bvalosek Member


  • This is the same site that spouts nonsense about vaccines, government conspiracies, and other complete BS. The only people I ever see taking this crap seriously are the people on my facebook feed that post stuff about aliens, secret societies, goverment mind control, etc.
  • Targeted fat loss is impossible. Your body adds and removes fat based entirely on genetics. Your best bet is to just have a solid calories deficit to lose weight, and eventually your problem areas will start to cut up. Targeting strength gain is possible, but won't get rid of any fat/flab in the area.
  • I honestly can't tell if you're a troll or just a complete idiot. either way, 6/10
  • what
  • Eat less, you will lose weight. It literally is that simple. The hard part is starting up and maintaining discipline. When it starts to work you will begin to feel better and be more inclined to stick to it.
  • don't. Sitting at a desk burns a nominal amount of extra calories on top of your BMR. Assuming you're goal is solely to lose weight, then erring on the side of under-estimating calories burned is not a bad thing at all.
  • i dont have a accent since i'm from american
  • where can I take lessons to learn to be as cool as you?
  • hard to imagine somebody with so many incredible pictures of cutting trees and self-taken, shirtless pics in their MFP profile would ever get shot down
  • Probably best to find non-internet friends if you want true motivation to keep at it, internet friends disappear when you turn off your comp. Real-life friends are the ones seeing you ever day, so stick with your BF/close friends and let them know what you're doing. Knowing people are expecting / watching you to lose…
  • lol wow. some people...
  • man if a single lunchable will throw you off my diet of lean pockets, $1 frozen pizzas, and macdonalds would really throw you for a loop
  • what's wrong with lunchables? Throwback shi­t can be delish
  • raw beef straight from the cow pepper to taste
  • eat less-- you'll lose weight. You "tone" by having less fat, allowing your muscular structure to be more visible-- so again, eat less You can save money by consuming less food-- aka eat less Weight loss is simple, don't over-complicate it with pills and other BS Taking protein supplements will only be necessary when you…
  • I drink water
    in ...Beer? Comment by bvalosek July 2011
  • It's okay, you seem British, and british people drink tea all the time. Americans are the same, except instead of tea it's hamburgers nothing to worry about m8
  • denying yourself the glorious deliciousness of fast-food is terrible.. indulge! ...and log it accordingly as to adjust your diet the rest of the day appropriately. Then drink as much water as possible to flush the **** out asafp
    in Food court Comment by bvalosek July 2011
    in hello! Comment by bvalosek July 2011
  • my 2 cents.. Unless you have absolutely abysmal public schooling in the area, get them to public school. Home schooling "can" work, but part of growing up is being part of the crazy and challenging social atmosphere that is being a kid in a normal school. Also I respect people's right to have religious views about the…