Vegetarians Are Just Better People



  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I've been a vegetarian my entire life and was a vegan for a number of years....Yet, I don't get preachy. I have yet to date a man that's a vegetarian, I have yet to convert any of my friends to my lifestyle, I have yet to go to my mothers house without having her ask if I want bacon and eggs in the morning, lol. My lifestyle is no one elses business but my own. I don't force it on you and you shouldn't force your opinion on me. It's that simple.
  • sbarrett7171
    sbarrett7171 Posts: 65 Member
    It's the vegans that try to get hunting/fishing outlawed that truly chap my butt
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    I was a vegetarian for two years and gained 30lbs when my weight hadnt budged by even a pound in the five years before that. I also have several vegetarian friends. One claims to be a vegetarian, but eats fish and chicken. Another one of my friends claims to be a vegetarian, but I have a picture of her eating a buffalo wing, and she denies it ever happen. Those aren't vegetarians. There's nothing wrong with being vegetarian, but if you're going to do it, do it right. And don't pretend like it'll help you lose weight. And don't act like you're better than other people.
  • SecretlyBatwoman
    SecretlyBatwoman Posts: 79 Member
    One of the reasons I started eating meat was because I was sick of the other vegetarians making me look bad.

    Another was to spite PETA.
  • Ariyasnow1
    Ariyasnow1 Posts: 117
    Why should we care about what other people are eating? Why does everyone have to nitpick everyone else's diets/lifestyles? Isn't this a form of Ethnocentrism? I say let others eat whatever the heck they want and you concentrate on your own diet/lifestyle. End of story. >_>
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    I am not a vegetarian, but I think it is better to be one if you can. And, I think that in the future there will be more vegetarians and vegans. It's a cleaner, greener lifestyle for the body, mind and planet.
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    Why should we care about what other people are eating? Why does everyone have to nitpick everyone else's diets/lifestyles? Isn't this a form of Ethnocentrism? I say let others eat whatever the heck they want and you concentrate on your own diet/lifestyle. End of story. >_>

    Well said.
  • jtsmou
    jtsmou Posts: 503 Member
    Does being farm raised make fish a vegetable? :huh:
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    Why should we care about what other people are eating? Why does everyone have to nitpick everyone else's diets/lifestyles? Isn't this a form of Ethnocentrism? I say let others eat whatever the heck they want and you concentrate on your own diet/lifestyle. End of story. >_>

    totally agree.

    aggressive smug pushy vegetarians and vegans are just as bad as aggressive smug pushy meat eaters. why does any one need to hammer others with their choice....?
  • Aurelina
    Aurelina Posts: 197 Member
    Ha! They're just like a lot of Apple fanatics aren't they? Many of them think they're better than everyone else and you're completely wrong if you don't do the same things or buy the same things they do. Just makes me laugh.

    oh geez! At first I thought you were talking about the freakin' fruit! yah apples! eat apples!

    LOL snort!

    Mac rules. Mac uses are healthier. Skinnier. Just know.... psychic!!!
  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    Nothing wrong with eating meat. Humans are carnivores, it's what we do.
  • Why is this topic even posted? People should realize that this website exists to encourage others to make healthy decisions and not make others feel bad about their lifestyles. I don't see anything that is educational or has to do with nutrition.
  • purplepollypops
    purplepollypops Posts: 323 Member
    For those of you saying you're a vegetarian but eat fish, please see the definition of vegetarian below:

       /ˌvɛdʒɪˈtɛəriən/ Show Spelled[vej-i-tair-ee-uhn] Show IPA
    a person who does not eat or does not believe in eating meat, fish, fowl, or, in some cases, any food derived from animals, as eggs or cheese, but subsists on vegetables, fruits, nuts, grain, etc.

  • missruiz11
    missruiz11 Posts: 32
    I'm a seafood eatting vegetarian and I still battle with weight issues. Alot of people have wondered why I am overweight if I dont eat meat!! I'm like NEWSFLASH..there are tons of things to eat still..almost everything.

    I stopped eatting meat almost ten years ago due to gall bladder attacks. They would just happen to occur after eatting meat. I had my gall bladder removed and mentally just never could go back to it. Beings I never really learned how to eat like a healthy vegetarian I have been one of the ones to eat the super size fries only, or compensate with lots of pasta , pizza, sweets and too many helpings of side dishes. Now I am paying big time.

    I dont think my mind will want meat again. I cant help but imagine it being raw, no matter how good it smells. But, now I am teaching myself how to eat well and discovering new options..all meat free!!
  • SoCalSwimmerDude
    SoCalSwimmerDude Posts: 507 Member
    I don't see why there needs to be an argument over it, period. I do what is best for me; I'm a vegan for ethical, not health-related reasons. My long-term boyfriend and all of my family are omnivores. So what? I don't force my choices on anyone else just as I wouldn't want other's lifestyle choices forced on me.
    why are we arguing about vegetarianism?
    i am a vegetarian and it was the best choice i ever made.
    I dont care if your not, and you shouldn't care that I am.
    Preachy vegetarians can be the worst types of people. But equally, ignorant meat eaters can be just as bad.

    All of the above. No one likes a preachy vegetarian that thinks they're superior, but no one likes an equally ignorant meat eater.

    I'm a meat eater and my wife is a vegetarian (w/ no fancy name pescawhatever attached). She made that decision when she was 7. I cook for both of us all the time and I understand the rules: Different spoons to stir the different foods, all cheese has no animal rennet, no red meat cooked in the house, change the channel when someone is cooking raw meat, all meat in the house is free range organic, etc.

    Us "meat eaters" need to understand that for veggies that make the decision for ethical reasons, it pains them (and disgusts them) to see animal flesh. It doesn't pain me to look at or cook her tofu and beans so to compare is not really fair. The last time I cooked red meat in the house (after we first got married), she was sickened, upset, and couldn't eat her dinner that night... not because she was being righteous, but because it honestly grossed her out. In fact, she left the house until the smell went away. Because a normal person would be sympathetic to that situation, I haven't cooked red meat in the house since.

    Now, I'm with the folks that get ticked off from the veggies that 'look down upon' others... I really do... but a post like this is just as bad. Just try to see it from the other point of view like I was forced to and maybe you'll understand it better.

    Sorry for the rant, but both sides need to chill.

    Edit: Sorry, one last thing... Comments like "I have Bambi roasting in my backyard if you wanna come over for a BBQ" may sound funny, but it really is offensive to an ethically sound vegetarian... and I don't mean for that to sound preachy at all... I'm just letting you know for next time you're hanging out w/ a veggie or talking to one on here.
  • rosieef
    rosieef Posts: 57 Member
    I do not eat meat, but I don't tend to call myself vegetarian because the word has moral and ethical overtones. I don't eat meat because the tastes and textures of meat have made me sick ever since I was a tiny child, at the age of two I used to try to slip meat off my plate and give it to the dog! It's a phobia really. I know the physiological benefits of meat in the diet but I cannot do it. I am fat because I eat (ate!) junk, like I suspect is the case for a lot of people, regardless of whether their junk includes meats or not...
  • rlmiller73190
    rlmiller73190 Posts: 342 Member
    I've been a vegetarian my entire life and was a vegan for a number of years....Yet, I don't get preachy. I have yet to date a man that's a vegetarian, I have yet to convert any of my friends to my lifestyle, I have yet to go to my mothers house without having her ask if I want bacon and eggs in the morning, lol. My lifestyle is no one elses business but my own. I don't force it on you and you shouldn't force your opinion on me. It's that simple.

    Amen to that :D I'm vegetarian mostly for my own benefit... and my own beliefs.. and my own health.
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    I am a vegetarian(no meat,fish etc) 9 years now and yes i LOVE being a vegetarian and would never go back to eating animals but i have no problem with people eating meat. I have respect for meat eaters and would expect them to have respect for me. Each to there own. Everyone has there own beliefs and everyone is entitled to do as they please.
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I was raised a vegetarian for the first 16 years of my life. This was due to my mother's religion and her many conspiracy theories. As soon as I moved out, I left her church and started incorporating meat into my diet.

    I enjoy meat, except organ meat, and absolutely love my veggies. I never met a veggie I didn't like!! I have found however, that I feel better overall when I cut the preservatives and nitrites and all artificial ingredients from my diet. My meat is mostly organic or at least, humanely raised without antibiotics or hormones. It tastes better to me, and I am very rarely sick (as are my children).

    But, I think this is a choice each adult has to make for themselves.
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    why are we arguing about vegetarianism?
    i am a vegetarian and it was the best choice i ever made.
    I dont care if your not, and you shouldn't care that I am.

    The general impression I get from this thread is people are just stating what their choices are, and why; not arguing. It's great you're happy with your food choice.
  • Adynata
    Adynata Posts: 128 Member
    Quite refreshing to see a lot of non preachy vegetarians and meat eaters on this thread. I'd love to add you all as friends!
  • TheGoblinRoad
    TheGoblinRoad Posts: 835 Member
    My wife and I are vegetarians bordering on vegan (we do some dairy when we eat out). But a vegetarian (or vegan) diet is not automatically healthier. If you eat nothing but potato chips, you're a vegan. If you eat nothing but Snickers, you're a vegetarian. You're probably also going to die real soon...

    Honestly, I think I get more offended by the "EVERYONE SHOULD BE A VEGETARIAN" people more than non-veggies, because I feel like, "Dude, will you shut up? You're making the rest of us look bad!" My main thing is I want people to realize that they have a choice. You don't HAVE to eat meat, and eating too much meat can lead to problems. If you understand that and you choose to eat meat, that's fine with me. Hopefully you'll be eating healthier meat choices (say, a home-grilled free-range burger vs. MickyD's), but what you put in your body is entirely up to you.

    Oh, I hadn't see Scott Pilgrim; that clip was a riot. I'll let everyone know if I develop psychic abilities! ;-)

    Agree 100%. I'm vegetarian as well. 25 years now, since I was 11 years old. I think there are more of us now-the kind of vegetarians that chill out a bit about what others do.

    In fact, I adopted a girl last year, and I didn't force her to convert. She eats meat. What I do for her is try to buy healthier versions and from animals that are not in factory farms.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    How about every just eat whatever types of food they think is best for them without forcing thier views on others.
    I'll eat my steak, you eat whatever it is that you find tasty and just call it a day.
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    I respect the right of individuals to be vegetarians so I hope they can respect my right to put avoid anyone who wishes to make a moral issue out of what I put in my mouth.
    Vegetarians are healthier by epidemology studies, along with the preponderence of clinical studies, and thinner (though you couldnt prove that by me), and large scale animal agriculture is worse for the environment.
    Being a vegetarian works for me and I think it's better for the environment too.
    It is purely for ethical reasons, the largest of which being that in today's society, humans can live a happy and healthy lifestyle conveniently without killing animals in the process.
    Vegans tend to pizz me off because often they think that they are morally and ethically superior because they choose to not eat animal flesh.
    Ha! They're just like a lot of Apple fanatics aren't they? Many of them think they're better than everyone else and you're completely wrong if you don't do the same things or buy the same things they do. Just makes me laugh.
    It's the vegans that try to get hunting/fishing outlawed that truly chap my butt.
    I am not a vegetarian, but I think it is better to be one if you can. And, I think that in the future there will be more vegetarians and vegans. It's a cleaner, greener lifestyle for the body, mind and planet.
    I read somewhere that if the entire planet were vegetarian, it would require that all possible land would need to be farmed in order to feed everybody. That includes cutting down all the forests and growing food on that land, as well.

    I just had to quote all these b/c I found them to be humorous and/or poignant.
    But, I think this is a choice each adult has to make for themselves.
    I agree with this person.^^^

    ETA: Thanks to OP. I think I'll find that movie to be hilarious. :laugh:
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    Either type of diet can be healthy or bad. Vegetarian choice can be total crap, like chips. Meat choices can be total crap too, like sausage. The end result is you shoudl eat 'good' foods no matter what you preference. Neither is 'better' than the other, I do tend to see more people with a superiority complex being veggie though. We 'grow' meat for harvesting just like plants are grown for harvest. No shortage, though with the growth hormones and such our meat seems to becoming lower quality. While plants can be grown easier in a back yard. I am a meat eater and have no plans to change as it does not make me sick or anything. Make the choice that works for you, do not judge others for their choices.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I couldn't do it. I don't understand it. But I don't knock it. I think the body was designed for meat. We are made of proteins and fats. We should consume proteins and fats. And the bio-availability of the nutrients and amino acids in proteins are high. Our body gets the most out of these foods.
  • gemwho2
    gemwho2 Posts: 82
    I am a veggie, it was totally my choice and I love it.
    Admittedly I lived off pasta and other cr@p so was a bit overweight, I've changed that now.
    What annoys me is that I am not one of those annoying preachers, (all my family/friends eat meat and I have cooked meat for them in the past) but theres always people who want to argue about it. Whether its about morals/nutrition/the food chain...I have heard it all!!! Just let me eat my quorn in peace!
  • The only way to obtain vitamin b12 is through meat. So unless you are getting it in pill form (which is debatable itself) vegetarians/vegans are not getting sufficient b12.

    I can absolutely see why some people decide to stop eating meat. Look at the fried unidentified objects you can pay $6.99 at a restaurant for an appetizer. However, there are alternative choices to eating healthier meat.

    And there are a number of vitamins as a vegan that are harder to obtain, including: calcium, iron, zinc, vitamin D.

    Becoming a vegan/vegetarian does NOT mean you are healthier than a meat eater, it can actually mean that you are getting less vitamins and minerals.

    So if anybody wants to preach about how vegetarian/vegan diets are healthier, than they should also know how to counterbalance the nutrients and vitamins they miss from not eating meat. It is much easier to fufill daily requirements of vitamins and minerals through food (which is more beneficial). My point is, is that if you're planning on becoming vegan or vegetarian, you should know the disadvantages that also accompany that kind of diet and understand you have to plan your meals more to get the same amount of micronutrients.
  • blondebiker
    blondebiker Posts: 19 Member
    The only way to obtain vitamin b12 is through meat. So unless you are getting it in pill form (which is debatable itself) vegetarians/vegans are not getting sufficient b12.

    You can get vitamin b12 from eggs, dairy, fortified cereals and non-dairy milks, whey powder and yeast extracts.
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