skb32881 Member


  • You just motivated me to get back into NROLFW!
  • Damn it, I wish I was!!!! This is the first I'm hearing of it.
  • I'm down to about my last 20 and it's so freaking hard! I was trying carb cycling for a minute before I got sick and it seems like it was going to work. Basically I just scaled my carbs way back for 3 days - like 100 grams a day or so - and then on the 4th day eat high carbs (all healthy, good carbs of course and still…
  • I lost 7 inches total during stage 1, and 2 during stage 2. My calorie range varies - I eat 1600 + whatever I burn exercising. I lifted 2-3 times a week and did cardio 4-6 times a week (more or less depending on whether or not I was lifting as well. And by cardio I mean mostly walking.)
  • I think if they are tough then you're using the right amount of weight. Don't worry about what other people are doing - I always see little tiny girls that can lift MUCH more then me and I'm like "how do they do that?!" Just do what you can and set your sights on getting stronger! But to answer you question I started out…
  • Good job!!! That's so motivating!
  • I have that problem when I start doing a new exercise or when I work harder than usual. And mine always seem to come on in my sleep or other leisure activities but once in awhile they do while I'm working out. For me getting plenty of water and potassium seems to help. I have potassium supplements and I will eat potassium…
  • I'm there!!!! I was going to do the SF one, I didn't know there was a Sacramento one!
  • I love PB2! I haven't tried the chocolate one yet though.
  • I started doing The New Rules of Lifting For Women and I lost 2 inches in my hips after the first phase. I was ticked off about it because I wanted to keep my curves and that's the only place I had a significant loss but it might be something worth looking into :)
  • I would say it depends on the girl and on the exercise. I can dead lift about 65, bench press about 80, and row/pull down about 85/90. Squats I think I was doing about 65 as well. I think I'm a freaking badass but then I see some women who can lift more than their body weight and/or much more than me!!! But then I see…
  • It will happen. When I started lifting I stopped losing weight too and I was getting discouraged. Then I gave myself a week off, let my muscles rest, and got back on the scale and had lost a few pounds. Then I got excited and did my measurements and had lost 7 inches total (2 from my butt alone!). From now on I'm going to…
  • Sugar, I'm disappointed in you!! I use those words frequently.... along with many others :) But to answer the original question, I'm pretty much the same with the exception of asking random strangers to be my friends..... I'm a little quiet and reserved at first but once I get to know you and feel comfy around you then you…
  • As you should be!!!! Cute baby by the way :)
  • I 100% feel that way!! I sure hope it goes away eventually..... Maybe we need to talk ourselves into it? I dunno but it sucks. And I hate when people compliment me and say I'm looking skinny. My brain tells me I've lost a ton of weight, my eyes just don't see it yet.
  • Same! I love lifting weights!! I weigh my food like crazy too. And I never thought I would enjoy a good sweat!!!
  • I just started experiencing this myself once I really started to challenge myself. I DID go to the doctor and she checked everything out and did blood work and said everything looked OK. I am also on the pill and have PCOS. She said spotting is normal but it definitely freaks me a out a little.... :(
  • Lozze - One of the reasons I started lifting heavy instead of just the circuit machines is because after about 50 lbs lost I started to notice lots of flabby skin! I swear my underarms slap me in the face every morning when I'm putting on my makeup so I'm trying to fill some of that in with muscle. Also, I love cardio but…
  • I take a stability ball class which I LOVE and we use light hand weights and body bars. I intentionally plan my NROL4W days on the same day as that class so I get all my strength training in on one day and have the days in between for rest and recovery. The weights we use in my class is nowhere near as heavy as I use on…
  • I've got about 30 lbs to lose and when I first started lifting I was dropping weight like crazy! After about the 3rd-4th week I stopped losing BUT I can tell my muscles are definitely bigger than when I first started so I'm ok with it (ok only kinda ok with it but whatever) because I'm hoping to lose fat while gaining…
  • Sacramento! Well Woodland actually but close enough :)
  • Bump. I just started lifting heavy about a month ago while eating a calorie deficit. I want to lose about 20 more lbs. The first couple weeks I dropped weight like crazy, the last couple weeks not so much. I will say I've notice a big difference in my muscles though. I'm interested to see what others say.
  • I've never had JGS either but I love my PB2 and it's relatively cheap. I think it's like $6 for the bottle but it's lasted me quite awhile. I personally find it's not great for sandwiches but I've found soooo many other ways to use it :)
  • I lost tons of weight without jogging/running. I just started doing a little jogging this year but I don't like it either. I only do it when I'm short on time. I mostly use the elliptical machine and the treadmill. I vary my incline/speed on the treadmill and always work until I'm seriously sweating and it seems to work. I…
  • Yes! That annoys me too! I just tell people that at this point that's my goal but it's up for negotiation along the way. I also tell people that my goal weight is just an aiming point and really I'm interested in body composition and I'm not sure where that will take me. And like an above poster said I don't think realize…
  • I felt the same way when I first got my HRM! I find that I can burn more doing jog/walk intervals than anything else. I also do intervals on the elliptical machine. I'll jog for 2 mins then walk for 2 mins until I've jogged a total of 10 mins. I do 5 mins warm up and 5 mins cool down so a half hour usually gets me around…
  • It seems alright to me. I agree that the more fresh/clean foods you can eat the better but it looks like you're getting a decent amount of protein. If you're looking for ways to add chocolate in there you could try the Fiber One 90 calorie brownies, chocolate protein bars, the chocolate PB2 (I'd add it to smoothies or mix…