The Beck Diet Solution. How to think like a thin person.

debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
I am going to start the Beck Diet Solution in the next week or so. I have major problems with over eating because of my mindset. That's what this book is all about changing. I want to think like a thin person so that I don't talk myself into overeating all the time.

I would like you to join me. I am going to start with day one of the six week program on July first. Feel free to get the book and chime in on how it is working for you.

I have only read the first 40 pages and already I feel as if I am acting differently and feeling better about my relationship with food. The only thing I don't like about the book so far is her use of the word diet. I am changing my eating lifestyle. Not going on a diet. Just so you know. ;-).

I am looking forward to this journey!


  • mojomarie
    mojomarie Posts: 43 Member
    TELL ME MORE!:) What are the basics?:huh:
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    The focus is cognitive behavior therapy. Basically techniques to question and change the way you think about food. It is not an eating plan but a supplement to whatever healthy diet you choose. If you have ever thought: I know I shouldn't eat this but I don't care, I can't resist this food, I'm upset I have to eat, or this is too hard, I'll never lose weight. Then this system is for you. Being an emotional eater, and for any emotion. Boredom, fatigue, happy, sad. I also am afraid to be hungry for some reason. All these topics and more are in the book. My plan is to post the daily task and how I do with it each day. You can follow what I do. I am not always the best communicator so if something doesn't make sense please ask me to re explain!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I am revising my start date to Monday. Please join with me. I am going to post my task of the day and how I accomplished it. Go ahead and do it with me!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    If I owned it I would totally be in. I got to day 3 before, but I had to send the book back to the library. :cry:

    Good luck! I think it's a great book with great advice. I actually disliked it a little bit because it was so true, and I didn't want to admit it.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I agree with that feeling. Just so you know has it for about $5 with shipping. I ordered it just in case I have to take this copy back to the library. I have realized I need to change how I think if I am ever going to do it. I fit every description in the book!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I agree with that feeling. Just so you know has it for about $5 with shipping. I ordered it just in case I have to take this copy back to the library. I have realized I need to change how I think if I am ever going to do it.
    I love Amazon. I have .50 cents to my name right now though. :frown: School is sucking it out from under me. I'm keeping an eye out for it at book sales.
    I fit every description in the book!
    I know that feeling! Me too!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Why don't you just join me anyway. I will post the task of the day and you can do it too! First day is tomorrow. The task is to record the advantages of losing weight. Write them on an index card and post them here. The index cards are your response cards that contain messages to help you conquer your sabotaging thoughts. So let me know all your reasons for wanting to lose weight.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I am totally going to have to look into this book. Even after losing so much weight I still think about food like an obese person. I wanna think like a thin person.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I have always gotten so far in my journey and stopped. I have cone to find that I Subconciously feel that I am a failure so I proove it to myself every time. I know that to get anywhere with weightloss I need to work on my brain first. I watched a video called the inner weigh. It uses the principles of the secret. You can find it on amazon. I also have been listening to the podcast called inside out weight loss. Renee Stevens ( the host I guess you would call her). Is amazing. I firmly believe and have prooved to myself that my feelings about me stay the same no matter what I weigh. I need to feel good about me now! The healthy weight will follow as I take care of what god gave me. This book is meant to go in conjunction with any diet plan it works on your mind while you follow a diet. I already know what to eat and how to exercise. I just need the tools to put that into motion. That's what I am getting frOm this journey.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Day One: Weight Loss Advantages: List and rate as somewhat important, important, very important

    I'll look and feel attractive Important
    I'll be happy Important
    I'll avoid diabetes and cancer Very Important
    I'll have more energy Important
    I'll feel better physically Important
    I'll feel healthy Important
    I'll accomplish something important Important
    I'll feel more confident Important
    I'll find strength, physically and mentally Important
    I'll know what I want--make decisions easier Important
    I'll feel sexy Important
    I'll want to move and be active Important
    I'll work and play and not be tired Important
    I'll be more assertive Somewhat Imp
    I'll feel more outgoing Somewhat Imp
    I'll be less self-critical Very Important
    I'll increase my self esteem Important
    I'll feel like getting off the couch and taking charge of my life. Very Important
    I'll live in the now instead of the future or the past Very Important
    I'll be a good example to my children and help them avoid health problems Very Important
  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185
    Hi Debnu1 !

    I bought this book a couple of weeks ago. I'm on day 14 today.

    I can say it is really helpfull and how Judy Beck literraly reads my mind. So true I have unhelpfull toughts.

    I will be following you.

    Hope the best for you !

  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Awesome! I am glad to know it is working for you! I definitely feel as though she reads my mind. I am a little nervous to be starting because part of me likes the benefits I am getting from eating what I want when I want. I have to keep reminding myself that a child does what feels good and an adult makes a plan and follows through. (thanks Dave Ramsey)
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Here we are to day two. Today's task is to pick two diets that I would like to do. I already knew what I want to do so this wasn't too difficult for me. The first dietary guideline I am going to follow is the plate division--Where you divide your plate into fourths for each meal and have 1/4 protein, 1/4 starch, then1/2 vegies. I will also have 2 snacks of a protein and fruit/vegie/starch. Not bad. My second line of defense will be to enter all my calories into myfitnesspal every day. I want to see how I do with portion control before I hit calorie counting. And then I am going the extra mile and picking a third option which is to hire a personal trainer. I am also revising the title of my list of yesterday. It is my Healthy eating and exercise advantages.

    How are we doing? Good so far? I started breakfast off right and have slowly fizzled through the day but with this book you don't start the eating portion until day 14 so I am allowing myself the excuse. :)
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Sorry I haven't been checking the forums as much lately (been catching up with MFP friends, mostly, and just getting on to log). THANKS FOR POSTING THE CHALLENGES! I will update with my reasons a little later. I already did that challenge, and I also did it for myself looong before reading the book. It's a great idea! Will catch up soon!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    No worries steph. Today's challenge was to only eat while sitting down. I had a busy morning and didn't even have a chance for breakfast let alone reading what the challenge was so I have to admit I have not done very well today. After standing and eating lunch as I was starved. I know I am not supposed to skip meals but sometimes it just happens. I did a bit better for the rest of the day but have noticed how much I usually stand and eat! It is going to get easier though and I am going to write up some response cards to remind me that just one taste while standing isn't worth it. I can wait until I sit down. It won't kill me to be patient!!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Yikes! I still haven't had much time to sit and just copy the file from my laptop to this computer. I will try and do it tomorrow.

    I like the eat sitting down one. I did that today. I usually remember to do that. I like easy ones. :bigsmile:
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Today is day four, I have to mention that the idea is that all of these activities compile one on each other so that you develop a new trait every day. So I was much better today about sitting down for every meal. (Even though I conjured up reasons to sit and eat m&ms) and I read and re wrote my advantages list. Today's mission if you choose to accept it is to give yourself credit. It is way to easy to not give ourselves credit when it is due. So I give myself credit that I never snacked while standing today. I even found that I recognized when I was full easier because I sat down to eat.

    Lets give credit where it is due, and find reasons that we wouldn't have given credit for usually but where it really is deserved!
  • UltimateLover
    UltimateLover Posts: 306 Member
    Bump. Thanks, i should catch up with these challenges.
  • dianeargie
    dianeargie Posts: 47
    I would like to join this challenge-working tonite so when I get home I will restart the book!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Great the more the merrier!! Let me know how it works for you. I have found it interesting how my thoughts are changing just from reading the examples in the book. It should be easy to catch up too. Or you can do each day one at a time. I'm excited to have company !
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I didn't get to it today. :frown: I'm in too many challenges, and trying to spend less time on the computer at the same time. I enjoy reading your posts though debnu!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Thanks Steph, it is good to know I am not just writing to thin air! I understand the trying to not be on the computer as much, I try to do that too...It doesn't always work though:tongue:

    Ultimate thanks for chiming in, it would be great to hear your take on them. I actually lost a pound this week with only making these changes. I am excited!

    Today's challenge is to eat slowly, this has not been easy. Breakfast I did really well, sat down ate my oatmeal one bite at a time. It was quite good. Then I got busy and as the day progressed I forgot all my challenges as well. I did however catch myself eating while standing and choose to sit down (kudos to me) But eating slowly hasn't been my forte so to speak. I have realized that I need to redo this week, putting all the challenges to work again and better, so that is a warning as to what next week entails. The book says to make a note or set a timer or make a change that will remind you to eat slower. I have not figured out what would work the best for me yet. Well--more tomorrow!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Today has been a day proving that I need to redo this whole week. I have not remembered to eat slow most of the time and I keep forgetting to eat sitting down although I do try and sit as soon as I remember, it is not as easy as it seems. I have been paying more attention to what I am eating though and feel I am getting more veggies for that reason. I even got exercise today--shoveled wood chips around our new play area. It was quite invigorating to work up a sweat!

    So today's challenge was to find a diet coach. Perhaps I am taking the easy way out, but I feel that all of you are my coaches. There maybe be a message or post of desperation in the future. :) I feel though that by writing everything out every night I am more likely to follow through--So any and all responses are fantastic!

    Thanks for reading my daily edition!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Thanks for posting. :happy: I'm glad to hear things are going well for you with just a few simple changes! :drinker:
  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185
    Keep going! You are doing fine and I'm sure you are going to find a way to remember to sit and eat slowly.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Here I am again--I bet some of you thought I was lost! I rather was a little in the holiday weekend but here I am again. I have realized that I need to make time for this. That I can do, even if it is only late at night when I get around to it. Hopefully I will actually start doing my updates in the morning at some point. Today I went over my advantages list again. It is the same, but I actually went and put it up in different places in my home. I put a copy on my bathroom mirror getting rid of some quotes that I just have not been reading anyway. I put a copy on my water mug and I am making a post it note to put next to my fridge it is going to say read ARC (advantages response card) and I will have another that says SIT DOWN! :) So I have completed day one again.

    My brother asked me what I want to get from this--I had to think for a minute, because of course I want to be skinny and at my goal weight. Part of me would want to say that I want to be to the point where I don't worry about what I eat. I don't think that is realistic because everyone thinks about what they eat and put in their mouth. The difference is I want to get to the point where it becomes second nature, where self regulation isn't a chore. Currently I have very little self regulation. If I see food I eat it. I want to self correct quickly as in minutes instead of days...

    Thanks for all your help and support--your responses keep me going as I know someone is expecting me to continue. Thanks for the positive peer pressure!
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    Hi Deb. I am just now reading your posts. I think it is great you are doing this and you are open to sharing with everyone else. If I read correctly, you have posted 6 days so far? I may have to get the book, but for now I will just follow along with you.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Yep 6 days, I think, Since starting over I have not paid attention as much--but I did do Monday through Saturday last week. :)

    So today I reviewed days two and three. Day two was easy as it is figuring out diet plans--no change there. I still plan on 3 meals 2 snacks balanced protein, carb, veggie. I also decided that I will allow myself a treat every afternoon evening, within reason of course. My first backup is to log everything in MFP and second back up is to call a personal trainer.

    Day three is to sit down any time I eat. Still difficult but getting better. It is such a habit for me to just snack on things I am making or to grab something as I walk through the kitchen. I don't even think, I just do--or the thoughts are so fast I don't even realize they are there. I put a note up next to my fridge that says--SIT DOWN! I have decided I need another one but I have not figured out where to put it that I will pay attention to it. I am committing to sitting down for all food and have decided to reward myself for it, the reward you ask? I'll let you know when I figure it out. I have done quite well today with my goals--read my advantages list, and sit down while eating, today. I am feeling good about the whole redoing week one thing today.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I like your SIT DOWN note! I always mean to do something like that, but my family will just make fun of me, so I haven't.
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