Petite and ready to get back at it

Hi there,

I'll be honest. I'm not new to this site. I loved this site when I first started and then I just completely fell off the wagon. Work got hectic and I switched jobs, my boyfriend and I bought a house and moved, my stress levels went through the roof. Throw in a few party weekends over the summer and I'm left feeling crappy and out of shape. I just weighed myself (yes, I know I shouldn't do it at the end of the day) but I've never been this heavy.

I'm tired of making excuses as to why I can't put my health first. I get into a bad habit of feeling great after a few weeks of being "on the wagon" and then just jump off. I don't want to do that anymore.

I'm a petite woman (5'1) and feel like just 5lbs makes a huge difference on me. In the past, I have always said that I do better when I'm held accountable to someone. Well, I had a revelation today and realized that I should be accountable to myself. I am the most important person in my life after all. However, I know it always helps when you're on this path, knowing that there are friends along the way to support you.

Looking forward to meeting new friends!


  • bvalosek
    bvalosek Posts: 20 Member
    Probably best to find non-internet friends if you want true motivation to keep at it, internet friends disappear when you turn off your comp.

    Real-life friends are the ones seeing you ever day, so stick with your BF/close friends and let them know what you're doing. Knowing people are expecting / watching you to lose weight can be a great motivator, more so than generic "YOU CAN DO IT!" posts from random people on the internet
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    I know just how you feel! I'm short, too and I know how each pound counts when there's really nowhere to put it. I find that logging on every day and putting in my calories really helps keep me on track.

    I've made some great friends who have been extremely helpful and encouraging in answering my questions and giving me ideas.

    It's always nice to be surrounded by people who are working toward the same goals you are.
  • dorisholaway
    dorisholaway Posts: 531 Member
    I believe you have come to the right place. The support and motivation from friends on here is terrific. You can add me as a friend if you are a person that does not use foul language, as I do not like to hear or read foul language. I would love to be a supporter and motivator for you and would like the same in return. Good luck to you.
  • gsenriquez
    gsenriquez Posts: 181 Member
    Welcome. I am like you..vertically challenge :-) I am 40 hrs old mother of 1. I am 4'10" and I understand the few pounds added for short people is really a big deal. Before getting pregnant with my daughter I was 115 lbs. Then I gained 50 lbs when I got pregnant. I used the pregnancy weight as an excuse for a long time. My daughter is 4 yrs old now...I joined the gym..take a class 2x a week, then fell off the wagon. Push forward...I actively am using MFP for three weeks now. Three weeks ago I was 115lbs, now I am 109lbs. 109lbs might be too skinny for others but for someone my height, I'd say it is normal. I could lose a few more lbs but I think I am hoping for a few more inches off my waist. For 109 lbs my waistline is 29" so it is still high.
    This site is wonderful, aside from supportive members, the site made me aware how and what I eat.
    I am more aware of what I put in my body and I try to make better choices.
    You are right, we can only hold ourselves accountable...I have. I affects me....I exercise, it only affects me and no one else. I started from exercising twice a week, now I exercise 4-5x a week. I still go to the gym 2x a week and the rest of the times, I exercise at home when my daughter goes to sleep.
    You'll find your'll find a schedule and with patience you will achieve your goals :-)