
Well friends it isn't confirmed yet but I believe I am prego....YAY! after 2 misscarriages over the past 2 years my heart is very skiddish if ya know what I mean. the last misscarriage happened when i was 14 weeks along and put me in such a heavy depression it ended with me in a mental hospital on suicide watch of 4 days. I'm doing alot better now and my husband and i began trying again. I"m over 10 days late but i'm terrified to take a test. what if its heart will be so dissapointed...what if its heart will have fears of what if i loose this baby too. i'm doing my best to trust God through this and I know that if its His will for me to have another child than i will. i'm nervous about keeping up with my weight loss as well though...i gained almost 100lbs with my 1st child because i was put on bedrest at 3 months and then also was pre-eclampic. i'm at 154 right now...i'm scared to gain to much because it took me so long to get it off. please give me any advice you can on what i should do.


  • melch
    melch Posts: 20 Member
    you will be fine just go with the flow ..... will keep my fingers crossed for you :o)
  • saintsteffers1
    aw well you should probably get on and do that test..... Proper praying that its good news, and a happy, heatlhy pregnancy.... Are you going to track here? I think if I get pregnant again I would def track (obviously up the cals to what is needed) but I'd defnintely want to keep my eye on what was going in coz i know what I'm like!!

    Really hope this time is gonna be the right time for you, God loves you whatever and has good plans for you and your family!
    Love Steph
  • GuamMom
    GuamMom Posts: 55 Member
    You look beautiful! Just eat clean be easy on working out slow walks and enjoy the moment....just keep on the right path and all will fall into place!
    Good luck take care!!!
  • Jesusfollower72
    "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Finally brethren, whatever it true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things." Philippians 4:6-8
    Give all your anxieties to God, let Him guard your heart and mind with this peace and don't let bad thoughts stay in your mind. When they come in make a conscious effort to thing of something good. Have a list of God's promises with you so that you can read them whenever worry and fear creep in.
  • donsch
    donsch Posts: 40
    ditto to Jesusfollower72 comments! also, probably better start those prenatal vitamins!! even if you are not pregnant yet, it will be good for you and the little one concieved soon!!
    God bless, Cast all your care upon Him for He careth for you!!