The subject basically says it all haha. I absolutely HATE running but I heard that it is the most effective form of cardio that results in weight loss. I absolutely love the elliptical and ArcTrainer for cardio but I fear that maybe it's not as effective. I was wondering if there are other alternatives to running that are just as effective. Has anyone lost weight without ever having to resort to running/jogging?


  • skb32881
    skb32881 Posts: 105 Member
    I lost tons of weight without jogging/running. I just started doing a little jogging this year but I don't like it either. I only do it when I'm short on time. I mostly use the elliptical machine and the treadmill. I vary my incline/speed on the treadmill and always work until I'm seriously sweating and it seems to work. I lift weights too which I personally think helps a ton. Plus I count my calories and try to eat as clean as possible. It can be done!
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    That's a myth. If you don't like to run then don't. There's plenty of other effective ways to lose weight.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    There are tons of other ways. Personally, I LOVE running, but a girlfriend of mine lost 40 lbs by walking with a slight incline (and of course watching her diet), no running involved. As long as you're getting your heart rate up and sweating, you can lose the weight.
  • StarkWork
    I would recommend swimming, that is my favorite exercise and I substitute 30 minutes of running with 20 minutes of swimming because it is such a work out. Plus running is terribly hard on your joints while swimming facilitates healthy movement and muscle regeneration.

    I also rock climb to keep from running. I'll do anything to avoid running.
  • iNkedFiTmama
    iNkedFiTmama Posts: 277 Member
    I hate running too! I just switch back n forth between the arch trainer & elliptical. My hips killed me when I ran last time, I could barely walk the next day.. Plus its not friendly to my bladder .. I've had 2 kids.. TMI lol. If I hop on the treadmill I'm walking at a decent pace on an incline.
  • BoxingCoachMo

    I hardly ever run. My cardio consists of boxing (sparring), skipping, cross trainer and nike women circuits.

    I know some people who just do weights and the work they do fires up their heart (ie cardio system), if they wanted to they could run.
  • 57rainbows
    57rainbows Posts: 101 Member
    Don't worry, running isn't magic. There are other cardio workouts that are easier on your joints (swimming), work both upper and lower body (elliptical), burn a lot more calories faster (kickboxing), are way more fun (zumba), or you can do around your neighborhood (biking). Running is great because you can do it almost anywhere and it can be very healthy for you, but it's not the only or necessarily best option.

    As a matter of fact, the very BEST, and most EFFECTIVE cardio... is the one that you'll do! It's that simple sometimes. If you hate running, you probably won't do it much and running shoes under the bed burn no calories. If you find something you enjoy (or at least don't hate), you'll do it more and with more effort, and THAT is the best routine for you.

    Best wishes!
  • ajpslp
    SPIN!!! I burn 900 calories every time i do it , just finished one this am , and tomorrow another one !! its so motivating and crushes running as nothing hurts when u are done
  • trlrnrgrl
    If you like the outdoors, hiking can be a good option, especially if the trails have some incline. You can do a fast hike where you are walking, but keeping up as brisk a pace as you can. If there are hills on the trail, it's sort of a lower body strength workout along with moderate cardio. It's not gonna get your heart rate up as high as other activities, but it's a good overall workout, especially if you just need a change of pace and some fresh air.
  • melrose09
    Yup yup! Lots of other options for get that blood pumping! Find something fun that you look forward to. And really, cardio isn't a necessity for weight loss. You can totally lose weight by watching what you eat and strength training. Cardio, running or otherwise, is good for you, though! Works out the most important muscle in your body :)
  • hsmithway
    I have a love hate relationship with running. Personally, I enjoyed it, but I have a connective tissue disorder and all kinds of joint problems, so I was injuring myself left and right. These days I use the elliptical, And I've been injury-free for longer than I ever was running. So I figure if I count my downtime due to injury into my averages, I'm actually burning more calories on the elliptical than I would running ;)