The Beck Diet Solution. How to think like a thin person.



  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    OK, I finally did it. The threat of jumping jacks did me in. :tongue: So the book says to look over your day and see what you can delegate to allow you more time to watch your eating habits. You can put your tasks in order of priority. I looked at my day and realized I sometimes wander a bit aimlessly. I doubt having a 4 month old has anything to do with that... :bigsmile: I am thinking that I can get more done if I actually follow the allotted time and have direction. So---here is my schedule.

    6:30-7 am Exercise
    7 am Eat breakfast
    7:30 Shower get dressed
    8:00 Get kids up and dressed
    8:30 Kid's breakfast, Start morning cleaning routine
    9, continue cleaning routine, run errands, daily work/play
    11:30 start and eat lunch
    12:30 Daily work tasks Afternoon cleaning
    3:00 Snack--protein shake? I am thinking that may help a ton with my afternoon hunger... (I take water, an orange, frozen fruit, a banana and a scoop of protein powder very filling and tasty!)
    4pm start dinner and evening cleaning routine
    6p.m. eat dinner, clean up
    8p.m. kids to bed
    9p.m. plan tomorrow--meals, check calendar, email my daily task
    10p.m. TV/ read
    10:30 lights out

    It seems as though the exercise and planning fit in very well. I hope I have allotted enough time for everything. I guess time will tell. I don't think I will be up at 6:30 tomorrow as it took til past my bedtime to do this tonight. It'll work though, it feels good to me.

    So my to do list for today asks if I have completed last weeks tasks--I have my diet plan figured out, I had my environment clean--but I need to work on it more. If food doesn't get put away it becomes a target problem for me. I have food-seeking eyes (kinda like heat-seeking missiles!) I have also talked to my diet coaches--I started that before I had too!!

    So today I read my advantages card twice
    I keep forgetting about my other response cards (time to pull those out again)
    I ate slowly, sitting and noticing my food for the most part
    I gave myself credit some of the time
    I scheduled my life

    So there it is. Day eight in it's entirety--finally!
  • divalovely
    divalovely Posts: 65 Member
  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185
    debnu1 - keep going ! You are in the right direction!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Hope I can catch up again on the weekend!! Hope everything is going really well!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I think I am going to take a day to regroup and put all my response cards together. Some days I barely have time to read the task of the day, let alone finish it out. I feel it is going well. How about you??

    Today is the day to plan exercise. The nice thing is that the book says you don't have to start out full bore, you can just start with 5 minutes of walking and work up as you feel that gets easier. It suggests using a pedometer and tracking your steps each day, finding ways to get spontaneous exercise. Such as parking farther away so you have to walk more or pacing while waiting or talking on the phone. This morning I actually got up early and walked in place for about 10 minutes. Better than nothing. I also parked farther away than usual at my MD appointment. I felt pretty good about that. I am going to look for my pedometer and see if it still works so I can post my steps daily. I am also going to work up to 30 min of planned exercise every morning. I will alternate strength and cardio. Today I walked tomorrow I will do crunches, pushups, and squats. My eating wasn't the best but I did sit for most every meal--I only caught myself standing a couple of times. I am feeling good about my progress.

    Have a great day!
  • katgirl57
    katgirl57 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello! Would like to join in if you guys are doing the Beck Diet Solution.. I have just finished with my Advantage Response Cards, set the 2 diets and will now be sitting down to eat.. I am so ready to conquer this lifelong demon of weight. When I was in the book, it asked how many diets I have been on... started counting.. WW.. yes.. 4 times.. life time member...Jenny Craig, yes, Atkins , yes and countless other ones.. over 8 that I could remember.. I have developed some bad, bad habits, gulping down my food, eating when not hungry and eating everything in sight when stressed, borded... I am presently on Nutrisystem but I have been using the the Myfitness pal for the last 2 months and love it as it has a great extensive database... I am hoping that everyone here could join together and be each others diet coaches.. i'll be back!!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    The more the merrier!! I love having supporters.

    Yesterday I knew I wouldn't have time to read the chapter of the day so I read it first thing in the morning. The task was to set a goal. The issue with long term weight loss goals is that you don't know how it looks or feels or if it will work for you. So instead of the lofty goal just give yourself small increments to accomplish and then reward yourself. The book recommends 5 lbs at a time and slowly. Even if you are only losing. 1/2 lb a week it is better than nothing and besides the slower the loss the longer you'll keep it off! So my first goal is to lose five lbs which would take me from 188 to 183. When I reach this goal I am going to reward my self by giving myself a pedicure. Today's challenge is to learn to differentiate between hunger desire and cravings. That's going to take some time so I will write about it tomorrow.
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Why don't you just join me anyway. I will post the task of the day and you can do it too! First day is tomorrow. The task is to record the advantages of losing weight. Write them on an index card and post them here. The index cards are your response cards that contain messages to help you conquer your sabotaging thoughts. So let me know all your reasons for wanting to lose weight.

    would love to join.....????
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Pam welcome!! The more people I have following the better I am. I realized yesterday that this is getting harder and if I hadn't already started writing these posts I probably wOuld have quit by now!! So the more the merrier. I would love to hear thoughts on how you have accomplished the tasks and how it works for you.

    I will post the next one today. It's been a harder one for me to accept.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    So I have a major confession. I have been procrastinating this challenge because I don't want to do it. I don't like it. I will be a child now and have a mini tantrum. All I could hear in my head yesterday after reading it was "I don't wanna!" This is crazy but I realized that I was in a bit of a funk yesterday because of it. Really this isn't bad, I am just letting my thinking get away from me. You are probably wondering what today's challenge is...Well it is differentiating between hunger, desire and cravings. I have a major problem with this. I have always enjoyed my see food diet--I see it I eat it. Well this is going to change things up. My inner child doesn't want to change things up and is wanting me to rebel. You see I started wanting to quit yesterday. I just didn't want to write an email, I didn't want to read anymore. I wanted to just throw the book out and forget about it. I am glad I started this email from the beginning because that is why I am sitting here right now typing because I don't want to let you down. Letting myself down is easy, But I can do it for you right now. I watched this show called addicted to food and in it they said that they knew you were making progress when you wanted to quit. Well I must be making some progress then because that thought sure went through my head! :)

    The big problem today is determining whether you have true hunger(where you have fasted for several hours and your stomach is empty) , a desire to eat(not really hungry but eating because there is food around, sound familiar??) and a craving (a physiological and emotionally intense urge to eat). According to this, 90% of the time I eat is because of desire. and I have not even filled out the hunger chart for today. I just already know. I frequently have the desire for sweets after dinner, for the food sitting on the counter, to the point where I don't really ever feel hungry. I have to admit that sometimes I forget to feed my kids because I am not hungry--they remind me so you don't need to call child services...besides this is something I want to work on too. Today I am going to take a chart and monitor my hunger

    So to do this as you are sitting down to eat you think on a scale of 0-10 how hungry you are and write it down, then during the meal about halfway you do the same thing, and again right after you finish and then 20 minutes after eating. You also write your thoughts and how your stomach feels throughout.

    The point today is that if it has been only 20 minutes and up to 3 hours since eating last the urge to eat is probably a desire, not hunger. So wish me luck today. I am off to start my day filling out my hunger chart and fighting the hunger demon--which I really am scared of, so I am going to conquer him today. The book says to do this chart as often as needed until you can differentiate between hunger and desire. I hope that only takes one day but I will probably be doing it again tomorrow as the title of the chapter is practice hunger tolerance. (Ahhh, I don't like that one either!)

    Are any of you scared of being hungry? I don't like that uncomfortable feeling.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    So if yesterday paying attention to hunger wasn't bad enough, today was practice hunger tolerance day. I was not happy at all. In fact I tried to talk myself out of it. But the main thing that really hit me was the statement "hunger is not an emergency." How many times have I felt panicked because I was hungry. I just couldn't stand the feeling and wanted to put anything in my mouth just to soothe the feeling. So today the task was to help me see that I can tolerate hunger and that it comes and goes. Today I purposely skipped lunch. Oh I so didn't want to--but I knew that if I didn't do it today I would keep pushing it off, and besides what is one meal, people can live for a week without food. I will survive one meal--or 5 hours which was the time frame I gave myself. The book said to fill out a form with your discomfort level on a scale from 0-10 I didn't do that because I have a pain scale in my head from nursing. It works for me. That being said. My worst discomfort was about a 5 in the last 5 minutes of my challenge. The rest of the time I drank some water and told myself I could do it. I knew that at 3p.m. I could eat what ever I decided I wanted. And I was able to wait. It felt really good to be able to say I waited, and to not binge on everything in sight afterwards. I didn't feel that I was more hungry this afternoon--which sometimes I do after skipping meals. Instead I asked myself if I was hungry and paid attention to what I felt. It is interesting the difference it made. So helpful thought for today: Most people don't eat everytime they are hungry or see food. They wait until their next meal. I can do that too.
  • katgirl57
    katgirl57 Posts: 7 Member
    It blows me away how much I focus on eating! And then I realize that is my warped thinking processes and not everyone thinks like I do! I agree with you wholeheartedly that I really do not like the feeling of hunger.
    I have been reading through this book and if I follow it, I can see how it could help me. My main problem is not following diets, it has been the mental piece and working through my emotions and what triggers me to eat incessantly.. Just the steps of eating sitting down and eating mindfully is a challenge for me.. I can eat food and then think about it 15 minutes later and think" did I just eat that?".. You would think that someone who LOVES eating so much would slow down and enjoying each bite!!!
    Tomorrow is my day of hunger.. thanks for jumping in first Deb and now you have encouraged me to go ahead and get it done. I will survive!
    Alot of mental, alot of positive reinforcement. Have my Advantage Response Cards programmed in my cell and I have been reading them daily. Thanks for starting this thread!! Be back later!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I just called a bookstore near me and put a copy on hold....and my hubby is picking it up TONIGHT!!!

    So I'm gonna start reading it ASAP!!!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Thanks Kat and Mama! I am loving the book. I don't follow it 100% as I should, but any little bit is making a difference for me. Kat thanks for the idea of putting the response cards in your phone. I hadn't thought of that, I am going to make an alarm to remind me to read them, and if they are in my phone I'll always have them with me! Awesome! I have felt such a difference in my eating today, just from yesterday's hunger trial. I now know that I can be hungry and it actually doesn't bother me. I have changed my approach to food so much in the last few weeks it is amazing! I would love to hear more about how you are reacting to the tasks....Keep up the great work! (I bought the book too, more than worth it!)
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Today is anti craving day. Because I didnt read the chapter until really late I am going to do the tasks tomorrow. The book gives mindset and behavioral  techniques to use when a craving strikes. Give it a label don't give yourself a choice. Get rid of the food or at least turn your back to it. That sort of thing. You also keep a log saying when you have a craving how long it lasts and what you try to abate it. Also write down how bad it was on a scale of 0-10. Then you also make a list of what you do to distract yourself and how well it works.   So tomorrow I am going to strengthen my resistance muscle and as I do so my cravings will start to diminish. Thought for today "to weaken the intensity and reduce the frequency of cravings, you have to atop giving in to them."

    I am feeling quite good about controlling my hunger. I was able to stop eating earlier. I have not felt an urgency to eat and feel rather on control that way. Yay. Me!!!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I am feeling quite good about controlling my hunger. I was able to stop eating earlier. I have not felt an urgency to eat and feel rather on control that way. Yay. Me!!!
    Congrats! That's really great to hear!!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Sorry I have been MIA. We went on a camping trip this weekend which was a lot of fun. Now it is back to the usual again though. As far as cravings go. I realized that I have not been craving anything lately as I don't give myself time to. I tend to just eat my desires which take care of the cravings before they hit. I have read the chapter twice and will do the challenge when a craving strikes. The next task or day 14 is to make a plan. When you fly by the seat of your pants it is difficult to monitor your eating let alone stay on track. So the book suggests writing your planned meals for the day the night before writing down all the meals and snacks you plan on having. This way if something isn't on your plan you can eliminate spontaneous eating, remember what you are supposed to eat and when. Make decisions about what you are going to eat before encountering trigger foods. If you have already decided what you are going to eat there is no struggle involved. This will only take a few minutes every night so why not maximize my chances of success by doing this one simple task??!!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Today has been a good day. I didnt follow my plan exactly but I did stay within my calories and followed my basic idea. Today's task is to take the meal plan that I made and check off the foods I planned and ate, cross out the ones I didn't eat and circle and write the foods that I ate that were not planned. My plan changed a bit through the day but as I changed I changed what was written. 
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Today's task is to give yourself no choice. If you have no choice to make then you don't have any problems making one. So I now have no choice but to follow my eating plan. I realized that I should make more things "no choice" like loading the dishwasher every night, or folding laundry right after it is dried. No choice, to what I do. I did really well with my eating today again. Turned down icecream tonight--no choice. :)
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Today's task is all about ending overeating. This one just makes me nervous thinking about it. You are to purposely put extra food on your plate with the intention of not eating it. Then use the anti-craving techniques (no-choice, distraction, distance) to avoid eating more than what was planned to be eaten. I don't always clean my plate, but the thought of purposely putting a whole extra serving of something on my plate is very disturbing to me. Really though, this won't be a big dael the worst thing that could happen is that I didn't need to do it. I might not learn anything from this, or maybe I will learn a lot. The suggestion is to make a response card that reads, When I feel anxious about having extra food on my plate, I'lll remind myself that even if I want to eat it, I can use anti-craving techniques.

    So I am going to try this tomorrow. Today I bought an extra sandwich for dinner and ate half of it. I didn't have a set plan today so everything changed eating wise, and I did sneak a few extra treats that I wouldn't have otherwise. But tomorrow I will be better.

    Tomorrow I will purposely put more food on my plate and if I am tempted I will tell myself that it is great that I'm not eating this, II am getting closer to my goal, I am strengthening my ability to resist. I can always save it for another meal. Wish me luck. Its not going to be the easiest task!