

  • my grandmother's recipe for pie crust 2 cups Flour 2/3 cup oil (iuse canola) 1/2 teaspoon of salt 1/3 c ICE water Mix together just until dry ingredients are wet (do not knead). place 1/2 of the crust mixture between wax paper and roll out. This crust mixture is wonderful. I use it for pot pie and for fruit pie. It is…
  • I know that you can do it because I am doing it!
  • I know how you feel! Last night while walking a friend/neighbor whom I have not seen for some time said to me, "have you lost weight?" My gut reaction was a negative one-but I am a new/different person than I was before. Sometimes I think it is as hard to change the psychic as it is the eating and exercise habits! Keep up…
  • Hang in there! I am also 5' 1/2" and I weigh 145-150 pounds I did weigh 194 when I started my journey. I have changed my life! I have not doen the HCG diet, I have not done a cabbage diet, I have doen it the right way-and YES I DO HAVE MORE TO GO! but all in good time. I do feel that there are those who want me to fail but…
  • I have started putting plain yogurt into my potatoes instead of milk and butter. It is a lower fat option and my children do not even know that I have done it!!
  • great job! I know you feel so much better!
  • In Him (jesus Christ) we live and MOVE and have our being" Don't just sit there and worry--get up and do something about it!:wink: If you start trying to lose 1 pound a week-that is 52 pounds in a year!--(thanks Hubby!)
  • Hang in there. I had to take my praxis two times; a lady who was at the test site thed day I was taking it said it was her 7th time taking it. This too shall pass.
  • What a great post! I really enjoyed every thing I read! I did not know I could actually take weight off and keep it off! I did not know how great it feels to weigh less than my drivers licese says I weigh!! (how great THAT feels!) I did not know my weigh has been such a drag to my personal happiness. I did not realize how…
  • ditto to Jesusfollower72 comments! also, probably better start those prenatal vitamins!! even if you are not pregnant yet, it will be good for you and the little one concieved soon!! God bless, Cast all your care upon Him for He careth for you!! donsch
    in Pregnant? Comment by donsch July 2010
  • YOu have got it right--it is not a diet!! IT is a lifestyle change. I believe you can do it!!Surround your self with positive quotes and positive people--it is amazing what that can do!! This is one of my quotes -if you can't budge the pudge you've got to move the sludge!! put this on my desk and it helped me remember that…
  • I know six pounds is not alot--BUT five months ago you were six pounds heavier. Don't give up. You can do it-just one day at a time and one healthy choice at a time. I know it is hard but just keep plugging along. How are your portions?-that was always my downfall so just a thought. Surround yourself with inspirational…
  • I walked this morning--2.5 miles with my friend. When I got somehomework done I went out to the pool. WOW that water was COLD! got a good work out in before my duaghters came and joined me-then we just had fun! after much more homework and Lots of water i walked with all three of my kids. We only went 1 mile but I had on…
  • Hey friends!! I do not know how to find you this AM so I just went back to the original posting. I got up and walked 2.5 miles with my friend at 6:30 this AM and have drank two glasses of water. How are you this morning?
  • I am so IN on this one!! After the indulgent day I had i need that extra boost!! I thought this AM that I would hit a new mini goal tomorrow.OOPS to much good supper!! My girls (9&11) made dinner rolls completely on their own from scratch!! I am so proud of them buut it was not a good thing for MFP profile!! See you in the…
  • I was not a water drinker either. I bought a 1 liter bottle and just refilled it three times a day. (yes, I know it is not good to do that but I was the only one drinking out of it and I bleached it frequently!!) I think I used that same bottle for about a month. It really helped me to know how much I was drinking. Three…
  • I am in! I started MFP in Feb but started my new lifestyle in Jan of 09. I am 5' 1' (almost) and I was 194. I was horrified at the idea of that decided to make a change. I have lost 40 pounds so far but I have at least another 20-30 to go. I am not sure where I really am headed down to-at least 130- today I weighed in at…
  • Two Ideas come to mind. 1st a spinach salad. Spinach, fresh strawberries, motazarella cheese, poppy seed dressing, mandarin oranges There are many variations to this-I think you can find it on The sal;ad dressing really needs to be put on just before serving or it will get "wilted"--It is YUMMY-O THe 2nd…
  • In six weeks I will be 43!! Who wouldv'e thunk it?? Already in the 40's!! I did have about 60 lbs to lose but I am on my way! I still want to lose another 25 (I think). That would put me about where I was when I got married in' 89. I would like to join the group. Though I have been on here since Feb. I do not know how…
  • there is a broccoli/califlower sald out there that is great. personally, I leave off the bacon. I made a variation of this most of the winter. Broccoli cut up, onion ( i like the red and it makes the salad pretty, you can add roasted sunflower seeds, shredded cheese, and egg if you wish, The dressing is usuallly mayo,…
  • Yep! I am in! I am also trying to train to do a 5K this fall--I want to say ,if I can! but I know that is not the way to be! I want to do this! I have been trying to lose 1 pound a week so this is a good incentive to do just a bit more.
  • By using low fat cream cheese and low fat sour cream and fat free refreid beans you have a pretty healthy choice. It will be high in protein! buy baked chips and you have it made!
  • Do I have the answer to your predictament-no. BUT, I know One who does. He created you in His likeness. He gave so you could have. He lives so you can live. He died so YOU could LIVE. I know when my 1st born was little I had major pp depression. It taught me many things; one of which is that hormones can be an awful enemy…
  • Oh, One more thing--Do not tell yourself you are on a diet!! that will jepordize your motivation--just make life style changes! You can do it!!
  • Sorry you are having a bad day. Try changing your lifestyle just one thing at a time. The artificial things are really not very good for you. A good rule to follow would be if it was not around 100 years ago-you probably should stay away from it. try challenging yourself to make a larger % of your plate fresh foods. If you…
  • I so agree with by hisgrace. she is right on track-there is a God sized hole in every heart. He will fill it in the most amazing way for you!!
  • Good for you. my husband and went to Applebees I LOVE the orange bowl chicken. When I asked for a nutritional guide they said I would have to look on-line. That made the bells and whistles go off. I went ahead and ordered it and a take home container. Before I even took a bite I put half of it into the container, When I…
  • For the first time in my life I feel I am doing the weight loss thing the right way. I am NOT, and I repeat NOT, dieting! I do not deny myself anything I really want. However, if I really want it, I count the calories and I exercise big time if I go over my alotted calories. I am amazed at how many things I really do not…
  • Absolutly record.. THen you can see where you are going wrong on a bad day/week and what you are doing right in a good week!