200+ Summer Meltdown!



  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Oh, Katie... evil, evil Texas Roadhouse. The boyfriend and I went there for our major six-week cheat to pig out on steak. Both of us had been griping the whole six weeks that all we wanted was a big, fat steak. Boy, did we go all out (12 ounce ribeyes, loaded baked potatoes, salads with blue cheese and one of those fried onion dealies). I had to work for 4 days just to get back to the weight I was before the pigout!

    Amy, awesome running! I'm seriously in awe of all you runners. One of my first mini-goals this go 'round was to be able to stop using my inhaler before a workout. I got there about a month ago, but I still can't run. If I'm on a treadmill, it's usually 3.3 mph on a fairly high incline. I've started to do the last minute at a full run with a flat incline, and hope to add more and more time to that, but darned if I'm not jonesing for the inhaler after the run.

    Have a nice day, ladies!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Amy, it sounds like you had a blast on your run! LOL! And reading Katie's post reminded me that Fashion Bug also does the pants that are made for different body shapes. I'm not sure if it's only the plus sizes or not, as the store here in town is a Fashion Bug Plus.

    Katie, I will do my best to remember that's your name & not use your screen name, but there are days where my brain just fails me completely, so...yeah, sorry when that happens! LOL! Those 2 weeks of nothing have to be frustrating but that overall loss looks good when you go back & see it! *high five* :o)

    Kendal, you are awesome!! Kendal the Brave, I like it! Keep it up girl!

    Psycho, comfy pants are important! Hope you get them back soon!

    Well ladies, I managed to get on here while at home! :o) Now I have to get my hiney in the car & get to work! Today should be fun on calories as I have errands to run on lunch, so eating out, and we're having "breakfast" for supper at church. Blah! Maybe I'll have time to go for a walk after church tonight, or some Zumba! At the least, TOM is gone, so I'll get some energy back! Even my iron & B vitamin can't keep me going sometimes! Blah, borderline anemic stinks! Off to work, TTYL!
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Oh, and Amy, Levis does those different fit jeans now too.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Amy- I love your dog. She's hilarious. And so are you.

    I'm up to 217.4 this morning. I'm pretty sure its water retention in my muslces as I have been seriously tracking calories (except the cantelope and salsa....didn't log those as they shouldn't make a HUGE difference in my totals for the day).

    I decided that to get ready for the warrior dash, I'm going to do c25k on Mon, Wed and Fridays and some p90x workout on Tues/Thurs. And it depends on the weather and my schedule for Sat and Sun. Well, last night I decided to throw in kenpoX since I haven't done it in MONTHS. (its not a part of the month 2 schedule for the lean version) Yeah. It's so frustrating when you think of yourself as "athletic" and you can walk/jog for 45 minutes and not be exhausted, but you change up your workout and in 45 minutes your body feels like complete jelly.

    I was going to have my cereal this morning, but something tasted funny and the milk didn't look right, so I trashed it. Instead I'm having a breakfast burrito from the cafe downstairs.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Check-in for Tues 2909 consumed and 2859 burned. For exercise, I took a 30 min walk with mom. It was so nice outside, that I stopped at nursery and bought tomato and green pepper plants. I'm being lazy this year and doing them in topsy turvy containers and a big pot on the porch. Friday, I'll bring my flower plants home from another nursery. I love spring and planting. The birds are wonderful too. The hummers are back. Without the leaves on the trees, its so cool to see the Indigo Buntings, Orioles and more.

    Amy - your dog is too funny. Glad you liked the hill running.

    Kendal - I love your new name!! You can so do the Warrior Dash.

    Karen - (((((((((hug))))))))))) I feel for you on the house falling through. You're right, a better one will come your way soon...

    Nava - I don't need an inhaler but if I run too fast, I get very SOB (short of breath) and have trouble breathing. I can run (ok slow jog) for 7+miles. The key is going at my pace which is between 4 and 5 miles per hour. Saturday my pace was 13:49 about 4.5 mph. If you want to run for a longer distance, try slowing down. My running partner is much faster than me and I often have to tell, it's time to slow down...

    Katie - congrats on getting through your 2 week slump.

    Suzie - the recipe looks tasty.

    pscho - hopefully you get your pants back soon.

    Laura - 100 cal packs are killers. Next time make some air popped corn with garlic and Mrs. Dash. 4 cups = 60 cals... My fav snack. My second fav snack is baked apple. I know it's the oven is better but I often microwave it for 90 sec and add cinnamon. Now I'm making myself hungry...

    Kristina - how's Colorado? Have you seen any cowboys (my secret fantasy is to date a cowboy)???

    Oh - I need to get some work done. I'll respond more to people later...
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I still hurt from last night's workout.

    Thank you.

    That is all.
  • texastae1010
    texastae1010 Posts: 165
    Thank you to all who wished me well wishes on getting better so this week not so great for me…my Mom called me yesterday and told me she has breast cancer kind of in the limbo stage waiting to go to the oncologist to find out what steps need to be taken for her and we aren’t telling anyone at this time she is waiting until my little sister completes her finals and then she will tell the family so it’s hard to sit here with this knowledge and really not have an outlet for it....I can’t call my mom cause I am having to do the strong supportive thing, my husband being a military man umm has the outlook life happens and until we know something from the doctor why are you stressing…I get it but I lost my father when I was young I had one of those crap childhoods where I was the Mom to my mom more than a daughter really not a feel sorry for me statement just putting it out there…he also doesn’t seem to understand my worry now as it can increase my chances of getting breast cancer…being heavy also increases it…and because I choose not to have kids as of yet and in my mid-30’s also raises my risk come on now…I can’t tell any of my friends well honestly I am worried about it spreading around to facebook and if my sister or other family members find out that way I would be crushed so here I come to yall because well I am processing all of this love my husband but he doesn’t have ta-ta’s nor does he have the threat of losing a parent (I realize I am at the worst case scenario moment of my life but I just lost an uncle to cancer so yeah that is where I am going but I big enough to state that I am going to the dark place) …here is the hard part basically I need to lose weight and get active as this will help me reduce my risk but at this moment in my life I want to eat a lot of chocolate as I am a person who soothes with food…I am so trying to not soothe with food but at this moment I oddly feel so alone I am many states away from home and not comprehending how my husband doesn’t understand why I upset or sad so here I sit verbally spilling my guts to strangers…thank you for reading all of my rambles I am going to try to work on getting better to keeping up with others posts and responding to them just been a crap couple of days.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning. I hope some time this week I will be able to respond to everyone...sheesh.

    I read through both the P90X booklets last night. Well, I stopped looking at the breakdown of each work out after the first two and just read the synopsis lol. Wow. I did the calorie calculator in the food book, and it tells me I should be eating 3120 cals on the program!!!!
    I think what I am going to do is 2500 cals and attempt to hit the fat burning 50% protein/30%carbs/20%fat ratio for the first few weeks until my energy level gets too low and then like the book advises swtich to the next level which is 40/40/20. It will be hard to get that much protein and so little fat, they seem to come one and one, so I am going to play with my food diary on a day in 2015 and try to come up with a meal plan for one week that would work for me.

    Are all of you doing the Lean version or the....C...something version? The regular one? I think either program would work to slim down a body that is probably 30% fat, and I'd prefer to do more strength training than cardio so I think I am going to try the C....version.

    I bought a chin up bar that came with push up holder things and a resistance strap last night at Target.

    I find it interesting that 8-10 reps will bulk you up whereas 12-15 will slim you down!! For some reason my peabrain isn't getting it. Is it because the more you do the more cardio it becomes? Oxidizing that fat and all?

    Anyways....those are my P90x ramblings for the moment. I've got a major visitor coming in a few hours and need to get cracking to get some work done before I'm in a conference room for a long meeting.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Thank you to all who wished me well wishes on getting better so this week not so great for me…my Mom called me yesterday and told me she has breast cancer kind of in the limbo stage waiting to go to the oncologist to find out what steps need to be taken for her and we aren’t telling anyone at this time she is waiting until my little sister completes her finals and then she will tell the family so it’s hard to sit here with this knowledge and really not have an outlet for it....I can’t call my mom cause I am having to do the strong supportive thing, my husband being a military man umm has the outlook life happens and until we know something from the doctor why are you stressing…I get it but I lost my father when I was young I had one of those crap childhoods where I was the Mom to my mom more than a daughter really not a feel sorry for me statement just putting it out there…he also doesn’t seem to understand my worry now as it can increase my chances of getting breast cancer…being heavy also increases it…and because I choose not to have kids as of yet and in my mid-30’s also raises my risk come on now…I can’t tell any of my friends well honestly I am worried about it spreading around to facebook and if my sister or other family members find out that way I would be crushed so here I come to yall because well I am processing all of this love my husband but he doesn’t have ta-ta’s nor does he have the threat of losing a parent (I realize I am at the worst case scenario moment of my life but I just lost an uncle to cancer so yeah that is where I am going but I big enough to state that I am going to the dark place) …here is the hard part basically I need to lose weight and get active as this will help me reduce my risk but at this moment in my life I want to eat a lot of chocolate as I am a person who soothes with food…I am so trying to not soothe with food but at this moment I oddly feel so alone I am many states away from home and not comprehending how my husband doesn’t understand why I upset or sad so here I sit verbally spilling my guts to strangers…thank you for reading all of my rambles I am going to try to work on getting better to keeping up with others posts and responding to them just been a crap couple of days.

    Tae I'm super sorry to hear your mom has breast cancer. I'm also sorry that you have to hold that information to yourself until after your sisters finals. Any time something like this comes up in a family it is very hard not to worry about the risks to the rest and to yourself. You can come spill to us any time you want. We are here for you. HUGS!!!!
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    My gosh, Tae! Any time you need to talk or unload, we're here for you! I'm sorry to hear about your mom. I hope it was caught early enough and recovery won't be complicated. Keep us posted. I know this might sound stupid, and I've never done one of these, but instead of chocolate, maybe look into a breast cancer awareness walk and train for that to distract from the outlet of eating. I'm a stress/emotional eater too, I understand that aspect of it.

    Men never understand. They're very much a "don't freak out until there's something to freak out about" mentality. You can come to us whenever you need! *hugs*
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: I think the whole thing behind the 8-10 reps vs the 12-15 reps is that the amount of weight you can lift 15 times is less than the amount of weight you can lift 8 times. Lifting heavier weights for less reps builds muscle faster. Smaller weights for more reps will strengthen the muscles and build them to an extent but not as much as heavier weights.

    Tae: I am so sorry for what you are going through with your mom right now. Feel free to vent here as much as you like. My MIL's cancer is in remission but I DO know what it's like to hold your breath every time a loved one goes to the oncologist or has another scan or another weird symptom. Just keep taking care of yourself.

    Victoria: You'll have to let me know how those topsy turvy things work, I've always wondered.

    Kendal: I'm sorry that you're sore but it's the good kind of sore, isn't it? The "I had a killer workout, bow down to my awesomeness" kind of sore?

    Karen: I love breakfast for dinner.

    Nava: When I started running, I couldn't go very fast or for very long AT ALL. I think the mistake that most beginners make is that they go too fast too soon. If you start slow, you'll find that you'll improve faster.

    I just had to sit through "Space Jam" which is inexplicably one of The Hubbs favorite movies of all time. He felt it was time for The Kid to see it. (I cooked dinner and tried to avoid hearing it) The kid loved it -gag.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy- ha! Thanks for the reminder...we will have to show that one to G. We've already got her HOOKED on all the Star Wars movies, she knows more about the characters than I do now. And Indiana Jones..Goonies. ET is next. Space Jam, I liked that movie lol.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Tae- :frown: So sorry about your mom and having to keep it under wraps. We are here for you though. I tell the ladies here things that I sometimes don't even tell my bff.

    Speaking of getting kids hooked on shows/movies that aren't new. My 5yo neice is addicted to Animaniacs. Watching it now though, there were a lot of "inappropriate" shenanigans on that show. Yet somehow, I still turned out ok. :wink: haha

    Lacey- I never read the nutritional stuff about p90x....thats probably why I never really lost anything other than a couple inches.
  • innerexp
    innerexp Posts: 32 Member
    Hi, everyone

    I feel a little late to the game here, but would love to participate in this challenge!

    A little about me- I'm an event producer and work from home and then travel to my gigs. I'm getting to the end of my busy "season", thank goodness! Since joining the site almost two months ago I've only lost around 5 lbs due to heavy work and travel schedules, but I'm ready to kick it into high gear now that I have more time.

    I'm looking forward to getting to know you all and finally reaching "one" derland :)

  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Jenn: Welcome to the group. We love new faces around here!! What kinds of events do you produce? That sounds really interesting!

    Kendal: A LOT of the cartoons I grew up on were kind of questionable now that I go back and look at them. (violence and stuff) But I didn't grow up to be a serial killer, so I guess all is well.

    Lacey: I LOVE Goonies, Star Wars and Indiana Jones! I also loved The Princess Bride, The Dark Crystal, The Neverending Story and Labyrinth. (I thought David Bowie was H.O.T. - LOL, I was a dork)
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    So I was walking up the stairs to put The Kid to bed when The Hubbs called me a "droopy butt". He said that the seat of my jeans is too baggy and I need to move on to the next size down. I've been wearing my Seven Jeans Size 16's with a belt cuz I really like the style but since my butt is drooping, I guess that won't work anymore. So I dipped into my jeans drawer for the 2 size 14's that I had hidden in there and they fit perfectly but I also found a pair of size 12's that I thought "what the hell, let's see how tight they are." The 12's not only went on easily but they zipped and buttoned up!!! I think they are a bit tighter in the thighs than I'd like but I was SOOO happy!!! 12's!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • texastae1010
    texastae1010 Posts: 165
    Ladies thank you so much for all of your kind words and advice it means more than yall will ever know so I have decided to take yesterday and today to process, mope, cry, be pitiful etc…tomorrow I am going to get at it I am going to eat the way that I should be honestly not being that bad at all but I could be better and get back on the exercise wagon because me being pitiful is not going to help anyone at all now is it…I know that I feel better when I am working out and perhaps it will help deal with the stress etc…I am a person that needs that pitiful time but also knows that I can’t stay here too long or it could be very bad…(I am trying this positive mean talking to myself in hopes that it works) I hope that everyone is having a good Wednesday and yall truly have no idea how your words, hugs, and caring means to me it is helping me just to be able to discuss cry it out and release that stress and worry not all of it by any means yall know what I mean. Thank you again
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Tae-will pray for you & your family! Breast cancer is a battle! My grandmother just beat it at 73 (now 74) years old! One of the many factors that got me off my couch & moving to lose weight! You are more than free to vent to us any time! That's what we're here for! *HUGS*

    Amy-your movie choices sound like mine growing up as well! I must've been a dork too, b/c he WAS hot! ROFL!! I even have all of those movies at home now! :o) And the cartoons...well, my kids watch what DVD's I can find! Congrats on the 12's!! You're just my hero!!! Seriously! I think if we get any more alike, we get to be officially twins! ROFL!! I blame it on the birthday! Libras are weird like that! ;-) If you haven't read any, some of the Star Wars books are kinda neat too, if you can ever get the list straight! :-)

    Jenn-welcome! It's never too late! We're only one week in, so 5 more to go & we always just move onto the next challenge when this one is done! :-) This is a lifestyle change with little challenges in between to keep us motivated!

    OK, I have to get some more work done. Already found a house to go look at next week!! Keep your fingers crossed for me!
  • psychohope
    psychohope Posts: 92
    hey girlies, hop everyone is having a good day, got no exercise in today but hoping to get a walk in tomorrow before work, if i stay the same again this week i will be happy
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I've offically lost track of time and missed getting on here. Bookclub starts in 20 min and I still have to drive there.

    Tae - my heart goes out to you and your family. 2 people in my bookclub have had good results with chemo/radiation following breast cancer. Hopefully things go well for your mom. I'll keep all of you in my prayers.