Vegetarians Are Just Better People

AniMarieSt Posts: 119 Member
"Don't eat meat! You'll lose weight. It's healthier for you." :explode:

"Meat is a must and is a natural part of one's diet. It provides key nutriets, etc." :mad:

The vegetarian argument always makes me think of this scene: :laugh:


  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    I have a couple of people who live with me who are vegetarians but still eat fish...

    I asked them one day why they dont eat meat...
    My future mum in law said it makes her ill... (fair doues)
    And my future sister in law said that she doesnt eat meat because then the farm animals will become extinct but she eats fish because there is a limited supply...
    So i said to her that animals that live on a farm have been bread to be eaten and are in constant supply, infact if it wasnt for humans there is a good chance that there would only be like 100 pigs left the wild, etc... And that if everyone became vegetarians there would be no need to breed these animals and they would slowly all die.
    And that there are not a limited supply of fish now-a-days and that the ways most people gather the fish is damaging our environment...
    And according to her that is the only reason why she is a vegetarian....
    And she is very obese for her age so it is nothing to do with the fat in meat, etc...

    I dont understand it...
    But im sure there are people who have good reasons to of given up the meat..

  • vayax
    vayax Posts: 152 Member
    I eat meat...nothing against vegetarians but I have vegetarian friends that are really fat. So being a vegetarian doesn't mean you'll lose weight.

    I'm pro "everything in moderation" ;)
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    I'm a meat eater. Vegetarians gotta do what they've gotta do but I just don't feel well on a no meat diet. I probably shouldn't mention that our rooster is currently simmering in the kitchen right now...
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    . I probably shouldn't mention that our rooster is currently simmering in the kitchen right now...

    Lol im currently grilling some bacon!
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I am sure if I was a vegetarian I would live longer.

    I'd want to die a hell of a lot sooner though...imagine a life without bacon. Or steak. Or burgers. Or hotdogs. The horror of it all.

    I respect the right of individuals to be vegetarians so I hope they can respect my right to put avoid anyone who wishes to make a moral issue out of what I put in my mouth.
  • vayax
    vayax Posts: 152 Member
    I'm a meat eater. Vegetarians gotta do what they've gotta do but I just don't feel well on a no meat diet. I probably shouldn't mention that our rooster is currently simmering in the kitchen right now...

    That's mean!!!! I love meat a can't leave without it but I couldn't eat an animal that I "have known"

    I think many vegetarians are vegetarians because being vegetarian right now is cool. However some have valid reasons (or for me is a valid reason, this is just MY opinion). As knittponder said they do what they gotta do....just don't try to convert me!!! ;)
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233
    I'm going to have beef carpaccio for dinner tonight, in honor of vegetarians everywhere. mmmmmmmmmmmmm

    Ok Ill add some pounded tuna, too. Double nom nom
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    Yea at eating junk! No offense veggie heads lol
  • BJPCraig
    BJPCraig Posts: 417 Member
    My wife and I are vegetarians bordering on vegan (we do some dairy when we eat out). But a vegetarian (or vegan) diet is not automatically healthier. If you eat nothing but potato chips, you're a vegan. If you eat nothing but Snickers, you're a vegetarian. You're probably also going to die real soon...

    Honestly, I think I get more offended by the "EVERYONE SHOULD BE A VEGETARIAN" people more than non-veggies, because I feel like, "Dude, will you shut up? You're making the rest of us look bad!" My main thing is I want people to realize that they have a choice. You don't HAVE to eat meat, and eating too much meat can lead to problems. If you understand that and you choose to eat meat, that's fine with me. Hopefully you'll be eating healthier meat choices (say, a home-grilled free-range burger vs. MickyD's), but what you put in your body is entirely up to you.

    Oh, I hadn't see Scott Pilgrim; that clip was a riot. I'll let everyone know if I develop psychic abilities! ;-)
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I tried out going veggie for a whopping month, and found myself eating eggs, eggs and more eggs. I couldn't stand not having protein in my diet. I didn't track it, but I FELT like I lost weight while doing so.
    You don't realize how many foods that are non-meat that you can give up. For example, if someone gives up burgers, you give up the fries that are usually eaten with it. I never thought of it that way.

    So even when I ate eggs by the carton, my usual dinners like a piece of steak with a huge spoonful of rice ceased because..I love eating rice and ketchup with ANY type of meat!

    If I ever gave veggie another chance, I feel like I'd do better this time around, since I'm more educated now. :)
  • FitCoachJen
    FitCoachJen Posts: 139 Member
    Oy vey. If you absolutely cannot live without _______, that's an addiction and I feel sorry for you.

    Many people are vegetarian for good reasons. Many people are also vegetarian for silly reasons, like the alleged weight loss that accompanies it, saving the environment without knowing how or why, etc. I was vegetarian for 10 years, mainly to escape my family's horrible cooking and because it always upset my stomach. Whether the two are related, I'm unsure.

    IMO there are various levels of vegetarianism:
    1. Entry-level: You eat restaurant side salads, french fries, ice cream, etc. There are plenty of foods that are vegetarian that no omnivore, carnivore, or anyone else should be consuming because it's processed junk. One thing I don't understand is the focus on fake meats...fake corn dogs, fake chik'n nuggets, etc. I never wanted to eat that stuff in the first place, and now it's the go-to for n00b vegetarians trying to get protein.
    2. Mid-level: You discover other sources of proteins like whole grains, lentils, tempeh, and learn how to cook for yourself so you're not stuck eating french fries. You read labels and slowly discover what all those random ingredients do (xanthan gum? gelatin?). You can fend for yourself in a supermarket, hooray.
    3. Make it or break it: It's a pain in the butt to have to read labels all the time. It's also a pain to visit New England and have to order grilled cheese because that's the only non-meat option they have during the winter (true). This is where most people jump into going fully organic, vegan, raw, flex, pescatarian, omnivore, etc. I don't know many people who have been vegetarian for more than a decade or so and haven't made a conscious effort to fully align with another movement. Personally, I started eating fish again, but I also cut back on dairy. Not to preach, but I've gained energy, I look better, and my body composition has changed. And I was a healthy vegetarian, so I'm on team "eat real foods in moderation" :-)
  • Hooray for "Team Moderation"! I also root for Team Common Sense.

    I'm a vegetarian (for the most part at least, I do take a fish oil supplement and eat fish occasionally) and I get just as annoyed with people who try to preach the gospel of vegetarianism. Anyone who tries to bully you into adopting their specific lifestyle choices (dietary, religious, whatever) is a jerk.

    I also don't eat much dairy... but that's a personal choice because it doesn't sit well with me.... but a girl has to have her ice cream now and then, you know?

    And just because someone is a vegetarian doesn't mean they are healthy. An astonishing amount of junk food is vegetarian or vegan... but I still wouldn't eat it.

    To each her own.

    I do the fish oil and occasional fish consumption because I feel really unhealthy on an entirely vegetarian diet. Yay moderation!
  • Dahamac
    Dahamac Posts: 213 Member
    The rooster in the pot made me think (please take the following with a grain of salt interspersed with a dash of humor).

    When I was about 6 and the family was still together evidently my parents had a vision of being farmers. They didn't know that they moved to the country and intended to grow all our own food so that they would have a sustainable lifestyle. We had the 2 acre garden, chickens, hogs, cows, fruit trees, and whatever we could forage wild (such as a huge blackberry bush). So at an early age, I readily associated the dinner plate with its natural source.

    We had chickens, Rhode Island Reds to be specific and I fondly remember Henrietta. I'd go out with Dad and gather the eggs, feed the chickens egg mash, and pet Henrietta. She was my pal. Then one day... these two men showed up at the house and Mom and Dad looked excited and worried all at the same time. I soon discovered it was Chicken killing day.

    Within a few minutes we were in the midst of the chicken pen and these two strangers proceeded to demonstrate how to ring the chicken's neck and de-feather in hot water. So I figured I'd help, grabbed a stick and proceeded to dispatch chickens (stick+head+kinetic energy=). Yes, including Henrietta. We ate Henrietta that Sunday after lunch and it was indeed good eats.

    So no, I don't understand vegetarianism but neither do I try to dissuade someone of that persuasion. However, as I have grown older I have learned that the commercial chicken, pork, and beef that we eat is radically different than Henrietta. I have also come to understand that we in America eat far more meat than necessary. So even I attempt to make progress but still I remember we fed the hogs slop that was essentially a vegetarian diet and then we ate the hogs. So for me to be a vegetarian would feel like I was slipping backwards on the food chain.

  • I don't eat meat but will eat fish. And the only reason for this is for some reason I have no problem catching, killing, scaling, cleaning and cooking a fish. However, I will not, under no circumstances kill Bambi or her friends. :sad:

    Its really a moral choice for me. I do not preach, and I definitely don't push it on other people. There are some sick people out there that get great satisfaction torturing animals prior to the actual slaughter, and this is my way of staying as far away from that as possible. Those PETA videos and Skinny ***** were enough to put me over the edge.

    I don't do it maintain my weight, however, eating like I do I find I get to eat a lot MORE of things in order to get the right calories in each day, which I LOVE, as I LOVE TO EAT.

    To each their own; but please, just like religion, politics, and whatever else you give a crap about; no one else (for the most part), wants to hear about it when they didn't ask for the argument in the first place.
  • fifibox
    fifibox Posts: 69
    my mums a vegetarian but she eats seafood, something about blood in meat that she deosnt like, also during the depression her mum use to try feed them rabbit and say it was chicken :'(

    I love everything haha
  • Niveous
    Niveous Posts: 294 Member
    "Don't eat meat! You'll lose weight. It's healthier for you." :explode:

    "Meat is a must and is a natural part of one's diet. It provides key nutriets, etc." :mad:

    The vegetarian argument always makes me think of this scene: :laugh:

    I don't see why there needs to be an argument over it, period. I do what is best for me; I'm a vegan for ethical, not health-related reasons. My long-term boyfriend and all of my family are omnivores. So what? I don't force my choices on anyone else just as I wouldn't want other's lifestyle choices forced on me.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I'm a carnivore really....purely because i just cannot stomach veggies. I really wish i could, but i just can't!

    The amount of turkeys and lean beef i get :D
  • SueHerm
    SueHerm Posts: 25 Member
    My primary reason for being vegetarian is because I don't believe in killing outside of self-defence.

    There are plenty of other reasons, though. Vegetarians are healthier by epidemology studies, along with the preponderence of clinical studies, and thinner (though you couldnt prove that by me), and large scale animal agriculture is worse for the environment.
  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    why are we arguing about vegetarianism?
    i am a vegetarian and it was the best choice i ever made.
    I dont care if your not, and you shouldn't care that I am.
  • oxavecamourxo
    oxavecamourxo Posts: 270 Member
    Well, I'm a vegetarian. It makes me happy. That's my business.

    If it's not for you, that's yours.

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