Salamanda25 Member


  • Hi! Feel free to add me! I'm hoping to lose 70lbs!
  • Feel free to add me!
    in Help Comment by Salamanda25 January 2016
  • I'm a Carbo-holic too! I just started (again) on Monday! Dropping the soda is going to be my biggest problem, but I'm 3 days in soda free, so its a step in the right direction! I suffer with anxiety as well, but I think I'd be able to ween off those meds if I were to lose the weight!
  • I'm trying to quit soda as well. I went cold turkey two days ago. So far, other than the headache, I've done well. I don't have any in my house, so that helps, and I don't keep any change on me, so I can't hit up the vending machine at work! Whenever I get the urge for a soda, I drink some water, and I jump on the scale…
  • I'm trying to drop 70lbs, so 30 by June sounds great! You can add me!
  • Hi & Welcome! Feel free to add me!
  • Good Job!! I finished my second yesterday! Hoping it becomes a habit!
  • I want to buy a matching Bra/Panty set that both pieces actually fit on!!!!
  • Pretty much any music from the 80's, OR I'll watch M*A*S*H while I work out at home.
  • Good Luck on your journey! I have an amazing cookbook to lower the calories on some of most peoples favorite foods, so if you need anything, let me know! (I'm close to Philly, so now I have a recipe for a low-cal Philly Cheesesteak! Yum!) Looking forward to hearing of your success!
    in Hello! Comment by Salamanda25 March 2011
  • Great job! That's awesome!!
  • I'm starting Curves today. I've always been too self conscious to go, but It's time to focus on me and that dang swimsuit in the closet! You can do it!
  • Hi!! Welcome! This is a great site!
    in Newbie Comment by Salamanda25 March 2011
  • Hi, Vanessa! Welcome to MFP! I'm new too, I'll add you!
    in Hello Comment by Salamanda25 March 2011
  • You can do it! We're here to support you! We'll do it together. I've been through 3 diets this year already, it's time for a change!!
  • Hi, Brian! Welcome! Funny how marriage does that to you, huh? Both my husband and I packed on the pounds after we got married. (That must be some cake to do that to us!!) Good luck with your weight loss!!!
  • Hi! I'm also a first time mom that stumbled upon this site this week! My baby girl, Tessa, is certainly my motivation. She's running all over the place, and I don't wanna be the fat mom chasing her!!!
  • I met my husband on MySpace. Funny thing was, we only lived 2 miles apart and had never met each other!!!
  • Welcome to MFP! I just started as well!
    in Hello Comment by Salamanda25 March 2011
  • I don't know about actual insurance, but I know that if you get AFLAC, there are some perks to it. You have to have it for 10 months before the baby is born, but once the baby is born they'll send you a check for delivering. I think I got close to $4k after my daughter was borns, it's more if you have a C-section. You also…
  • I have a timeshare that I bought last year....Gonna give St. Maartens a try this year...I hear that the water is beautiful! Now to make it so that I don't look like a beached whale when I'm on the beach......
  • I am a dork b/c I just figured out how to download music into my phone and I'm stocking up on Boston tunes!! (and maybe a little bit of Air Supply too!)
  • Definitely an emotional eater. I suffered with Post Partum depression, I'd practically eat my weight in food most days! The depression is taken care of, but I've found myself craving the foods I ate through depression now when I'm bored/Pissed/anxious.......Gotta try to break this cycle!
  • Hi! I'm new to the site as well!! Feel free to add me!
  • Hi! My little girl is 16 months and I'm here for the same reason!