pauladavies86 Member


  • I totally know what that's like! I have a naturally red complexion as opposed to olive or something so I turn into a tomato SO easily! I hate it! But I've noticed that the longer I work out (weeks/months I mean) the less bad it is. I've gotten over a lot of my fears of going to the gym and looking gross. I don't even wear…
  • I can't give you some of the same wonderful advice some of these other ladies/gentlemen have given you because I can't possibley imagine what you're going through! You are obviously an amazing woman to have overcome so much in your life and I can see your strength even though you may not feel very strong right now. I know…
  • It's hard to replace chips and salsa so really I wouldn't try to when it's what you're craving! If you're like me cravings don't just go away.... That said, have you tried the baked chips by lays? I honestly like them more than fried chips and they're healthier... Right now we have a bag of baked doritos which comes in at…
  • lol. we got an ice cream maker for our wedding (I'll admit I asked for it!!) but it's an electric one and I love it! it makes DELICIOUS frozen yogurt and you can do just about anything with the flavors! everyone should make their own! lots of fun! :o)
  • if it's that late I would just work on eating those extra calories the next day. Your body doesn't know it's the next day... it's not like our bodies reset every day so you can have some extra the next day instead. :tongue:
  • I don't have any furry babies or non-furry babies yet... :cry: I want a puppy!
    in Pets Comment by pauladavies86 May 2008
  • yep, coding for images is a follows <img src= "(url here)"> it stands for image source so it's easy to remember. you need the carrots and the quotes around the url but not the parenthesis. :smile: hope that helps... and hopefully it doesn't show jacked up when I post this since I put the coding in...
    in Pets Comment by pauladavies86 May 2008
  • blech. and I don't even like tootsie rolls either! I'll never have one again!
  • I had to look that up because I didn't know what it was. :laugh: That may be a good option; does it taste more like regular bread crumbs? is it healthy at all? I agree with keri that the filling was really good!
  • they were delicious! the hubby even loved them. I never really thought of putting the rosemary and garlic salt on it... YUM! thanks!
  • I'll be making these tonight with dinner... :o)
  • I made these yesterday but they didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped. The fiber one was not a good substitute breading... I may try to make them without the breading and just a bit more filling because I used really big jalapenos.
  • yikes! that's one of the reasons I never ride the bus... to many pyscho's! Glad I never went to UNLV's gym either... I never had that issue at LVAC but it sucks paying for the gym... :grumble:
  • wonderful post! thanks! I know that the days/weeks I don't get in all my fat calories I don't lose as much weight but I don't think people realize that very much which is a shame!
  • I know! Sometimes it's hard to even eat 1200 calories! 2000 seems like a BIG number! But at least you're already 7 months so in two more months you can work on losing... haha... fun stuff. :wink: Breastfeeding will help with that though! :o)
  • yay!! I love jalapeno poppers!! I'm so excited! I'm going to the commissary to buy the ingrediants tomorrow!! thanks! (plus, I should be getting the HG cookbook in around a week in the mail. :love: )
  • I'm not preggo but I've thought about how I would log calories and stuff if I was. I think you should just talk to your doc. or a registered dietician about how many calories you should be consuming... I haven't looked at how much weight you want to lose but it might be possible to keep losing or at least maintain your…
  • I personally listed myself as having a sedintary (sp?) lifestyle because I think it's based more on what kind of work you do. Right now I don't have a job and am taking a full load of online classes so I am at the computer most of the day and cleaning the house/cooking meals/taking care of the hubby. ;o) I work out for at…
  • I don't have kids but I think that's a great idea! That way they're a part of the planning and you can steer them toward healthy choices. :o) However, if for some reason things don't go according to plan I'd make them eat whatever I did make. I won't cook multiple meals... one is enough work! My nephew's came to stay with…
  • I'm assuming that in Australia you use metric, correct? if you click on the "my home" tab then the "settings" sub tab there is an option to switch it to metric! :o) That should make it MUCH easier for you! I'd be lost if I had to try converting all of that info in my head!
  • Mmmm... I love cous cous. I've never seen it in it's own package at the store though... just those pre-maid mixes. I'll have to look for it! (and see if Scott will actually eat it... hehe)
  • Mmmm... that sounds pretty tasty! I'll have to try it!
  • can I just say you totally rock for posting this??? I've been searching for one but they're usually close to $100 for the cheap ones so I wasn't going to get one at all. I ordered one and am having it sent to my parents house since they don't ship to Hawaii! even with that inconvience it's still a GREAT deal!! thanks…
  • hahahaha! I thought only creepy old guys used come-ons like that!! ... and Samantha from Sex and the City... lol! SO FUNNY!
  • wow! that's fantastic! It's like you lost a small child... lol. Great work, keep it up girl! you will reach your goal weight in no time and feel amazing for all the hard work you've put into it!
  • Mmmmm! That sounds really yummy! I LOVE veggie lasagna! too bad my hubby isn't too fond of the stuff... ;o)
  • yours looks really nice! I ordered one that will work for it... right before I saw your post... now I want the same one you have... lol. oh well.
  • I was wondering if anyone out there uses a food scale to make sure they are eating what they think they're eating. It's kinda hard to know that your chicken breast is indeed 5 oz. so obviously a scale would be good for this kind of thing. I want to get a kitchen scale but I don't know what kind. I have found two I like,…
  • yep yep. I had a nutrition teacher who was a registered dieticion who I asked the same question and she said they are just as good! I always make my smoothies with delicious frozen fruits.. :o)