200+ Summer Meltdown!



  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: I think taking your measurements is a REALLY good way to track your progress with P90X. I have to remove my audiobooks from my iPhone in iTunes on my computer. I have to go in there when they are hooked up together and then uncheck the books I want taken off my phone. I have so many audiobooks in my iTunes that there's no way they'd all fit on my phone!

    Karen: I think you and I are sisters who were separated around birth! Seriously. I LOVE cooking and I collect weird spices and food items. I currently have some tea from India that my friend studying Punjab was nice enough to send me to I can make "authentic" chai as well as chicory coffee so I can make authentic Vietnamese iced coffee as well as a ton of other off the wall ingredients.

    Nava: I've heard a lot about the Hungry Girl recipes but never tried them myself. I'll have to look into it. Maybe you should hide your scale.

    Kerry: Feel better girl! We want pics of the new hair-do!!!

    Kendal: i have to measure my creamer too. I found that I use way more of the fat free stuff than the full fat stuff.It's awesome that you'll have company on your warrior dash. I'm so excited for you!!!!

    Victoria: I don't have a book club but I DO have an almost 8 year old addicted to reading so he reads "his" books on his Kindle. We read another book out loud together for "us time". We are currently reading The Hunger Games together (I figured that he was old enough to understand the story and enjoy it). He. Is. Hooked. We're nearly done and we've only been reading it for less than a week. Today we got to the part where Rue died (you read this book, didn't you) and I had to hand him to book to read out loud to me because I couldn't read it without being a crying mess. It totally took me by surprise (and him too, he told me that it's weird to see grown-ups cry) but it was a touching moment in the book. I can't wait for the movie to come out next year.

    Ok, today was almost a complete bust for me today what with the being stuck in traffic for 2 hours and then having my eyes dilated for 4 hours. It was an Insanity rest day (thank goodness) but I did get some movement in because my Xbox Kinect (purchased from Lacey - THANK YOU!!!!) got here today with a couple of games. So I've been running and jumping and bouncing for a while. It's really fun!! Have a good one, ya'll!!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Lacy-Amy's right, you have to sync with Itunes & "un"select what you don't want on there! That's about the only way I know to get the stuff off. :o) Measuring is probably better. My scale is becoming an addiciton, though I only "record" Mon & Friday weights on this thread & only acutally put in losses on MFP! :o) I have done pretty good today...so far. My aunt is getting to come into town, so may be going out for supper, so wish me luck that I get a choice of a place with good options! LOL!

    Amy-I'm beginning to think you're right! Hmm, I'm not a chai fan, but the hubby is...might have to try some of that! I have a Celestial Seasonings tea that was supposed to be a coffee "replacement" that I thought was kinda nasty, but he's been drinking it when he's in a tea mood. :o) I'm starting to wonder what else we have in common? You weren't born in IN were ya? LOL! My friends call me a KY transplant! :-)

    Anybody ever have stomach cramps? I keep reading threads that blame it on too much fat or fiber...well, I had these in January & February...before the lifestyle change...then they stopped...til today...so I'm wondering, could my supper from last night be doing it? I've had Taco Bell & such when I've wanted it since I started losing weight, so I'm just not sure! I know it's not heartburn, & TOM is over....just wanting to throw that out there for input.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    do any of yall think you get cold a lot easier now that you've lost weight?
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I'm skipping my workout tonight. I have enough cals left that I won't go over. Instead I'm going to read up on all the P90X stuff I skipped. At the moment I'm thinking I'm going to do c25k AND p90x to get ready for warrior dash. C25k is only 3 days a week and doesn't last longer than 40-45 minutes. I will just have to make sure I don't do c25k and yogaX on the same day. I don't have THAT much time lol. And if p90x allows me to have 2400+ cals in a day, I would definitely have enough calories for the extra 40 minutes of walking/jogging.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kendal - I actually have been less sick. Crosses fingers that the trend continues.

    I'm being very brave and taking some ME time.. I'm at a walk-in beauty shop. I told the hairdresser to give me high/low lights - she's picking the cut and color. I've never just given cart Blanche permission. My regular lady fractured her sh 2 months ago and doesn't know when she'll be ready to do hair again.
  • psychohope
    psychohope Posts: 92
    hey girls, had an ok few days food wise, going for a nice long swim and a walk tomorrow so hopefully that will help the weightloss for this week
  • innerexp
    innerexp Posts: 32 Member
    I hope everyone is having a great day!

    Amy~ Thanks so much for the warm welcome! I produce corporate events primarily. I occasionally help a friend with a wedding or other social event, but corporate is easier fo sho :) Less drama!

    Tae~ I have two step sisters with stage 4 lung cancer, so I certainly feel your pain. My thoughts are with you.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    omg. Lacey. You weren't joking about the 3000+ cals that p90x says you need. I just calculated mine and it says I need 3204 a DAY. That's twice what I eat, even when I eat my exercise cals!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Check in for Thursday: 2398 calories burned/ 1526 calories eaten/ 872 calorie deficit

    Kendal: I think there's something amok with the calories P90X recommends. I didn't burn more than 400 calories doing the weight training workouts and I'd burn around 700 for the more cardio workouts but in no way does that mean that I need to eat a gajillion calories to make up for that. You'll definitely need to eat more calories than you were, I'm just not sure if you should eat as much as they recommend. Just my 2 cents though. I definitely get cold easier now that I'm a bit less insulated. The Hubbs says my hands and feet could be used for torture devices cuz they're so cold most of the time.

    psychohope: Enjoy your walk & swim!

    Victoria: How'd the hair workout out??? I've only ever given a stylist cart blanch with my hair once (but that was cuz she was a friend of mine and really "knew" me). Give us pics of the new 'do!

    Karen: I was born in CA. I've lived in: KS, Germany, TX, CA, TX, MD, VA, TX (do you see a theme with all the TX's yet), CA, and now Germany again. (that's 10 major moves since I was 18 - doesn't include moving within a city/state - I think I moved 3 or 4 more times within cities) Favorite place to live: Monterey, CA. Worst place I've ever lived: Wichita, KS.
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    WHOA!! I'm gone for one day and DAAHHHMMM. Ok, I've taken notes, so here goes...

    Amy - The hills sprint with Sofie sound hilarious. I have a 17 yo toy poddle. I think he'd probably try one and then just take a nap. I guess at 17 and underweight you'd be allowed though. Yippee! on the SIZE 12 jeans!

    Nava - Yes, Texas Roadhouse can be evil, but I was craving a steak and I did pretty good... 6 oz filet mignon (light on the seasoning), baked sweet potato (no salt, butter on the side), salad (french dressing on the side), only 1 glass of sweet tea and only one roll (my dessert, yum). Plus, I did Zumba before going out, so still ended with a slight deficit for the day. After I logged the meal though, the fat content made me cringe.

    Karen - Don't worry about the name, megruder is my nickname (really don't understand why). I also added my real name to my signature, stole that from some ladies here.

    Tae - I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I hope the oncologist has a positive prognosis. I can't imagine what it is like to lose a parent and to be in your current situation, but I have spent lots of time in dark places. You can always vent to us, but I would also suggest maybe finding a good therapist. S/he can be a really great neutral person to vent to, as well as you can get really great advice on ways to cope in healthy ways. I strongly believe that there is a time in everyone's life that s/he can benefit from therapy. Therapists have an outside perspective AND are compassionate (the good ones). Unfortunately our society puts a stigma on mental health, but there is nothing to be ashamed of and everything to gain. I've been in and out of therapy (mostly in) for the past 14 years and can safely say my life is better for it, I'm happier than I would've been without it and I'm alive today. I never made an attempt but made plans and seriously considered it. I realize that your dark place is not my dark place, but NO ONE deserves to be in those dark places. HUGS!!!

    Kendal - I loved Animaniacs (loved it) and saw the "inappropriate" humor as away to keep the adults in the room entertained and figured most of it went straight over the kids' heads. Way to go on the c25k!

    Jenn - Welcome!!!

    Suzie - I definitely would recommend Zumba. It's REALLY fun. Personally, I started working out 4-6 days a week because I wanted to get into the habit. I knew if I took off for more than one day it would be harder to go back. I quickly started feeling better both physically and mentally so I just kept it up. My body now thrives on it and feels like crap if I skip a day or two. That being said, if I have planned to workout and I feel worn out, I listen to my body and give it a rest. The next day my body and I can't wait to go. My mom and wife don't know who I am any more. As for my workout, I do some form of cardio everyday I workout, try to do full-body strength training 3x a week, and yoga at least once a week. I too have noticed some really great improvements in my body that I attribute to yoga. Don't get discouraged.

    Crystal - Congrats on the loss!!!

    Jean - Yeah! Puppies!!!

    Sarah - I had the same problem when trying to calculate my body fat. I finally had a trainer at the gym do the caliper thing. Ended up at 40% body fat at 250 lbs (at the time) and I'm 5'3". I did some geeky math and if I get to my highest "recommend" weight of 140, I'd be like 1% body fat. Umm.... I gave up on that and the lowest weight I remember myself at was 190 and I was a little heavy then. I set my goal at 170 and will re-evaluate when I get closer. I'd focus on your body fat percentage, but I realize some sort of number is nice that have in mind.

    Karen - Yeah for the deficit even have a not so healthy breakfast dinner! As for stomach cramps, I used to have GI (both stomach and lower) cramps when I ate really greasy (a.k.a. fatty foods), not really a problem anymore! My wife used to have similar problems when she ate too much fiber (i.e. any real amount of fiber). It's getting better. Some people have to adjust to the fiber, but if you slowly increase it the cramps should diminish and go away.

    Kerry - Way to take on the cold and show it who's boss!

    Victoria - Once I trust a hairdresser, I usually just let them have fun with my hair. I might give them one or two preq, like I don't want to spend more than 30 sec on it in the morning. They usually love it and they probably have a better idea of what looks good on me than I do. I've always been pleased anyway. I hope it worked out for you!

    Check in for Wednesday... 2579 cal burned / 2146 cal consumed / 433 cal deficit includes 55 min of Zumba
    Check in for Thursday... 2355 cal burned / 1172 cal consumed / 1183 cal deficit - It was my day off and I was a little depressed so I didn't really eat much. Nothing really big going on just a blah day, but I did have NSV. Pulled out a pair of old jeans a size smaller (Lane Bryant size 5, not really sure what the real size is, the size 6s I've been wearing have gotten baggy) and not only did they fit but they are loose! Tried on a bunch of other old clothes, not quite fitting into those, but hopefully next month!

    WOW! that was long!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I really like my new do!!! Biking is just so fun and doesn't seem like exercise... We only made 8 miles in our hour this morning vs 10 to 11 last year. This was our first big ride. I told my friend to put her whip away until June. Thurs check-in 2477 burned and 2431 consumed. No real exercise except shopping at Walmart. Have a great day and I'll try to catch up/comment to everyone this weekend. You ladies are my stress relief and keep me grounded. Thanks for just being who you are!!! TGIF!!!
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    Ok, weighed in this morning at 198! (I was afraid that I would hop back over 200, but my weekend eating fest didn't hurt me too bad!):laugh:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Weighed in at 215.8 this morning. Same as last week.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Katie-thanks for the name forgiveness & the tummy advice! I feel better this morning, after sleeping on a heating pad all night! Seems to be the only thing that kicks it! And congrats for smaller clothes! Who cares what size, they're smaller!!

    Amy-my hubby was born in TX & grew up in FL/CA! I've lived in KY since I was 2, and born in IN, but went back a lot to visit family. :o) I moved to FL when I was 21 & met my hubby while working at Disney. I married Goofy! My family thinks that's hilarious! And I think some of it was passed down to my kids! ROFL! Now back home in KY & don't plan on going anywhere! Hubby thought that the small town (60K-90K for whole county) would be weird for him. His hometown of Riverside, CA has a few million! But now he can't imagine anywhere else as home! I've moved several times within the area I live in. I have to admit, I did enjoy living in Orlando. It's a good city for an early 20 something single chick who wants a life! LOL! I even enjoyed my job. I just didn't enjoy the small paycheck. Disney doesn't pay well...though the benefits were awesome! $20 to have my oldest back in 2002!

    Sophjakesmom-yay for staying in onederland! :o)

    And for my Friday motivational weigh in...228.4!! Down from the 230 of Monday! Woo hoo!! MFP only shows a .6 lb loss b/c I kinda refuse to put in gains of any kind...I'm a stinker like that, esp when I knew it was a TOM gain! :o) Now to keep it up over the weekend for Monday! :O)
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Short hair. Curly today, which makes it a bit more laid back. When its straight its pretty sassy.

    Oh man, TGIF like crazy for me today. I will be so happy to have the insanity that has been my work week behind me!

    Lacey, I think choosing to not weigh in while doing P90X is an awesome idea. You'll be building a bunch of muscle! And I completely agree with Amy that the calories their nutrition program says you should eat are ridiculous. I'm pretty similar to Amy on what I'm burning per workout... usually somewhere between 350-450 for strength days and somewhere between 450-600 depending on the workout. So I'm usually eating somewhere between 1700-2200 calories a day for my 1.5 lb/week deficit, depending on what else my day consists of. And I have had steady loss the whole time I've been doing P90X, but I've also noticed some serious muscle definition all over my body. (I swear I have abs under there somewhere now!) I really don't think 3000-3200 calories a day is realistic if you're not a dude trying to build serious muscle mass.

    Amy, I have total Kinect envy! Do you love it? We really need to get one - I think it would super fun. I'm sorry you had such a crap day with traffic and such - ick.

    Kendall, I agree with Victoria that I have been significantly less sick since I started getting skinnier. This cold that I have right now is the first time I've been sick since December, which is pretty bad@ss.

    Victoria, we want pics of the hair! I am super finicky about who I let touch my hair, so once I find a stylist, that's pretty much it for me. The girl that I go to now is basically a genius with my hair and also super easy to talk to... I think that is so important, to have a connection with that person so its not awkward, especially when you're getting highlights and such so you're with them for FOREVER. Anyway, I want to see how it turned out!

    Katie, I completely agree with you on it working best when you workout as often as possible so you don't slack off. I'm so terrified that if I take 2 days off it will turn into a week, then a month, and then crap, I'm out of shape and super chubby again. No good. Plus you're right that you get to that point where you crave it, and that is such an awesome feeling. Like this morning was my stretch day for P90X, and I love that dvd, but I was a little bummed because I wanted to get all sweaty and have my butt kicked. So today after work I'm gonna run.

    Karen, DUDE! You worked at Disney World?!?! Holy crap! Guess where Chris and I went on our first vacation together? Guess where he proposed to me? Guess where we went on our honeymoon? Yup. All WDW. (he proposed after we saw Cirque du Soleil and were taking a walk on the water in Downtown Disney... there's a bench down there that we now refer to as "our bench" since that's where he asked me) We are actually planning a trip down there in January, and I'm very strongly considering registering for the 1/2 marathon or marathon if we can make our vacation days coincide with it. Anyway... short story long, I freaking love that place. It is so much fun. Where did you work? I bet you have totally been in the tunnels under MK. That's awesome.

    My parents called me on Tuesday of this week and asked if they could stay at our place this weekend so that they can go to a Memorial Service for my mom's aunt on Saturday, so Chris and I cleaned the house like crazy people last night after I got done doing Kenpo. My least favorite cleaning activity? Scrubbing the tub. I loathe it. I don't know why, I just do.

    For dinner last night I made myself a grilled cheese sandwich with onions, tomatoes, and avocado. Hardly needed any cheese to be delicious. nom nom nom.

    Hopefully I'll get a chance to get back on here today, otherwise have an awesome weekend ladies!
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    I'm sorry I haven't been able to keep up again lately. Trying to get things situated for Charlotte's daycare transfer, my little sister leaving for (Army) boot camp, lots of things going on right now, but I'm doing what I can! I'll pop in as I'm able and reply to everyone. :happy:

    Official weigh in for this week - 225. I know I said 224 on Wednesday, but that was before my "bad" lunch so yesterday the scale said 225. Still a 20 lb weight loss overall so I'm ok with it if it meant I got to have a couple delicious slices of pizza. :tongue:
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Crap I forgot to weigh in! 193.6... 1.5 down from last week, my exact deficit amount.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Hi Ladies!

    Kerry, that hair looks so cute! And scrubbing the tub is my least favorite chore too.

    Quick message for now... weighing in at 221.8 today. Two pounds down from last week. I'm hoping to continue to do fairly well over the weekend too. Tonight is margaritas, chips and salsa and dominoes with some friends, so I'll be taking it easy on the calories during the day.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Kerry- love the new cut! I have really thick hair so anytime I try to go short, it just gets more poofy. Long hair works best for me I think.

    Its freaking freezing in here today. We sit under an air vent that we lovingly refer to as the jet liner cause its so freaking loud. I have my jacket on (with the hood on my head) and a blanket over my legs and feet (I wore a skort today). ITS COLD.

    Tonight is my high school reunion. They had to cancel the fancy $40 dinner/party for tomorrow night due to not enough ticket sales so instead we are doing an informal thing at a bar in Winston Salem. I have NO CLUE what to wear. Part of me wants to wear my black and red dress, but that would probably be WAY over kill. Any dress at all might be too formal. I could wear a skirt but I don't normally wear skirts to bars either (drinking, booty dancing and wearing a skirt is just asking for trouble lol). Jeans and a cute top? I could, but I still want to be super cute and get noticed without it appearing that I'm trying to hard. GAH.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    omg. Lacey. You weren't joking about the 3000+ cals that p90x says you need. I just calculated mine and it says I need 3204 a DAY. That's twice what I eat, even when I eat my exercise cals!

    I know right!!!