Binge eater

Hi everyone.

im trying this to see how i get on. Ive had problems bingeing, and with yo yo dieting for few years. im an emotional eater. is anyone in the same boat?

Id love to hear from u...


  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    Emotional eater here! LOL I have been trying to do our Wii Fit plus when I feel stressed/lazy/crabby/pissed/etc... That seems to really help.
  • catysthename
    catysthename Posts: 278 Member
    Yep! I lived in a crappy apartment, even though i was with my boyfriend, the place was trashed before i got there. The look of the place I had to call home was just gross. It made me feel depressed, not to mention it was pretty dark in there. I ate chinese take out for about 5-6 months and went on random other fast food binges too. I gained 20 lbs in a year. Now we're moved out of that apartment and into a cute house. And then i decided to take control.
  • Kerryanne85
    I am definitely a binge eater. I will go 3 weeks being very very strict and lose 20 pounds and then something or someone will piss me off and I will say - why am I doing this to myself - screw this!! and I will eat everything in sight and gain back 25 pounds. It has been very hard to break this cycle and as a result of my binging I am still overweight even though I am a relatively healthy person. I can't stop the binging when I get upset. I am still trying to figure out how to stop myself from doing this.
  • Inkedsquid
    Yeah, I'm the same way. And I'm not the type of person to be super strict, like if I have exercised and done well with my eating for the day, I won't shame myself for having 3 or 4 hersey's I know it's not me depriving myself of something. I will be doing so well and then as soon as something upsets me I run straight for my comfort foods. Thursday night I undid a weeks worth of work by eating 4 oz of reeses pieces and 4 oz of mike n ikes during one popcorn. Ugggghhhh. :(
  • Aetarac
    Aetarac Posts: 135 Member
    Emotional eater here, mostly boredom or stress triggers. Have been pretty good about keeping binging to min but do have indulgence.
  • Salamanda25
    Salamanda25 Posts: 29 Member
    Definitely an emotional eater. I suffered with Post Partum depression, I'd practically eat my weight in food most days! The depression is taken care of, but I've found myself craving the foods I ate through depression now when I'm bored/Pissed/anxious.......Gotta try to break this cycle!
  • 1979camaro
    Just started on the program a week ago...gained a pound :( I eat when I am happy, sad, bored etc. I am going to give 100% in trying to stay within my calories allowed and exercise...hopefully I can do it on a consistent basis. Not giving up after 2-3 weeks as has been my past behaviour. Tired on always thinking about my weight .....I want to be free and happy.