side for 20 years while I struggled with my weight...together we have made fantastic lifestyle changes and he's lost 80# as well. Life is too short to not be the best I can be!
  • angp7711
    angp7711 Posts: 324 Member
    I whole heartedly believe that you do need to decide if the pain, cost, and risk are worth it to you. For some it won't be. I saw my mom go through the surgery and yes it was extremely painful. I have seen her scars and nursed her through it and for me I would go through two times to get rid of what I have left.

    I am about to post a pic because as they say they are worth a thousand words I don't know how long my nerves will let me keep it up there...


    It makes me so angry when people say that given time the skin will repair itself. For some people there is no way that nature can repair the damage that is done. Yes I did do the damage to myself (with a little help from my three munchkins :o) ) I have maintained an 80+ lb weight loss for almost 5 years now. It has been almost 3 yrs since my last baby was born. I have had some some improvement over the years but what is left is going to be what I am left with and it is only going to get worse as I reach my ultimate goal. I won't gain back what I lost and even if I did my stomach will never stick out as far as it did with my pregnancies. That wrinkly raisin like appearance isn't something that any amount of strength training is going to fix. I will do all the work and get as far as I can with nature on my side with proper eating and exercise but there is an amount that is going to be left that nature just won't be able to help me resolve...
  • LJSpady
    LJSpady Posts: 311 Member
    I have to get the surgery. I'm going to start having fundraisers in the fall to help me raise funds (My insurance should cover most of the costs, but there will doubtlessly be things that they won't cover). I'm absolutely terrified. I've never had surgery or children, or anything.
  • MightyMom4
    MightyMom4 Posts: 180
    I whole heartedly believe that you do need to decide if the pain, cost, and risk are worth it to you. For some it won't be. I saw my mom go through the surgery and yes it was extremely painful. I have seen her scars and nursed her through it and for me I would go through two times to get rid of what I have left.

    I am about to post a pic because as they say they are worth a thousand words I don't know how long my nerves will let me keep it up there...


    It makes me so angry when people say that given time the skin will repair itself. For some people there is no way that nature can repair the damage that is done. Yes I did do the damage to myself (with a little help from my three munchkins :o) ) I have maintained an 80+ lb weight loss for almost 5 years now. It has been almost 3 yrs since my last baby was born. I have had some some improvement over the years but what is left is going to be what I am left with and it is only going to get worse as I reach my ultimate goal. I won't gain back what I lost and even if I did my stomach will never stick out as far as it did with my pregnancies. That wrinkly raisin like appearance isn't something that any amount of strength training is going to fix. I will do all the work and get as far as I can with nature on my side with proper eating and exercise but there is an amount that is going to be left that nature just won't be able to help me resolve...

    My stomach looks exactly the same...thanks to 4 babies :). I'll be looking at a Tummy Tuck not too far down the road...just wish they weren't so expensive. And I agree....that skin just isn't going to go away on it's own. My husband tells me that mine looks like a deflated balloon...LOL!
  • dizidaisy
    dizidaisy Posts: 68
    I whole heartedly believe that you do need to decide if the pain, cost, and risk are worth it to you. For some it won't be. I saw my mom go through the surgery and yes it was extremely painful. I have seen her scars and nursed her through it and for me I would go through two times to get rid of what I have left.

    I am about to post a pic because as they say they are worth a thousand words I don't know how long my nerves will let me keep it up there...


    It makes me so angry when people say that given time the skin will repair itself. For some people there is no way that nature can repair the damage that is done. Yes I did do the damage to myself (with a little help from my three munchkins :o) ) I have maintained an 80+ lb weight loss for almost 5 years now. It has been almost 3 yrs since my last baby was born. I have had some some improvement over the years but what is left is going to be what I am left with and it is only going to get worse as I reach my ultimate goal. I won't gain back what I lost and even if I did my stomach will never stick out as far as it did with my pregnancies. That wrinkly raisin like appearance isn't something that any amount of strength training is going to fix. I will do all the work and get as far as I can with nature on my side with proper eating and exercise but there is an amount that is going to be left that nature just won't be able to help me resolve...

    You know - the first thing I see is that you have a lovely defined waist! I've had three children have have yo-yo dieted for years and years - with each pregnancy I gained huge amounts of weight - so my tummy doesn't look significantly different to yours - i understand how in a perfect world you would like it flat - but at the end of the day this isn't a perfect world and there are so many more important things to be thinking about - I think maybe we are not so ready to accept ourselves because we don't realise that hey - actually, most of the female population of childbearing age or older - are walking around looking very similiar underneath their clothes!!! Everything is photoshopped now - we live in a make believe world. There are a million and one other things I personally would rather be spending my time thinking about... and my money on! :)
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    I say it`s your body,you decide what`s right for you.
    Good luck
    I would do research and be sure that`s what I want to do.
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    Perhaps you will want to save the money in advance. That will give you time to do more research and decide if you really want to have surgery. There are different kinds of surgeries and each plastic surgeon probably has the one they do best. A coworker reported that she just had the loose skin removed and that recovery was no big thing. I had a consultation and the guy I saw said he would not do that. He wanted to cut my abdominal muscles and sew them together tighter! The cost was more than I was comfortable with and the recovery time was a concern. I looked long and hard at the photos he had of the tummy work he had done and decided that I would get a second opinion. I never bothered to get a second opinion.

    I suggest that you have consultations with more than one surgeon and take a careful look at prior surgeries. You may be unpleasantly surprised at how the "private" area looks after the skin is pulled taut.
  • AshinAms
    AshinAms Posts: 283 Member
    I also have a lot of skin on my tummy from pregnancies and weight gain. I also have about a 7 cm split between my tummy muscles which means I can't do things like crunches with any weight - my back hurts if I do them. I will definitely get the surgery after I've been at goal for a while. I've already been for the checkup and the only reason I haven't already done it is that here in Holland your BMI must be within normal range. I was, at that time, at a BMI of 27. Now I am at 31 but that is a different story.

    I think that the body image problems I have from the loose skin on my stomach are definitely worth getting rid of, and I am 100% not in agreement that the skin will 'come back' on it's own. It won't, especially if it has been stretched beyond capacity by multiple pregnancies.

    I do think that one's body fat % should be quite low just in case there is a layer of fat under there and I do think it's a good idea to be at goal for a year or so, but not for reasons of possible weight gain/seeing if the skin pops back into place. I think the year 'time out' is helpful because it can be hard to get used to being slimmer, and seeing yourself slimmer/having other people react to you being thin and compounding some of those issues with surgery is probably not a good idea.
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    I had a TT and breast aug in the same surgery (mostly bc it was cheaper to do both at the same time). I've always wanted bigger boobs, but after I lost weight (about 8 years ago) I had this roll of skin over my belly button that NEVER went away and I had a huge problem with it. Sometimes I forget it’s not there anymore bc I find myself trying to cover myself with my arms. It is a VERY painful surgery, but worth it in the long run...I feel so much better about myself and he even cut out a whole bunch of my stretch marks :) It’s nice to have a smooth tummy and to be able to wear tighter clothes. The pain is bad, but temporary. It’s all up to you. Good luck with whatever you decide :flowerforyou:
  • BigNathan76
    BigNathan76 Posts: 16 Member
    Wow. My first post!

    I'm going to have lots of "extra" skin as well once I get to my goal(ish) weight. I'm a BIG cat... at 6'2" and highest weight was 425 lbs, but have lost 86 lbs over the last 4 months. I know the damage is done to my skin and it will never be the same (no matter what some people claim). All those stretch marks are your body tearing to make extra skin, and unfortunately the body isn't going to just absorb them back... It's a one way street!

    I guess the point of my post is to say it's a personal decision and that individual has to weigh the risks involved. Money... who cares... you make it to spend it and can't take it with you.

    I have already decided against the surgery for myself. I'm losing for my kids and wife to make sure I'm around when they need me. A little extra skin never killed anyone, but an extra 200 lbs has. Death is a worst case scenario from the surgery. No matter how remote the chances are its still there. Will I be able to walk around the yard with my shirt off... no, but I will be able to walk my daughter down the aisle in 15+ yrs. Hell, if my wife loved me (and by default my body ;-)) at 425, a raisin waist on a 215 lbs frame I'm sure she will be more than happy with.. And she's the only one I have to impress!!!
  • LJSpady
    LJSpady Posts: 311 Member
    I whole heartedly believe that you do need to decide if the pain, cost, and risk are worth it to you. For some it won't be. I saw my mom go through the surgery and yes it was extremely painful. I have seen her scars and nursed her through it and for me I would go through two times to get rid of what I have left.

    I am about to post a pic because as they say they are worth a thousand words I don't know how long my nerves will let me keep it up there...


    It makes me so angry when people say that given time the skin will repair itself. For some people there is no way that nature can repair the damage that is done. Yes I did do the damage to myself (with a little help from my three munchkins :o) ) I have maintained an 80+ lb weight loss for almost 5 years now. It has been almost 3 yrs since my last baby was born. I have had some some improvement over the years but what is left is going to be what I am left with and it is only going to get worse as I reach my ultimate goal. I won't gain back what I lost and even if I did my stomach will never stick out as far as it did with my pregnancies. That wrinkly raisin like appearance isn't something that any amount of strength training is going to fix. I will do all the work and get as far as I can with nature on my side with proper eating and exercise but there is an amount that is going to be left that nature just won't be able to help me resolve...
    I get frustrated too when people tell me that the surgery may not be necessary, especially because I'm so young (I'm 21 years old). By the end of my weight loss journey I will have lost at least 225 lbs (that's to get down to the upper end of my healthy weight range). I know that skin has elasticity, and that SOME of the skin will tighen back up, but the fact of the matter is that I will still be left with a significant amount of excess skin that is going to start rubbing together and causing me rashes and irritation. I'm already starting to get irritation under my arms from skin getting loose and rubbing against my clothing. I refuse to lose a whole person (and not just any person, a 6'3 healthy sized MAN) just to have skin that's gonna still cause me health issues. Besides, surgery is NOT cheap it's gonna take me at least 3 years to save up the thousands of dollars I'll need. That's plenty of time to consider my options. If there's one this that'll make me re-evaluate how much I want something it's a price tag.
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    I had a tummy tuck 3 years ago. Recovery was a breeze. I went out dancing 3 weeks after my surgery. I love the results. I will probably get my back/butt done to match my front. I know many people who have done it and they all love it. In fact I did it after a friend encouraged me because I, too, was having doubts.
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    I had a tummy tuck 3 years ago. Recovery was a breeze. I went out dancing 3 weeks after my surgery. I love the results. I will probably get my back/butt done to match my front. I know many people who have done it and they all love it. In fact I did it after a friend encouraged me because I, too, was having doubts.

    I would check youtube vidoes....I wouldn't call it a beeze, all I can think about is the drains....*cringe*
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