

  • Did you eat too many empty carbs or sugars today? When I have orange juice with breakfast I'm starving all day. Maybe try a tablespoon of peanut or almond butter and a glass of water. That usually saves me until the next meal.
  • I'm not sure about foods, but.... Make sure you change your pillowcases and towels often, at least once a week. Try not to touch your face. Maybe try a different facial cleanser? Or a fancy anti-acne system like Proactiv? Acne can also be caused by stress. :-/
  • I don't know about the exercises, but I've heard the meal plan is dangerous and leaves you malnourished, so I wouldn't do that part.
  • I'm originally from Wisconsin. And I wore my Packers sweatshirt to the office today since I didn't feel like dressing up.
  • Wow, congratulations! This post should be a lesson for everyone who is obsessed with the scale. You "only" lost 6 lbs, but you look amazing! I think I might have to buy 30 Day Shred...
  • Is your BMI in the "overweight" category? One of my biggest motivations is knowing I'm not healthy and that I could really have serious medical problems as I get older if I don't snap out of it right now. Just remember you want to grow old with your hubby!
  • Maybe a mini blizzard? I bet all of the calories are listed on DQ's website.
  • I started at 207 lbs and 1610 calories. But I set it for only 1 lb per week. Either change your weekly weight loss goal, or just manually change the 1200 to whatever makes you more comfortable. I'm at 192 lbs right now and it's giving me 1550 for 1 lb per week, if that helps.
  • Are you drinking enough water? I noticed your diary said 0 on the few days I looked at.
  • The initial weight loss on low carb diets is all water weight. Combined with your period, the gain is probably water. I would stick to low calorie and get some exercise and then check in again next week.
  • MFP automatically builds in a calorie deficit so you can lose weight eating 1200 calories without exercise. If you're exercising, you should eat back at least some of your calories. You can try eating some or all and see what works best for you. But you should always try to get your net calories to at least 1200 or you…
  • Are you drinking enough water? I notice your last diary didn't have any water entered. Also, you're pretty thin. It's possible that your body just wants to be 130 lbs.
  • If someone else posted that they lost 0.5 lbs this week, would you agree that they'd accomplished nothing? I hope not. I know it's disappointing not to see a big loss, but any week with any loss is a victory. Rome wasn't built in a day and so forth. Every loss puts you closer to your goal.
    in nsv :( Comment by Tracy184 August 2011
  • I'm over my calories by 725 today, so you're making me feel bad. :-) It happens. Eating badly and having one day of eating healthy didn't "sabotage" your weight gain, so one day of eating poorly won't sabotage your weight loss. The important thing is to realize that this is not a big deal and to try again tomorrow.
  • The black one! I totally want to own that dress when I reach my goal weight.
  • I have this problem too. I've found that doing Zumba really helps. I hate exercise, but I discovered I can talk myself into getting up 30 minutes early to "dance." It's all psychological.
  • That sounds like it could be low blood sugar. Maybe you aren't eating enough to fuel your exercise.
  • I was on Yasmin for a few years. I gained a lot of weight, but I suspect that was due to eating junk and not exercising, since I also gained weight before and after the Yasmin. I think it messed with my potassium (a known side effect), because I felt strange while taking it. I prefer Loestrin 24, but everyone is different.
  • I always figure my body needs my energy reserves to make itself better, so I don't exercise. The most I'd do is a moderate walk to get the blood flowing. And then only if there's no fever and all symptoms are above the neck.
  • I have the NuWave. It's pretty awesome. I like to throw some turkey bacon in there in the morning and then finish getting ready while it cooks. The rack can be hard to keep clean, but it's so great to just be able to put some food in the NuWave and not keep an eye on it. I recommend getting one.
  • I LOVE this thing. I don't have any good recipes, but I throw turkey bacon on it every morning and it's done in 7 minutes while I'm getting ready for work. It's also great for marinating a few chicken breasts and then cooking them up for the week. And heating up french bread pizzas, but I'm really trying not to do that so…
  • Try I also find it to be a little bland, so you need to know how to dress it up a little. I had quinoa fritters that were delicious, but that's not really a healthy option. It's versatile though, you can eat it hot in a lot of different ways, but it's also good in cold salads, like with fresh herbs and…
  • I agree that you should seek professional help. It's a good idea to explore the feelings that led to your anorexia in the first place, so you'll be better equipped to stay healthy. In the meantime, maybe start slower. It's easy to feel overstuffed and guilty when eating 3500 calories per day. Try eating 2000 calories per…
  • Your BMI is quite low. Maybe you just need to tone up rather than lose more weight? I definitely think you should increase your calories. Your body needs fuel to burn more fat.
  • You could sit on an exercise ball, or get one of those sets of pedals that you can pedal on under your desk.
  • Don't beat yourself up! At least one day a week I go with a quick calorie add and just enter 1500 or 1800 when I've been really bad for dinner (in addition to whatever I've already entered for breakfast and lunch). It happens. I've still lost 10 lbs, and I've finally for the first time in 5 years stopped gaining weight.…
  • Since you've got a time crunch, something that builds muscle is probably best. People seem to get great results relatively quickly with 30 Day Shred and P90X. 15 weeks is enough time if you really commit to it. That's a really cute suit, so I don't blame you for wanting to wear it. You can do it!
  • People are often afraid to comment on weight loss because they think it's the same as saying "hey, I thought you were fat before." I bet they've noticed. Good job, and don't give up!
  • Congrats! I hit that milestone last week after flirting with it for a few weeks. It's awesome!