innerexp Member


  • 5'2" and 192. Started at 222. Goal is 122 (*)
  • Celiac disease here. I focus on a clean eating, Paleo-ish diet which helps.
  • Good morning all! I'm in the same boat :) Highest weight was 222, current is 193, goal is 122 (I'm 5'2"). I would love to add friends that are trying to lose 50+ lbs this year! Good luck to us all!
  • I use organic maple syrup in my coffee. I am a big fan of cafe au lait so I use 1/2 c coffee, 1/2 c milk, 1/2 TB syrup. It's only 26 calories and does the trick :)
  • For cauliflower particularly, I steam it in the microwave for 5 minutes and then spray a saute pan with an olive oil spray, add some crushed red pepper and garlic. Once that's heating up, I add in the cauliflower and a little salt and pepper. No addition in calories and a big add in flavor!
  • Congratulations! Thank you for your inspiring message!
  • I'm a huge fan of apples sprinkled with cinnamon. And when I have the calories for it, I add 1TB of almond butter. Another good snack is cauliflower- either raw or steamed and then flash seared in a pan with olive oil Pam, garlic and red pepper flakes. And lots of water!
  • I'm a fan of Isagenix. I lost 9.5 lbs in 11 days. There were essentially "shake" and "cleanse" days during this time. Shake days were essentially replacing (2) meals with protein shakes, (2) 100 calories snacks and (1) 400-600 meal that is clean- ie, lean protein, fruits, veggies, whole grains, healthy fats (your calorie…
  • Welcome! :) ~Jenn
  • Take Me On Vacation Oatmeal- the recipe is 2 servings, so you can make it every other day and just re-heat the second portion. OATS 1/2 cup old fashioned oats 1/2 cup oat bran 1/4 tsp sea salt MILK 1/4 cup protein powder (I prefer vanilla) 1 cup unsweetened almond milk TOPPINGS 1 ripe mango peeled and diced 1 tsp roasted…
  • I find that my body is happiest and my weight loss stays on track when I stick to clean eating. That means no processed food, very limited eating out, lots of organic fruits and vegetables (8+ servings a day), lean protein, healthy fats, whole grains, limited caffeine, alcohol and sweets. And as much water as I can drink…
  • A trainer can seriously help you get your mojo back and help you amp up your workouts. I would also strongly recommend doing Isagenix if you want to give yourself a boost. I was having one heck of a time and needed something to get me out of my rut and into ONEderland- a place I hadn't been in over 4 years. In 11 days I…
  • Love it! Congrats! And you enjoy Zumba on the Wii? I've been considering getting it and would love your feedback. ~Jenn
  • Amy, thanks so much for the feedback on the fitness games- greatly appreciated! I hope everyone has a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend! ~Jenn
  • Maybe we should PM both our goal and our start weight so that can be accounted for each week? And I am SO Team Emmett! :love: ~Jenn
  • Hey, ladies What a great burn last week- congrats to all! Kendall, love the extra cardio, started my day off with a smile :) Question to you all- is anyone doing Zumba on the Wii? Or any other fitness games other than Wii Fit? I love my Wii Fit but want to mix it up. I have a water bottle that says "What IF you could?"…
  • Count me in! When shall we weigh in each week? ~Jenn
  • I weighed in at 204 on Saturday morning- a loss of 2.5 lbs after a month of losing nothing- woo hoo! ~Jenn
  • I hope everyone is having a great day! Amy~ Thanks so much for the warm welcome! I produce corporate events primarily. I occasionally help a friend with a wedding or other social event, but corporate is easier fo sho :) Less drama! Tae~ I have two step sisters with stage 4 lung cancer, so I certainly feel your pain. My…
  • Go to bed in your workout clothes so when you wake up, you're ready to hit it!
  • Hi, everyone I feel a little late to the game here, but would love to participate in this challenge! A little about me- I'm an event producer and work from home and then travel to my gigs. I'm getting to the end of my busy "season", thank goodness! Since joining the site almost two months ago I've only lost around 5 lbs…
  • I'm in Ballard :)
  • 1 scoop chocolate whey/casein blend protein powder 1 TB PB2 1 TB ground flax seed 1 banana 1/2 c water Ice If you like it creamier, add milk instead of water. Enjoy! Jenn
  • Hi, Are you going vegan or vegetarian? If you're vegetarian, you can still have dairy products :) Personally I am a consider myself a conscious omnivore and chose to only buy organic and humanely raised animal products. I'm always happy to talk about vegetarian and vegan options because I have chosen those lifestyles in…
  • I'd love to be a part of your wellness journey! Adding you now :) ~Jenn
  • First of all, Happy Birthday! I think the important thing to keep in mind is that to be successful with weight loss, this has to be a total lifestyle change. And if that's the case, one day of celebration is just that, one day :) So enjoy it, and return to clean eating tomorrow. And if there are remaining goodies in the…
  • Hi, everyone! Seattle representing here :) Anyone a member of Olympic Athletic Club in Ballard? I'd love to meet some new workout partners! ~Jenn
  • Seattle here! Feel free to add me ;) ~Jenn
  • Welcome, Christine! I think you'll find lots of motivation and support here :) When I was in college I hit up the salad bar for lunch and I was fortunate that there was always a do it yourself stir fry station available, so I could get a healthy dose of protein and veggies. Whether it's the challenge of dorm food or the…
  • You look fantastic! Congratulations! They say a picture is worth a thousand words- I think it's easy to get wrapped up in being overwhelmed by "big" goals, but your progress thus far is fantastic and shows how important the mini goals are too :) Well done!