No One Notices

suzieqj Posts: 25 Member
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
I have been working so hard to lose this weight and I just wish someone would notice that I have lost 25 1/2 pounds. It almost makes me cry to think I weigh so much that no one notices when it took me 11 weeks to do it. I can tell because all my clothes I normally wear are getting very loose and I can wear clothes that I haven't worn in over 3 years. I am doing this for me and my health so I will be around for my family.But I really would like to hear somebody say "HEY HAVE YOU LOST WEIGHT!"


  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    Sometimes, people notice but they don't say anything...don't get upset, you've done a GREAT job.
  • rundgrenfan
    rundgrenfan Posts: 211
    I hear you! I keep wondering how many pounds until it is totally obvious. Or does nobody ever look at us??
  • Wanda66
    Wanda66 Posts: 63 Member
    Keep at it. Your motivation shouldn't be from someone else noticing how you look. It's all about you and how you see yourself. Great job!
  • 87beckyRN
    87beckyRN Posts: 34
    I completely understand. I'm doing this for me, but some recognition from someone else would be nice occasionally. My mom always says how much weight I'm losing, but I would like for someone other than her to notice.
    Keep it up!!!
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    A LOT of people won't say anything to you because they don't want you to think that they thought you looked bad before. It took me about 40lbs before people started saying something to me without me mentioning something.

    So I started just saying, Geez these pants are huge with all this weight loss. Then people would go "omg I totally noticed but didn't want to say anything".
  • Inspiredtobe
    Inspiredtobe Posts: 53 Member
    I agree with the above. When you lose weight, some people notice but don't say anything about it because it might be rude. Hang in there, you're doing great! Don't give up!
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    It takes awhile sometimes... but someone you haven't seen in a long time may notice right away. That's usually how it works for me aside from a handful of people I work with who have actually noticed.
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    It takes awhile sometimes... but someone you haven't seen in a long time may notice right away. That's usually how it works for me aside from a handful of people I work with who have actually noticed.
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    Many people get offended when you make any sort of reference to weight. Maybe they are afraid of offending you.
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Same here. Today i wore a top i haven't worn for ages and said to my oh I think you can see i've lost a bit of weight in this now can't you? he looked me up and down and said he wasn't sure. He asked me the other day where the almost 2 stone went from as i don't look any different. It's really demotivating.
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    Sometimes, people notice but they don't say anything...don't get upset, you've done a GREAT job.

    Ditto! Keep it up! Some people might be jealous. And I know guys are funny about commenting because they're afraid things will be taken the wrong way. My hubby thinks things like weight loss and haircuts and new clothes are *scary* to comment on, because 1) it might come out the wrong way, 2) it might have taken him WAY too long to notice or 3) he'll be totally wrong in what he thinks has changed.

    Keep your head up and keep doing this for you! :flowerforyou:
  • natoya_j
    natoya_j Posts: 21
    I agree with the previous reply, sometimes people notice and will not say because they may feel a little uncomfortable saying so or may not realize the significance. One of the things I have done to motivate myself is to be my own cheerleader. When I lost my first 2 pounds, I was extremely ecstatic and for every pound lost I congratulate myself. This weight loss journey is about you and you should look at yourself in the mirror and say "good job, I look f%cking sexy".
  • isabelk
    isabelk Posts: 153 Member
    There's a woman at my church who I know must be losing weight right now. She's lost about two sizes I think, maybe more. I'd love to say something complimentary but I don't know how to do it without it sounding like she was heavy before. I was heavier than she ever was back in December.

    I'm worried "you've lost weight" sounds like "you were heavy before", even though I love it when people notice my weight loss!

    So I almost never say anything like that. I bet a lot of people are noticing you and they are afraid to say anything.
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    they've prob. noticed but alot of times ppl dont say anything because they dont want u to feel like u were fat before, but trust me after awhile they will say something im 5ft 3 SW 182 CW 140 and at my current weight is when everyone says something at first no one really said anything or if they did i wasnt sure if it was because i had said i was trying to lose weight. Dont worry keep it up they will notice! and then the praise will get kinda awkward like when ur mom is shopping and told the sales associate how well your doing with ur weight loss before you get there then you show up and she goes THATS MY DAUGHTER. all in all people will say something also its hard when you see someone everyday, one day it'll just snap in their ends to say something,your doing great!!
  • peytjalmom
    peytjalmom Posts: 76
    I was there, 25 pounds lost and not a peep. Now I've lost 35, still in the overweight category on the BMI scale, and now I hear, "You've lost weight! You re not going to lose anymore are you?" Can t win! Don t focus on others. Lose weight for yourself. Only a few know how to really compliment graciously. Got my first "GIRL YOU LOOK GREAT!" the other day and it felt good, but that's not what i m doing this for.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    It depends a lot on your height I think. I've lost 45lb and people are just starting to notice now. I am tall and even at my heaviest people didn't believe I weighed what I did.

    I must say though comments I have received lately were not "hey have you lost weight" they have been more "you look great......." or "have you been working out" etc.

    I think this is a nice way of giving a compliment without sounding like hey you were fat before
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    Don't worry about what others think. The only thing that matters is what YOU think. You know what your progress has been and 25 1/2 pounds is great. I want to get one of those plastic blob things that represent what 5 pounds of fat is and set it on my dining room table. That would be a great motivator for me. I suggest you post a before and during picture in the before and after thread. Take a look at those pics, they are amazing. The thread has over 56,000 views and hundreds of posts. Good luck to you and keep the faith. We're all behind you.

  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    alot of people wont say anything even if they do notice because they dont want to offend anyone in case you havent lost and dont want to upset you. Also, people loose in different places... for me people notice because I lost an inch in my neck; but if i wouldve lost 25 pounds straight off my stomach and not in my neck, people wouldve taken longer to notice.

    Also, people that are around you every single day wont notice as much as people you havent seen for awhile.. i know i have friends I havent seen since i weighed 325 and now that im nearing 275 i bet I will look alot thinner to them; than say my boyfriend who sees me loose weight everyday and doesnt notice a few pound difference (he can tell ive lost weight u know what i mean?)

    Im also wearing the same clothes i was when I was larger and havent gotten any new clothes so alot of my stuff is baggy now and people might mention ive lost weight because maybe they remember how i looked before in certain pants or certain tops, and notice im not filling the same outfits out as much...
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    ^^^^I agree. When they do start to notice, it will make the wait worth every minute. It will happen I assure you.
  • BabyDuchess
    BabyDuchess Posts: 353 Member
    Don't worry about what others think. The only thing that matters is what YOU think. You know what your progress has been and 25 1/2 pounds is great. I want to get one of those plastic blob things that represent what 5 pounds of fat is and set it on my dining room table. That would be a great motivator for me. I suggest you post a before and during picture in the before and after thread. Take a look at those pics, they are amazing. The thread has over 56,000 views and hundreds of posts. Good luck to you and keep the faith. We're all behind you.


    Flat blob thing......great idea! :flowerforyou:

    And I agree 25 1/2 lbs is nothing to sneeze at.....People will start noticing. It took a while for people to notice mine too and today when I walked in the gym, there was my before and during pictures posted on the board and people were noticing then!
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    It was only when I had lost about 60 lbs that people at work that I had not spoken to about my weight loss started commenting - and the mostly when they found me in the kitchen preparing a healthy salad while the were heating up their pies....

    One guy actually told me had noticed, but did not think it was polite to they will start noticing, but it might take a bit longer before you get comments.....

    But I also found that once people knew about my journey they are my biggest cheerleaders...... In my office at least 6 others are now using MFP after being motivated to start their own journeys.....

    I think they are thinking "heck if she can do it it can't be all that hard"

    Fantastic result - keep on going - the benefits - and how good you will feel (if you are not already) is worth so much more than other people's comments......

    My biggest compliment - "you have a sparkle in your eyes"
  • Dootzy1
    Dootzy1 Posts: 2,325 Member
    It was painful to read the comment. (from your husband?) Think how much better your body functions without the extra weight. Because, really, vanity may be what drives us to begin the weight loss, but this lifestyle will bring us into optimum body function for the long term. The people that see us every day get used to our overall proportions, and since we may still have the same basic proportions, though smaller, they don't analyze it as much as we do. Don't undo your hard work because of someone's thoughtless comment. You are WORTH this!
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