The Beck Diet Solution. How to think like a thin person.



  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Great the more the merrier!! Let me know how it works for you. I have found it interesting how my thoughts are changing just from reading the examples in the book. It should be easy to catch up too. Or you can do each day one at a time. I'm excited to have company !
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I didn't get to it today. :frown: I'm in too many challenges, and trying to spend less time on the computer at the same time. I enjoy reading your posts though debnu!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Thanks Steph, it is good to know I am not just writing to thin air! I understand the trying to not be on the computer as much, I try to do that too...It doesn't always work though:tongue:

    Ultimate thanks for chiming in, it would be great to hear your take on them. I actually lost a pound this week with only making these changes. I am excited!

    Today's challenge is to eat slowly, this has not been easy. Breakfast I did really well, sat down ate my oatmeal one bite at a time. It was quite good. Then I got busy and as the day progressed I forgot all my challenges as well. I did however catch myself eating while standing and choose to sit down (kudos to me) But eating slowly hasn't been my forte so to speak. I have realized that I need to redo this week, putting all the challenges to work again and better, so that is a warning as to what next week entails. The book says to make a note or set a timer or make a change that will remind you to eat slower. I have not figured out what would work the best for me yet. Well--more tomorrow!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Today has been a day proving that I need to redo this whole week. I have not remembered to eat slow most of the time and I keep forgetting to eat sitting down although I do try and sit as soon as I remember, it is not as easy as it seems. I have been paying more attention to what I am eating though and feel I am getting more veggies for that reason. I even got exercise today--shoveled wood chips around our new play area. It was quite invigorating to work up a sweat!

    So today's challenge was to find a diet coach. Perhaps I am taking the easy way out, but I feel that all of you are my coaches. There maybe be a message or post of desperation in the future. :) I feel though that by writing everything out every night I am more likely to follow through--So any and all responses are fantastic!

    Thanks for reading my daily edition!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Thanks for posting. :happy: I'm glad to hear things are going well for you with just a few simple changes! :drinker:
  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185
    Keep going! You are doing fine and I'm sure you are going to find a way to remember to sit and eat slowly.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Here I am again--I bet some of you thought I was lost! I rather was a little in the holiday weekend but here I am again. I have realized that I need to make time for this. That I can do, even if it is only late at night when I get around to it. Hopefully I will actually start doing my updates in the morning at some point. Today I went over my advantages list again. It is the same, but I actually went and put it up in different places in my home. I put a copy on my bathroom mirror getting rid of some quotes that I just have not been reading anyway. I put a copy on my water mug and I am making a post it note to put next to my fridge it is going to say read ARC (advantages response card) and I will have another that says SIT DOWN! :) So I have completed day one again.

    My brother asked me what I want to get from this--I had to think for a minute, because of course I want to be skinny and at my goal weight. Part of me would want to say that I want to be to the point where I don't worry about what I eat. I don't think that is realistic because everyone thinks about what they eat and put in their mouth. The difference is I want to get to the point where it becomes second nature, where self regulation isn't a chore. Currently I have very little self regulation. If I see food I eat it. I want to self correct quickly as in minutes instead of days...

    Thanks for all your help and support--your responses keep me going as I know someone is expecting me to continue. Thanks for the positive peer pressure!
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    Hi Deb. I am just now reading your posts. I think it is great you are doing this and you are open to sharing with everyone else. If I read correctly, you have posted 6 days so far? I may have to get the book, but for now I will just follow along with you.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Yep 6 days, I think, Since starting over I have not paid attention as much--but I did do Monday through Saturday last week. :)

    So today I reviewed days two and three. Day two was easy as it is figuring out diet plans--no change there. I still plan on 3 meals 2 snacks balanced protein, carb, veggie. I also decided that I will allow myself a treat every afternoon evening, within reason of course. My first backup is to log everything in MFP and second back up is to call a personal trainer.

    Day three is to sit down any time I eat. Still difficult but getting better. It is such a habit for me to just snack on things I am making or to grab something as I walk through the kitchen. I don't even think, I just do--or the thoughts are so fast I don't even realize they are there. I put a note up next to my fridge that says--SIT DOWN! I have decided I need another one but I have not figured out where to put it that I will pay attention to it. I am committing to sitting down for all food and have decided to reward myself for it, the reward you ask? I'll let you know when I figure it out. I have done quite well today with my goals--read my advantages list, and sit down while eating, today. I am feeling good about the whole redoing week one thing today.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I like your SIT DOWN note! I always mean to do something like that, but my family will just make fun of me, so I haven't.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    :flowerforyou: Steph, so what if they make fun of you...That is a sabotaging thought! You can put it up and before they say anything point it out and say something like I am putting this up so that I can remember some skills I am learning, it would really help if you didn't make any comments on it. My kids and hubby asked me what it was, and I just explained it, that was it. I am also emailing my daily journal to my hubby so he knows everything I am doing. I think that has made a big difference. I know that if I have to pull out a card and read it I won't do it, so I have to put things out where I can see it, if I see it I will read it (I am a little lazy that way) So, don't talk yourself out of something that will help. :bigsmile:

    Today is give yourself credit day. I have always talked about being good or bad when it comes to being healthier (I ate a cookie, I was really bad). The book states that those who are hard on themselves have a harder time staying the course. So instead of focusing on the negative it is good to focus on the positive. For instance. I did really well at sitting down while eating today. The suggestion is to write the word credit on a sticky and put it on the fridge and list the good things you have done every time you see it. Pull out your notebook and make a list of credit worthy behaviors twice a day. Instead of saying that I am bad or being really hard on myself for eating while standing I will tell myself that this is hard But I can get better at it. Next time I will portion out a piece and sit and eat instead.

    I feel that I am getting better at sitting while eating. I keep catching myself, but it is getting easier. Soon enough I won't even be tempted by the little snacky things. Progress...
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I've been writing out thoughts about each challenge so far, but I have yet to post it, cause it's on my laptop... :laugh: I always say that.

    I didn't read all of your last post, debnu, when I saw it this morning, but I just saw my name, and read the first 2 sentences, and I knew exactly what you were talking about, and since then, I've been noticing EVERY sabotaging thought that I've been having. It's a little funny, since in my "response" on my laptop, I was talking about Anthony Robbins, and how he says we should change negative/limiting beliefs. It's along the exact same lines. Thanks for the comment! :flowerforyou:
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Steph, I am glad I could help. I have been noticing all my sabotaging thoughts too--that's why it jumped out at me. It is sooo hard not to think that way, but that is why I am embarking on this journey to fix my thoughts so that I really don't believe that I need to eat half the pan of brownies or else I won't get any. (yes I really think that) Or all the other thoughts that lead me to eat fast or inappropriately. Really I do have control of myself I just need to not give myself permission through thought to eat all those brownies or to keep eating when I am definitely not hungry, etc. I am glad you are on this journey with me!:bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Day Five, Eat Slowly and mindfully. If there is anything I am not that good at, it is eating slowly. It takes a lot of effort, and as I am sure you know, it is easy to forget! The book says to minimize distractions, and eat in a relaxed setting focusing on the food. Relaxed, no distractions?? You have got to be kidding me--3 kids and eating in a relaxed setting? So the book says to take turns with the husband on eating--trade off each day playing with the kids while the other eats. I guess in order to do that we would both have to be home for meals and have a real meal at the table. :) It then says that you need to practice eating with distractions--just minimize them, so no TV (what?) no books (really??) or computer (are you kidding me???) You mean I am supposed to pay attention to my food and my kids and nothing else? Go figure. I realized a while ago that I need to have meals with my kids during the day--I forget to feed them if I graze and am not hungry, they end up grumpy and mad at me and I don't realize why until after the fact. So each meal we are going to eat at the table. I have already started that for breakfast. Now to make the time and do it for lunch too. The ideas given to slow down are to pay attention to the time, then write down in your diet notebook or a sticky note how long it takes to eat a meal. (10 secs? ok not really but I do eat way too fast sometimes) It also suggests taking a sip of water every few bites. Those are the two strategies I plan on using. So ignore my stinkin' thinkin' above and lets think better--I deserve to enjoy what I'm eating and engage in healthy behaviors to reach my goals.

    Being a fast eater probably contributed to my weight gain. Even though eating slowly will take effort and feel unnatural in the beginning, I'll get used to it and then I won't have to think much about it.

    Kudos to those of you who eat slowly already, I am going to put forth the effort to make this work--I can be a slower eater. Even if I have to make the time to do it. I would make the time to go to a life-saving proceedure so why not make time to give my body the fuel it needs to be healthy.

    Today I read my advantages response card twice, I ate slower and sitting down-for the most part- and I gave myself credit. I would even find myself smiling a bit when giving myself credit. It feels good to tell myself the good things I have done. :)
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Another day and more to do. Today I was wondering why I am even doing this. It is a lot of work. Reading my list of advantages helps and I keep remembering Dave Ramsey saying a child does what feels good an adult makes a plan and follows through. So my plan is to follow this book. Time to prove I am an adult and start living my plans instead of catering to whim and desire. Today is find a diet coach day. I am still sticking with all of you. Just having that expectation of my edition out there makes me more likely to write and complete the challenges.  Speaking of which  I have decided to start taking smaller bites to slow my eating. It's working so far although I  have yet to eat without distraction. I have also realized that as long as I put food on a plate I will wait to eat until I am sitting. If I am holding a food I automatically put it in my mouth. Sitting is going well too. So anyway. More tomorrow!!
  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185
    It is a lot of work to change habits. Some days are easyers some are not. Friends are there to tell you : You are doing the right thing by staying on track. Future begins now and everything you do well now will pay in the future. You had a good start and you are doing fine. Keep up the good work !
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Thanks for the reply. I found this quote this morning. It seemed very appropriate: Many people say, “I’m trying to think positively​” but behind those words I get the feeling of struggle, it’s hard, a lot of work, I’m in a battle… those words don’t feel good. They’re also a command to the law of attraction​, which must give more trying! “I love weekends” - was that hard, a battle, a lot of work, or a struggle to say those words? Do you get what I’m saying? Activate positive words! - Rhonda Byrne
  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185
    That is why my motivation response card are titles why I want to be thin instead of why I want to LOSE weight. I dont want to feel like a loser !
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I got this movie called the inner weigh. It says that if you lose something you automatically start looking for it, that is why you gain lost weight so easily. Changing how you think about it, so I am getting thinner, eating healthy that sort thing avoids that subconcious thought process. If you think of weight you think of something heavy, if you think of thinner or getting lighter....I am sure you get the picture.

    All right Day seven. Arrange your environment. Do you have issues with see food?? I sure do. I see food, I eat it. Even if I am not hungry. I find myself now taking something and finding a place to sit so that I can eat it. So today's challenge is to "prepare your home and your environments by putting tempting foods where you can't see them--and by putting wholesome plain view" This won't be that hard of a change, it is just putting it together. I have a cupboard that all the snacks go into already. The real challenge is to put everything away. I already have fruit on the counter. So the next step is to clear everything off so that I can get to it. :tongue: I am also going to not buy anything tempting--if I want a treat bad enough I can make it!!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Day 8, time to make time. I again have left this til the last minute and so have not completely gone through what I have to do. Today's challenge is to make a schedule for yourself--listing what is most important to include in your day and what you don't have to do. I have thought about it but have yet to put it on paper. Tomorrow I will have the whole schedule made up leaving time for exercise, meal planning and prep, and reading of the next challenge. So until tomorrow when we have day 8 redo. :)

    Oh today has been pretty good, I started logging my food again and actually got in some exercise. I talked myself into eating a chocolate treat my husband brought home, and come to find out it wasn't nearly as good as I had thought it would be. I ate sitting all day until dinner when I was starving and still preping the pancakes and bacon we had--so I measured out my food and ate standing up. I felt good because I was making sure I was eating within boundaries even though I wasn't sitting and not being distracted.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I have a major confession to make. I allowed my thoughts to get away from me today and went on an eating spree. All my rules went out the window, I forgot about the book and I wasn't caring. I did really well this morning but 4 o'clock hit and I lost it. Part of me is scared of hunger, I was starving at 4. The other part of me was stressed and wanted solace. I also noted a loss on the scale this morning. I am about to throw the scale out the window. It seems that whenever I see a lower number I lose my drive to continue. I am excited about it but somehow it gives me permission to eat what I want that day. So tomorrow is another day. I will finish Day 8 tomorrow. I have already thought about schedules, but have yet to write it down. Tomorrow is the day. You will see it. If not--I will do 50 jumping jacks. So feel free to check up on me. :happy: