how many calories should I eat?

My goal is to eat about 1200 calories a day. But when I exercise I earn 350- 450 calories a day. Should I be eating the calories I earn from exercise, because they are added to my fitness pal balance? That would mean I would be eating 1500 to 1600 calories I want to lose weight in a healthy manner but I'm not sure what is the most effective way.


  • GetHealthyNotLazy
    GetHealthyNotLazy Posts: 1 Member
    Well the thing is that you're supposed to loose every calorie you intake everyday I guess. So that means you can eat up to 1500 but then you'll maintain your weight and If you don't eat it you will probably loose weight. It's up to you :)
  • lguy29
    lguy29 Posts: 131
    I generally don't eat back all of my exercise calories. It's been a good run for me. My daily intake sets me at 1200. I generally eat around 1400, and I exercise at least 300, but mainly 600 calories worth a day. I am loosing about a pound a week.
  • Tracy184
    Tracy184 Posts: 74
    MFP automatically builds in a calorie deficit so you can lose weight eating 1200 calories without exercise. If you're exercising, you should eat back at least some of your calories. You can try eating some or all and see what works best for you. But you should always try to get your net calories to at least 1200 or you might end up in starvation mode. But you'll get a lot of different answers to this question.
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    Hi there!

    You might want to start here:

    This question is often asked by new members. Usually, many people (but not all) will argue that because MFP already sets a deficit for you, you SHOULD eat your exercise calories or risk having too large of a deficit that may bring problems later on.

    Others will tell you that they never eat back their exercise calories and still lose.

    In the end, it's up to you to experiment and find out what works best for your body.

    Best of luck!
  • Make sure you are eating at least 1200 calories a day. Then, you can also eat your exercise calories, but don't have to. If you do, you will still lose weight, just not as fast. Many people on here believe that you must eat your exercise calories, but I disagree.
  • looseal
    looseal Posts: 27 Member
    I'm not seeing a one-to-one ratio in my calorie intake/weight loss results or in my activity vs sedentary days. I'm losing faster than predicted. So I think the answer is it depends on how your own body's response.
  • myfurturelooksgood
    myfurturelooksgood Posts: 30 Member
    From what I understand, you are supposed to eat the calories from exercising each day. The alloted amount given you (1200) has already taken into account a weight loss factor. Just eat healthful things for the calories alloted for exercise.
  • runslikeagirl
    runslikeagirl Posts: 140 Member
    This is a good question- I can't believe no one has ever asked it before..... [points to "Search" button in the message boards.....]

    You know I asked this question when I first started. Its a little confusing. I'm still not sure how many calories I should be eating. Some sites say 1700, some say 2000. It took more effort for you to be snarky then to just answer the question. I don't know why some people have to be so mean on here. Yes, eat your exersice calories.
  • MsQt
    MsQt Posts: 793 Member
    I was on 1200 cals until I met my goal weight. I never ate my burned calories back and I lost my weight (18 lbs) within 2 1/2 months. Because you are supposed to eat every three hours, I could never fit in more food cause I wasn't hungry.
  • rmartin72
    rmartin72 Posts: 1,085 Member
    That is a great question!! Amazing information from spaingirl2011. Have a great work out everyone!!
  • 1200 calories is just the bare minimum...when you do your BMR what does that tell you? For instance when you figure out your BMR using MFP tools that will tell you what your body burns doing basic bodily functions...not including anything should try to eat at least this much...when you exercise you earn more calories to should try to keep your net calories at around 1200-1500 or more depending on what exercise you have done for the day.

    Feel free to add me if you'd like. There are a few links regarding calories and exercise calories on my wall and if you'd like I can send them to you. Blessings !!!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    This seems to really depend on where you are in your weight loss. If you have lots to lose, it seems to work best not to eat them all but if you have less than 10 pounds, then definitely eat all or most. I was one of the "don't" camp until I hit a plateau and got to around the 10 pound mark. It took me a few weeks of frustration before I started eating most of them back, and cut my carb intake, and the weight is starting to come off again.

    As an earlier poster pointed out, this topic comes up VERY often. Use the "Search" link above to find other threads where it's been discussed ad nauseum.
  • Mygrrls
    Mygrrls Posts: 10 Member
    Based on this program your weight loss goals are already taken into account when you are given your net calories for the day. So for example, in order for me to maintain my weight I need about 2200 calories per day. In order to lose 2 pounds per week you must take in 1000 calories less per day. That's where your 1200 calories comes from. If you exercise then you can eat more calories because you are looking at NET calories. If you burn 300 calories exercising and you only eat 1200 then your net calories for the day are 900. That means you could lose weight faster but you have to be concerned about putting your body into starvation mode which could actually make you gain weight. I wouldn't be able to survive on 1200 calories a day. I need to exercise everyday in order to earn more calories. As long as your NET calories are around 0 you should lose weight. Hope this helps.
  • mark03264
    mark03264 Posts: 334 Member
    If you set up MFP right to start with then the daily calorie goal that MFP gives you already has a calorie deficit built in to lose weight. That said, you should eat close to the calorie goal MFP gives you each day including eating back most of your exercise calories. Depending on how far under the daily calorie goal you are, you are very likely to cause your body to hang onto the fat it has either slowing down or even stopping fat loss. It may not happen right away but eventually you will most likely plateau. If you have a lot of weight to lose you can probably get away with it longer but as you have less to lose your body will plateau easier. Sounds counter-intuitive but that's just the way it is.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Well the thing is that you're supposed to loose every calorie you intake everyday I guess. So that means you can eat up to 1500 but then you'll maintain your weight and If you don't eat it you will probably loose weight. It's up to you :)

  • LOL I did a search and I did find a ton of useful information. Thank you everyone! :)
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    It took more effort for you to be snarky then to just answer the question.
    Naa, I don't even log my snark calories...
  • Thank you for the helpful information everyone!
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    This is ad nauseum here but will chuck in my 2 penneth! I am set for 1340 but I have manually changed this to 1500, my reason is I train everyday, at 6 pm, and therefore after I get home at 7/7:30 I don't want to eat 800 cals! So I set mine purposely 200 higher so that I can refuel before I train if you get me! It seems to be working - lost 15lb since July and 74 lb over all. Hope this helps
  • Thank you! This was very very helpful!