Almost 40 and "Fat"

I am almost 40 and very over weight. Every time I come on here I wonder how many of us born in 1970 are needing to lose more than 60 pounds? So how many are there? I am one!!!! Anyone else want to help hold each other accountable as we embark on our 40th year of life? Hey even if you are in your 40's and need to lose more than 60 pounds, let's encourage each other. It is hard enough to need to lose a larger amount of weight but to add the metabolism of a person in their 40's just seems to have it's own set of challenges.


  • alphaip
    alphaip Posts: 86
    Born in '69 - raised on Count Chocula, Little Debbie, Spaghettios, and Mountain Dew. I was just a bit overweight, but mom just said I was husky :wink: . In December At 6"3' 265 pounds - I had enough - I was 205 when married 18 years ago - although then I could have used to lose a few pounds - that's my new goal . I've found that a good eating program and walking has been the key to bumping my metabolism. I'm doing Larry North's Slimdown for Life - and loving it. Count me in.
  • nad1n3
    nad1n3 Posts: 2
    Hi, I'm Nadine i'm almost 37 and very fat i have to loose 98lbs
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    great!!! I am already part of a wonderful supportive group but I am also interested in people with simular challenges I have. A lot of weight to lose and the age factor. Let's face it our metabolism worked so much better in our 20's.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hi, I'm Nadine i'm almost 37 and very fat i have to loose 98lbs

    Welcome, I look forward to getting to know everyone and just encouraging each other on this journey. I once read that the people who were part of a community on mfp lost more weight than those who just went it alone. Here is to our success.
  • mcarpentier
    Born in July 1970, so 40 is right around the corner. I have struggled with my weight for as far back as I can remember. I have lost about 15 since the beginning of the year, and would like to lose another 40. I am so........... ready for this change, but it's not easy for sure!! Also losing my job, so there is change all over the place - like it or not!!

    BTW - My name is Michele and I live in Iowa......... :smile:
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    I was born February of 1970 and although I don't have a lot of weight to lose at this point, I offer to my 40 year old sisters to remember that a big reason our metabolism is slower than when we were 20 is because we have lost muscle mass! A huge key ingredient to boosting our metabolism is building muscle. So, make sure you are doing weight lifting workouts! There are all kinds of ways to fit that in to your routine. I do ChaLEAN Extreme and it has made ALL the difference in the world for me.
    Here's to being Forty and Fabulous!
  • wisdom71
    wisdom71 Posts: 7
    Born in 1971 and according to my doctor (for my height), I should weigh 115 - 135 pounds. I'm a LONG way away from that. LONG WAY!

    I'll be 40 next September. O_O I laughed as I typed that. I almost can't believe it. I'm sure I'll be fabulous at forty, but it would be grand to have conquered my struggle with bad eating habits.
  • donsch
    donsch Posts: 40
    In six weeks I will be 43!! Who wouldv'e thunk it?? Already in the 40's!! I did have about 60 lbs to lose but I am on my way! I still want to lose another 25 (I think). That would put me about where I was when I got married in' 89. I would like to join the group. Though I have been on here since Feb. I do not know how to"join" a group. I just have "friends" I follow. Suggestions about how to "join" a group?
  • mcarpentier
    Yes, I don't know how to join either.......... and thanks!!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    You have just joined!!!!!!!

    I am wondering how everyone wants to go about this, I know we want to encourage each other on this journey but do we want to have a day we "weigh" in? Now, I personally am not interested in posting my weight (just not ready for that) but I am fine with posting how much I have lost each week. I am interested in what everyone is wanting out of this?
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Born in 1971 and according to my doctor (for my height), I should weigh 115 - 135 pounds. I'm a LONG way away from that. LONG WAY!

    I'll be 40 next September. O_O I laughed as I typed that. I almost can't believe it. I'm sure I'll be fabulous at forty, but it would be grand to have conquered my struggle with bad eating habits.

    My 40th is this year in September 17, what day is yours? As for the weight for heighth ratio I am "short" so I am suppose to weigh something like 98-135 depending on my bone structure. I laughed, because at my thinnest I was 110-115 and I looked almost too thin. I have also had 4 babies and I think I would need more meat
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I'm with you Momma2four! I'll join you in this group too if that is ok. I'm 46 and have been overweight most of my adult life ... I gained 100 pounds between ages 20 and 30 by stopping exercise (I was a long distance runner in high school and first year's of college) and eating terribly. Ever since then I've been fighting it - Now I've got a good exercise routine down, but still really struggle with food. But I'm constantly making little babysteps towards being healthier. I reached 20 pounds lost last September, and have been stuck ever since with gaining a bit and losing it. The last couple of weeks I've really lost my motivation and haven't even been logging my food on MFP. I need to get back on track!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    lstpaul, are you kidding? YOu know that you are always welcomed anywhere I am at.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    lstpaul, are you kidding? YOu know that you are always welcomed anywhere I am at.
    Didn't want you to think I was stalking you! :wink:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Why? I stalk you:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :tongue:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I'm glad! :laugh:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I found this from someone on another topic on MFP and found it interesting. It doesn't really have to do with being over 40 ... but thought I would share it anyhow as the idea of a set point makes sense to me.

    Your body weight set point is the number on the scale your weight normally hovers around, give or take a few pounds.

    What determines your set point?

    Your heredity and your environment—starting back at the moment of your conception—determine your set point. Over the long term, excess food and insufficient exercise will override your body’s natural tendency to stay at its set point and lead to a higher, less healthy set point.

    A slow, gradual weight gain, (a 20-pound weight gain over several decades) will fool your body into thinking that your set point should be higher —and in fact, that does reset your set point. Then, when you try to lose weight, your body defends that higher weight, making weight loss more difficult.

    But just as it’s possible to reset your set point to a higher point, it’s also possible to lower it. The secret is to work with, not against, your body’s natural tendencies and lose weight slowly, one silhouette at a time.

    Internal Controls vs. Environmental Factors
    There are internal controls that govern this complex process. These controls include a tiny structure deep within the brain, nerves that run between the brain and stomach, and a host of hormones, but ultimately, your behavior—how you respond to the environment—trumps your physiology, or your body’s inner workings.

    Oversized portions of high-calorie (and often inexpensive) foods are readily available, day and night.
    Modern conveniences —everything from electric toothbrushes to leaf-blowers to cars—mean we don’t have as many opportunities to exercise.

    The 10% Solution:
    Scientific evidence supports losing no more than 10% of your body weight at a time. It turns out that the body’s set point and its many regulatory hormones dictate the effectiveness of the 10% loss. That’s the amount of weight you can lose before your body starts to fight back. Many clinical studies have confirmed this phenomenon. Of course, some people can lose more than 10% at a time, but precious few can then maintain that loss.

    After you maintain your new, lower weight for 6 months, you can repeat the cycle and reset your set point again by losing another 10%. Through small, gradual changes in your daily habits, you’ll be able to stay at that new, lower weight for the rest of your life. This prescription is vital to outsmarting the body’s natural tendencies to regain weight.

    BTYSP Principles:
    Resetting your set point requires you to learn new habits that overtime become second nature. Over the next so many weeks we will focus on learning how to:

    Eat Less and Shed Pounds
    Eat Well and Be Healthy
    Move More and Feel Great
    Sleep More
    Stress Less
  • josie575
    josie575 Posts: 14 Member
    I am 35 and trying to avoid being almost 40 and fat! I encourage you to make this change now, because the longer we wait the harder it will be! Good luck, I am also a mom of 4, 4 boys so that keeps me pretty busy,
  • blessedtobefit
    blessedtobefit Posts: 157 Member
    I just want to encourage you that if I can do it....ANYONE CAN! The greatest challenge any of us face is the battle of the mind. I decided 4 years ago that I was sick and tired of being sick and tired and I changed my life completely. No more excuses of being too busy to go to the gym...I made time, no more reasons to eat fast food and unhealthy meals at home...I learned to cook healthy, no more reasons to give up when it gets hard...I dug down deep and fought for it with everything that is in me. I still struggle with old habits, but the difference is I have learned to forgive myself and start all over again. This isn't a diet, but a total lifestyle transformation that begins on the inside when you decide that you are worth fighting for. Great men and women get knocked down, but great men and women get right back up. I believe that is you, and YOU CAN DO day at a time!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I just want to encourage you that if I can do it....ANYONE CAN! The greatest challenge any of us face is the battle of the mind. I decided 4 years ago that I was sick and tired of being sick and tired and I changed my life completely. No more excuses of being too busy to go to the gym...I made time, no more reasons to eat fast food and unhealthy meals at home...I learned to cook healthy, no more reasons to give up when it gets hard...I dug down deep and fought for it with everything that is in me. I still struggle with old habits, but the difference is I have learned to forgive myself and start all over again. This isn't a diet, but a total lifestyle transformation that begins on the inside when you decide that you are worth fighting for. Great men and women get knocked down, but great men and women get right back up. I believe that is you, and YOU CAN DO day at a time!

    Thanks blessedtobefit! That was a great pep talk and you are an inspiration! :flowerforyou: