

  • I know where you are coming from - I'm @ 210 and 5'4"..... but I started at 235! so take heart... (Just think, you are already 2 months ahead of me) :laugh:
  • I'm getting interested in Yoga. I meditate to control asthma and it works very well for me. I'm doing cardio and weights but feel like something is missing and would like to try it. So I'm standing in front of the info board outside the health food store and it has flyers for, like, 200 different types of Yoga!!! (Okay,…
  • I gave birth and after I had the baby I was walking down the street and someone said "oh my god, have you not had that baby yet!!! you must be overdue".... I was devastated. I think what hurt the most was that the person wasn't being intentionally hurtful.... I couldn't even strike back at the person for being an idiot.…
  • The usual .... eat less move more.
  • I can relate!!! I started at exactly 235. For a long time I didn't lose anything but inches, and then suddenly the weight started going. Don't get discouraged and stay off the scale... I started in February and I've just dropped below 210. Keep at it!!! Don't just do cardio - add weight lifting to your workout. It's…
  • Okay, I love fondue... all that oil, cheese mmmm. :love: So I was ready to eat little when I went to a friend's house for a fondue. To my surprise it was done in broth - chicken broth with ginger and another with beef broth and garlic. We cooked veggies and meat in the broth and it was delicious. I'd never heard of a broth…
  • Okay guys... tried my moving my feet around and lost my balance... :embarassed: oh well... I'm going to try to pay more attention next time... I have to admit I was groovin' to some good tunes at the time.
  • I was trying squats with a ball and really watching my knees bent properly by my knees joined forces and mutinied! I'm just doing a variety of leg raises now, but not seeing any benefit yet.... it may take a while though... I'm not giving up yet!!!
  • One more reason to NEVER act your age... your never to old to be silly.
  • bump... anyone have any other exercises?
  • My mum passed away when I was 24 and her birthday always falls near Mothers Day. Every Mother's Day I take time by myself to sit and think of her and all the challenges she faced as a single mum (my dad died when I was baby) and what a good job she did for all of us.... and to say a quiet thank you.
  • Banks... this is tough for you because as a woman I can tell you when we are upset, your going to be staring down the barrel of a gun no matter what you do!!! :explode: First step - this was a huge part of her life - both time wise and clearly where she felt value. To lose this is devastating. It is important to recognize…
  • I found a great book called "Strength Training for Women" by Joan Pagano. It deals with issues specific to women of various age groups and addresses issues like osteoperosis, improving posture and training if you are starting out being very out of shape (that's what I needed!) I'm new to weight training, but I am now 9…
  • YOU ARE MY HERO!!!!!! YOU ROCK!!! :flowerforyou:
  • if you are going to have chocolate go for something and eat when there is no one around so you can savour it without distraction. I love the new "Dove singles" and also Cadbury 100 Calorie Thins Dairy Milk.... helps me to control portions because I know if I had any more I would eat the whole thing.
  • I don't even have hand weights and I feel exactly as you described - my knees even feel wobbly standing up from a sitting position. I'll try your suggestion doing leg lifts - how many reps would you do?
  • I am having pain in my knees when I go up stairs or do squats/lunges. I think I need to strengthen my quads but does anyone know of any other exercises to strengthen the quads that don't involve weight bearing knee bends... I've also had to remove the hill interval training from the elliptical. I've never had knee problems…
  • Ooh especially roasted red pepper hummus... mmmmmm...
  • hummus is a good option if your vegetarian.... but if you buy it, check the fat because it can vary greatly. Some companies add a lot of oil to theirs.
  • I'm bumping because everyone needs to read this.
  • hey don't sweat it - we are all here because we've been there! .... just move forward. Try to fit in a workout today if you can.... I find it always helps you feel like you did something to fix it... I have a set of "emergency" foods from restaurants if I'm in a rush or with the kids that I have from the internet that…
  • There's a couple that works out at our community gym - this little blond girl and her boyfriend -- let's just say they've mastered the art of "gym foreplay".... it's so hilarious to watch and one day this older lady had had enough and went up to them and said: "We pay too much money to have to watch you two monkeys…
  • I'll give that a try - but what are butter buds? I've never heard of that before.
  • Welcome!!! :happy: Making the decision to make a change is 1/2 the battle for sure!!! Glad your here with us.
  • Don't give up!!! It was only in the 4th week that I started seeing results... especially if you are exercising because your building muscle. Those first 3 weeks I was so grumpy it was "steer clear" but keep going... you'll get over this hump. Don't look at the here and now - focus on who you want to be and keep striving…
  • I hope you can help... Sunday morning is usually waffles for the kids, but I'm trying to find a lighter version that won't totally gum up the waffle iron... I"ve tried a few but no luck yet. Does anyone have any suggestions or recipes they've tried that are light and still cook up okay?
  • may_marie - I have disturbing news... I think your my sister, because I totally have the same mother!!!! HAHA. I take a page from the book of a friend of mine whose mother is always criticizing everything she does... not in a mean way, but she still does it -- and my friend just ignores it and says "sure mum".... It makes…
  • I agree - make sure you are eating enough. One of the things that has helped me is making sure I get enough protein, which I find hard. I work out 4 times/week. 40 minutes on an elliptical ( at a reasonable level - never at "boot camp" level), and then 1/2 an hour of weights & abs. On the days I workout, I definitely eat…