Need Motivation

I am at the point where I will do anything to lose 3o lbs. I want to hit up the beach and look fabulous but my motivation is some where but with me... please help!

I've even thought about going back to the gym! I feel like I am losing myself a little! Any suggestions?

I clean my house all the time (mild OCD, and I dance a lot, but I need more)

PLEASE HELP!!!!!! (I think I want to cry a little)!

GYM!! Should I go back?


  • Salamanda25
    Salamanda25 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm starting Curves today. I've always been too self conscious to go, but It's time to focus on me and that dang swimsuit in the closet!

    You can do it!
  • Karmenka
    Karmenka Posts: 6

    I think u should try joining a Zumba dancing class if u like to dance, it will burn lots of calories. I go to Zumba dance class 2-4 times a weak but im soooo stuck with my weight.

    Sometimes i feel very down because im trying so hard, eating less... I think im very obsessed what i eat and when i go somewhere where theres lots of food on a table i just "jump" into food like i did today and then my scale is very very mad :P I dont know how to stop thinking so much about food , i think thats what stopping me from losing weight.

    I wrote a message to few myfitnesspal users for the add but there was no one answering. So if anyone wanna add, exchange recepies, or just talk usually stuff, and support each other, here i am :) I dont bite so.. :P

    Have nice day! Karmen
  • FitRodr
    FitRodr Posts: 353 Member
    Hey there you! I agree with the Zumba part. My sis-n-law goes a couple of times a week and feels great. Me, I do my stretches & yoga and a couple times a week I add in some sassy 80's dancing. Prince really gets me moving LOL. I don't know where you live but if you can WALK, put on your MP3 player and block out the world. Not only good for you physically but mentally too. If the gym worked before then go for it. For me, doing something at home gives me NO EXCUSES. Discipline... they say if you do something for at least 30 days it becomes a habit.

    How do you feel after you exercise? If you can keep that feeling on the surface and use it for a reference you'll want to do it. Get a calendar and write E''s on it everyday you exercise. Put it in a very visable place (next to the bathroom mirror). You won't want to see days with no E's. Not everything works for everyone. Spend some quiet time thinking about it... what motivates you? Seriously... set aside a 1/2 hour today or tonight. Just sit and think about what you want to accomplish and how you will get there. Push everything else out of your mind, focus.

    You can do this! You are a strong woman! You are beautiful! You are healthy!

    I'll keep an eye out for your exercise and try to remind you. Hang in there chick!
  • cvaneaton
    cvaneaton Posts: 154
    Just saying hi. Zumba sounds fun I plan orntrying this on Thursday evening!

    I have gotten back to excercising and my energy level is getting better.

    Cheers to trying!:flowerforyou:
  • Karmenka
    Karmenka Posts: 6
    Well i feel great after zumba. Happy, and full of energy. When i wake up i still feel great, like my body was saying thanks lol. i will remember your E advice it is great, i will write it tomorrow as soon as i wake up. thanks for your nice post it was nice reading u, and thanks both for adding me.
    Its time for me to go to sleep and ill talk to u tomorrow. :)