

  • eggs and egg whites. beans in-season produce yogurt natural peanut butter ground turkey/chicken
  • I'm logging under Circuit training, general. A HRM can't fit into my budget right now! Good luck shredding!
  • I'm cursed too, but with asthma. :( I feel your pain! I must have looked (and sounded!) hilarious too, with all of my wheezing! You'll be amazed how far you will come. I'm on day 29 - finishing up tomorrow. I pushed myself as hard as I could on each level, taking necessary breaks. I found that by days 5&6 of each level, I…
  • Day 3 was always the worst for me in any of the levels. I'm now on day 29! I started off with 3 pound weights, and have worked my way up to completing all of level 3 with my 5 pounds. My advice is pace yourself, but muscle through the moves. You'll be amazed how much more you can do by day 5 & 6 of each level. I'm going to…
  • I am on day 23, and it feels amazing! Personally, I have only taken 3 rest days, and one was because by day 3 of level 1, I could barely move! I find that day 1 and day 3 of each level are the toughest. But by the end of each level so far, I have worked my way up to be between the two girls (harder than Anita but not quite…
  • I'm much like you - full time student and working part time. My time is tiiight. I've been doing Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred. It's 20 minutes a day. I do it in the morning before I leave for school. It's pretty tough and I've already seen results.
  • Bump bump!
  • ^^^^ THIS! I use 100 calorie wraps, and use lots of veggies and low cal cheese.
  • I take my ventolin inhaler immediately before exercising and it seems to help too!
  • I am on Symbicort as well. I have been for about 4 years or so. Since going on it, I have had fewer flare ups. I still have a ventolin inhaler. One thing I did notice was that if I missed a couple of days in a row, I was really wheezy again. I guess that means I'm on it for life, but hey - it works.
  • Finish 30 Day Shred - I'm on day 16!
  • Mine is open. It's nothing spectacular, but it's open. :)
  • I just started level 2 today. My everything hurts :( But I feel that it went by so much quicker than level 1. I guess that's a good sign. 9 more days and I'm off to level 3!
  • I've been entering it as "Circuit training, general" for 20 minutes.
  • I've been doing both the 30 Day Shred and Yoga Meltdown. Both are amazing and I would recommend either of them. Yoga just uses your body weight, where as 30DS uses your body weight and handweights. I felt it in my arms more in Yoga Meltdown, but both are a full body work out.
  • I just finished day 10 of level one. Going to start level two tomorrow morning, and I'm a little scared. I alternated the first few days between 30DS and Yoga Meltdown, because my poor body couldn't handle it. But I completed the last 8 days straight and I feel amazing. I'm using 3 pound weights. I've already lost two…
  • I also love this DVD. I'm kind of a Jillian Michaels addict. I really felt it in my arms and back. I'm fitting Yoga Meltdown in with my 30DS.
  • It is totally up to you. Sometimes I do, sometimes I go plain. I add a lot of spice to mine, so they taste just fine on their own. I've also been known to eat them with a little ketchup or mustard sometimes. Mmmm. Meatballs.
  • I eat turkey/chicken meatballs with almost every meal. I'll pair them up with a scrambled egg wrap for breakfast to pump up my protein; with raw veggies & hummus, rice and veg, soup, quinoa, etc. for lunch and supper. They're my fave! :)
  • I usually eat 250-350 in for breakfast (8am), then usually have a snack 80-120ish (at 1030ish). Like others have said, the more protein I eat at breakfast, the longer I go until I feel hungry.
  • I love Farmers Markets. They're my happy place. So much fresh, amazing produce, wonderful growers and low prices. This week I spent $22 and got 6 ears of corn, baby red potatoes, green beans, baby carrots (my FAVE!), blueberries, and a huge amount of cherries. I`ve been happily munching this weekend. I`ll be sad when fall…
  • Breakfast: *Couple tbsps of peanut butter and half a banana wrapped in a whole wheat tortilla *Oatmeal with frozen mixed berries *Yogurt with berries, kiwi and 1/4 cup of Fiber Plus *Apples and peanut butter, with a yogurt Lunch: *Chicken, avocado and mustard in a whole wheat tortilla or pita *Low sodium soup or chili…
    in Food rut Comment by littlenoms May 2011
  • Chicken wraps and Greek style salad.
  • I went out for lunch today (for the first time in what feels like forever) and ate too much Chicken Curry and rice. My tummy is paying for it now though. Ouchie.
  • Once a week, Friday mornings before breakfast and my shower. I usually take my measurements every 3-4 weeks.
  • A homemade rice bowl with leftover burrito filling (lean ground turkey & black beans), brown rice, a couple spoonfuls of salsa & greek yogurt, and topped with some cheese....with a side of carrots. I'm so excited. Mostly for the cheese. Haha.
  • I work similar hours and bring my lunch to work with me. I have an insulated lunch bag which helps to keep things cool. Some of the typical lunches/snacks I bring with me are apples & peanut butter; yogurt with fruit (I'm currently on a kiwi kick...yum) and some high fiber cereal (instead of granola); oatmeal; wraps made…
  • I share mine as well. Sometimes to get meal ideas, I snoop through other people's diaries... I figure it's only fair to leave mine open.
  • I try to drink a lot of water, but when that doesn't cut it, I snack on grapes. I bring them packaged in one cup portions, so I can track the calories easier. I also keep almonds on hand for the same purpose. I find having something healthier to nibble on helps me avoid the donuts/cookies/other miscellanous snacks that are…
  • I use it everywhere I used to use some other form of cheese! Spread on a bagel, sandwich or wrap; melted on veggies (especially brocolli and potatoes! Yummers!); mised in with scrambled eggs; with crackers; cut up on a pita pizza; or simply on it's own as a quick snack. I'm currently addicted to the light variety and the…