200+ Summer Meltdown!



  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    Unfortunately, I have proven to be a bad @ss kicker when I can't even kick my own... And I have no one and nothing to blame aside from my own negative attitude. But hey, at least you got that far! I wish I had even made it out the door today... You're ahead of the game!
  • psychohope
    psychohope Posts: 92
    ah i have days were i cant be bothered to leave the house too, especially if the weather is rubbish, only thing motivating me at the mo is im doing a 10k walk for charity in the next 2 weeks and dont want to embarrass myself
  • innerexp
    innerexp Posts: 32 Member
    I weighed in at 204 on Saturday morning- a loss of 2.5 lbs after a month of losing nothing- woo hoo!

  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Check in for Sunday: 2205 calories burned (rest day, no real exercise)/ 1810 calories consumed (-ish, I had to guestimate a brownie but I think I over-calculated rather than under to be safe)/ 395 deficit (not much but it's something!). I guess I'll use Friday's weigh in at 198.2 as my weigh in this week since the scale seems to be on an upward trend (I'm WAY PMS-y so I'm sure that's the culprit).

    Jen: Congrats on your great loss this week!!

    Crystal: You've had a bumpy road so I have no desire at all to kick your @ss. I feel more like hugging you. Maybe you should consider things you can do to improve your mood/attitude when you find yourself sliding into a negative place. Do something you like to try and improve things (take a bubble bath or listen to some soothing music or something that makes you feel more positive).

    psychohope: Chocolate is my husband's way of dealing with ANYTHING! He's happy, have some chocolate. He's sad, have some chocolate. He's bored, have some chocolate. I make him hide the stuff so I can't see it and once it's out of sight, it's out of mind.

    Lacey: Ab Ripper X is vile. I'm sure it's good for me and all that but the day after day I did it, my abs were so sore I could barely move. It's definitely named appropriately. I just ordered Vega which is a vegan whole-food meal replacement shake with fiber, protein, vitamins, fatty acids, digestive enzymes and greens. It wasn't cheap (I think it's about $4 a serving which is equivalent to Beachbody's Shakeology but without the added pain-in-the-@ss of having to lock into an auto-ship deal) but I can stop using my green supplement and vitamins, so I think it will all even out.

    Karen: I am trying to stay away from the scale this PMS week. I make no guarantees though.

    So I'm gonna do my last Fit Test and see how Insanity has kicked my @ss into shape. I hope everyone has a great day!
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    It is now Monday. A new day. A new attitude. Long may it last.

    Have got my head round there is no need to get wrapped up in good/bad, the important thing is to be. Goes back to think of today, yesterday has gone, tomorrow has worries of it's own, today is all we can deal with. Long may this last too.

    Kritsitna: weigh in fof this week - 183 and am going to take a pass on next week. I know I posted this earlier but decided did not want you to have to search for it.

    Enjoy your day all

  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    O.M.G. How lame am I? I pulled my groin while doing my last Insanity Fit Test. It effin' hurts. I'm icing and stretching it but it HURTS. A. LOT. (Side note: I did infinitely better on my last fit test than my first) Sheesh.
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    Amy - Thank you. *Hugs* I hope the icing and stretching makes you feel better really soon!

    I'm trying to just find the oomph and motivation to keep going. Obviously the 20 lbs I've lost since April proves that I can do it, I think it's more of my attitude than anything. And given I've always been an emotional and boredom eater - well there's the answer. I'm trying to make this lifestyle change for the sake of my daughter so she can learn better habits than I did, but when I lose focus on all the reasons that I'm doing this, it just doesn't seem to matter anymore. Hopefully my personal trainer can knock some sense into me, but lately it's just been a session with her and I go right back to the mindset I was at before as soon as I step foot outside that gym. Maybe some better weather would help too...
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    O.M.G. How lame am I? I pulled my groin while doing my last Insanity Fit Test. It effin' hurts. I'm icing and stretching it but it HURTS. A. LOT. (Side note: I did infinitely better on my last fit test than my first) Sheesh.

    I did Insanity on Friday and my hip has been killing me! it was those jump/spin squats that did me in. I think I will be avoiding Insanity for awhile. My old bones are just not up to it.! Hope you feel better!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    :bigsmile: it went VERY well with the boy yesterday. He spent about 2-3 hours chopping up the cantelope and sweet potatos for me. I was sick of being in the kitchen by that point so we hung out and watched some tv after that. I ran out of containers for all the food I made so he took me to walmart. It was kinda late so he went by taco bell and got him some food. Apparently he's one of those skinny dudes who can eat as much fast food as he wants and yet he stays skinny. I decided to have a "Sloppy Jane" that I made from a Hungry Girl recipe and MAN was it GOOD! I didn't get around to making any omlettes but figured I could do that tonight or tomorrow.

    I realized yesterday that I am SUPER CLOSE to my lowest weight back in December (it was 213.8). That made me do a little dance.

    So the recipes I made yesterday: sloppy janes, crock pot chicken marsala, turkey chili mac, mexican chili and chicken pot pie (another hungry girl recipe)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Just a quick check-in 2757 burned on Sunday. No formal ex but lots of weeding and cooking...

    (*crack*) for anyone that needs the tush kicking. I'm so proud of all you gals. Losing weight is a mental tasks as much as a physical task. A goal piece of clothing or pictures on the fridge may help remind you of what we are working towards. Come on ladies - we can do this!!!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Crystal-*hugs* from me too! And I think I'm getting to that point too! I've lost 30 lbs since March 1st, but I'm starting to stall, and I'm sticking to my calories, but the motivation to get up & go....blah! And this is the best I've ever done at taking weight off! How about instead of "kicking" each other, maybe we can push? :O)

    Amy-icky on the pulling something! Feel better!!

    Kendal-yay for cool guy! My hubby is one of those guys that can eat anything too! He's finally hitting the point where he has to pay attention to what he eats a little bit, as in, no whole bags of candy in one sitting, just a serving. A few slices of pizza instead of the whole thing! LOL! I love the man, but somedays, I just wanna beat him! BUT, he's been doing pretty well lately. He's on MFP & set for losing 1/2 lb a week, so he's trying to be healthy. At least in calories. He's down from his 2-something to 189. Don't let that fool anybody...he's 6ft 2in!!! So wasn't that bad to begin with! LOL!

    And WEIGH IN...229.4!! Ack! Up from Friday! :-P I don't like it, but I have to be honest with at least all of you, so I'm putting it out there. I'm blaming it on the beef jerky though! I stayed under calories, but I didn't drink nearly enough water to counter-act the sodium in the ENTIRE PACKAGE I ate! It's only 280 cals...not horrible..but over 1600mg sodium! Blah! Not bad...if that's all I'd had all day! ROFL!

    I need a push or something! I'm sticking to my calories easily. Not a problem to eat well. It's getting myself moving! I'm going to go to the tape measure though tonite & hope maybe it's my friend. Was running too late to use it this morning! Well, back to work now.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Happy Monday, all!

    Kendal, that boy sounds awesome. Any man who'll sit there and chop up fruit for you and help you run errands and tell you you're beautiful, hello! I remember one time my boyfriend was doing the dishes when a pseudo-girlfriend of mine (she's dating my ex, bad juju) and my ex (haha) stopped by. She looked in the kitchen and said "he's doing your dishes?" I said "yeah, he does that." And she just gave my ex the biggest eyebrow raised look... Ah, victory. Kendal, are those hungry girl recipes in the under 200 book or a different one? Because the pot pie sounds very tempting.

    Amy, alternate ice and heat!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    are those hungry girl recipes in the under 200 book or a different one? Because the pot pie sounds very tempting.

    I don't have the 200 cals or less book but here's the recipe I used:

    ETA: I have this book: (Recipes and Survival Strategies for Guilt-Free Eating in the Real World)

    Edited again to add: The Sloppy Janes(p130) are on the next page over from the chicken pot pie recipe (p128). the other recipes are from online.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Awesome, thanks!
  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    Checking in! Last week: 158.2 Today: 157.2
    I wasn't expecting a change because I went home to visit family and yes- I ate my weight in bbq and then yes, I ate my weight in mexican and margaritas lol. But yay!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    I'm on day 7 of being the only person in my office working. Kill. Me. Now.

    I am officially 60 days into P90X. 1 more month to go. Yesterday I was outside spreading turf builder on our lawn for 3 effing hours. Yeah. My yard is huge. After that I was pretty spent (yard is also super hilly), so I was thinking about not doing Yoga X and just doing it today and not having a stretch day, when Chris came to my rescue... he reminded me that I've been so good about it and he didn't want me to regret it later. So I bucked up and got a major burn for a yoga workout. Woot.

    Ok, the pile of crap that I have to do is almost insurmountable at this time, so I gotta go. Work is lucky I haven't started to fill my water bottle with vodka. Grr.

    Love you all and I swear I'll catch up soon!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Kendal & Nava-you're making me hungry! LOL! I might have to use my amazon gift card that I won at work (for biggest loser!) for me a Hungry Girl book! Though what I was wanting to splurge on was some Aveda hand lotion. I feel guilty buying it b/c it's SO expensive, but the stuff is awesome! But, I always get excited when I get new cook books, so I may have to go that route to get me over my hump! :-)

    Hubby has ball practice tonite for church league, wonder if I can get the 2 youngest into bed & do me some Zumba! I know if I make myself move, I'll get back into it. If I sit on the computer...then I'll keep sitting! :o)

    Kerry-WTG for working out when you'd pretty much done a major workout in the yard! I need me some motivation like that! :o) If you DO fill the water bottle w/vodka...enjoy it! I'm a rum girl myself! LOL!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Kerry- I :heart: Chris for giving you the motivation you needed.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I forgot to tell you ladies about this. On Friday, when I was doing my c25k, I was on my last jog of the whole shebang. I was tired. I was going up a little incline and almost all my "runs" are a tiny jog where my stride is shorter than if I had been walking it. But the c25k voice came on and she told me in her british accent that I only had 30 seconds left of running. So I lengthened my stride and all out RAN for it. I kept having to pull the leash cause Lexi didn't want to keep up with me. I was so proud that I did that.

    If I stick with this, I'm pretty sure my next tattoo will somehow incorporate the word "warrior" or some kind of image of it.

    And with all my individual posts, i'm gonna end up flipping the thread....sorry ladies lol
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! I came back to work with a TON of emails and things to do, so I'll make this quick. Here's the Monday morning call out for those I haven't gotten weights on for the week (or somehow missed):

    I'm missing:
    bwildered (last chance as you didn't weigh in last week either!)
    bells1990 (last chance, as you didn't weigh in last week either!)
    Renee (last chance as you didn't weigh in last week either!)