Jillian Michaels YOGA MELTDOWN

I COMPLETELY RECOMMEND THIS WORK OUT DVD IF YOU WANT A SERIOUS BURN . . . i just finished it and im soaked lol not even joking i think this has become my new favorite yoga next to the biggest loser yoga.

Tomorrow ill be doing the Biggest Loser Calorie knockout extreme cardio for maximum burn. ill tell you how that one is compared to their first cardio work out dvd :)


  • littlenoms
    I also love this DVD. I'm kind of a Jillian Michaels addict. I really felt it in my arms and back.

    I'm fitting Yoga Meltdown in with my 30DS.
  • goforthd5
    goforthd5 Posts: 167
    Would it be a good video for someone who has never done yoga before?
  • sensored44
    sensored44 Posts: 45 Member
    I like Jillian Michaels... bought the kinnect game.. and HATED it... lol. Not sure if the videos will be much better for me..
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    I also love this DVD. I'm kind of a Jillian Michaels addict. I really felt it in my arms and back.

    I'm fitting Yoga Meltdown in with my 30DS.
    ^^This. I'm obsessed with Jillian Michaels even though I'm pretty sure she has it out for me! :laugh:

    I really like Yoga Meltdown but I loaned it to a friend; I asked for it back, but she's still looking for it. :frown:
  • flowergirl73
    flowergirl73 Posts: 153 Member
    Yes, this is a real workout for me too! I could feel it in my shoulders and upper back the next day. I find the side planks (I think that's what they're called) to be a real challenge. I can definitely tell that my left arm is stronger than my right when I do this move. Doing my meltdown later today after laundry. Maybe follow it up with a shred tonight!
  • flowergirl73
    flowergirl73 Posts: 153 Member
    I also love this DVD. I'm kind of a Jillian Michaels addict. I really felt it in my arms and back.

    I'm fitting Yoga Meltdown in with my 30DS.
    ^^This. I'm obsessed with Jillian Michaels even though I'm pretty sure she has it out for me! :laugh:

    I really like Yoga Meltdown but I loaned it to a friend; I asked for it back, but she's still looking for it. :frown:

    You can watch it on youtube.
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 558 Member
    Would it be a good video for someone who has never done yoga before?

    You don't need to know yoga to do this video. She uses yoga poses but only as a means of body weight training. It is a great workout. Very challenging with no impact. I use it in between running days when I'm training for a 1/2 marathon and running 4 times a week and want to give my legs a break.
  • dlbinin
    dlbinin Posts: 66 Member
    I just did this for the first time today. I liked it. I was dripping with sweat!
  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
  • MommaBelvin
    MommaBelvin Posts: 130 Member
    I just did this for the first time today. I liked it. I was dripping with sweat!

    ME TOO!!!
    also if anyone wants to friend me feel free!
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    I also love this DVD. I'm kind of a Jillian Michaels addict. I really felt it in my arms and back.

    I'm fitting Yoga Meltdown in with my 30DS.
    ^^This. I'm obsessed with Jillian Michaels even though I'm pretty sure she has it out for me! :laugh:

    I really like Yoga Meltdown but I loaned it to a friend; I asked for it back, but she's still looking for it. :frown:

    You can watch it on youtube.
    Yeah, I discovered that after I made my post. Then I saw a workout on the side bar called "Buns of Envy" and that got my attention. I have a horribly flat butt, so I think I'll give that a try!
  • thistimesucess
    thistimesucess Posts: 169 Member
    I'm thinking of starting this. I was doing 30 day shred - loved level 1 but found level 2 too tough. My arms were just too weak for all the plank based moves and I ended up injuring myself. Thought this could be a good alternative.
  • Firephoenix013
    I bought this dvd a while ago, then hurt the muscles in my back doing something from either 30ds, biggest loser, or something else. I may give this a try tomorrow since it is supposed to rain.
  • Firephoenix013
    Another question is, how do you log it? Yoga, circuit, cardio?
  • MissPatty584
    MissPatty584 Posts: 155 Member
    Yoga Meltdown Is awesome! Definitely feel it in the arms/back more. A lot of her stuff is very leg-heavy imo. I have started to add this in every few days to my workouts
  • gspea
    gspea Posts: 412 Member
  • Amyding115
    Amyding115 Posts: 120
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    Another question is, how do you log it? Yoga, circuit, cardio?
    I'm not sure it matters. I joined jillianmichaels.com for the free 7 day period, and according to the calorie calculator on that site, I burn as many calories doing Yoga Meltdown Level 1 for 30 minutes as I do doing 30 Day Shred for 30 minutes or doing 30 minutes on a stationary bike at a moderate pace. I was going to go through all the videos and then steal the numbers to add them to my exercises...but I forgot and now my trial is over! Rats!
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    I'm thinking of starting this. I was doing 30 day shred - loved level 1 but found level 2 too tough. My arms were just too weak for all the plank based moves and I ended up injuring myself. Thought this could be a good alternative.
    If the moves hurt you, you should modify them! Jillian does do plank-centered moves in level 1 of Yoga Meltdown, too. Namely, side planks, switching back and forth fairly quickly. She also goes through 2 sun salutations between each set.
  • sherisse69
    sherisse69 Posts: 795 Member