HELP!! Horrible cheat meal turned into cheat DAY :(

Please no rude comments.. :\ just need feedback.

I totally ate HORRIBLE today. Had a day out with a friend I haven't seen in a while and she wanted to go to her favorite restaurant. My diary is open. I had Vietnamese Pho shrimp white rice noodle soup which is super HIGH in sodium & carbs. The menu didn't have it's nutrition menu so I figured to type whatever MFP had in "Pho." I'm sure the cals were much worse though. Anyway, I ate about 15 trader joes peanut butter filled pretzels too. A bunch of fruits.. Protein shake, and Kashi Go Lean this morning.

Basically I really went over my calories by at least 2-300 cals I bet and haven't been to the gym in almost a week due to horrible stomach cramps, but I'm feeling better so I plan on going tomorrow morning.

I feel so horrible & guilty. I usually have light cheat meals sometimes maybe once every other week, honestly a "cheat" FEEL meal for me everyday is my trader joes raw almond butter along with special k chips or just something healthier but it'll crave any sweet / salt tooths for me lol.

I'm nervous to step on the scale this weekend.. Even though I haven't been to the gym in about a week, I still eat much healthier. Again, my diary is open to view.

Anyone have a BAD cheat meal that turned into almost a CHEAT DAY? Ugh.. Sorry everyone I just feel like I gained 5 pounds or something lol.

Please help w any feedback! Thanks so much.


  • pleasepleaseno
    pleasepleaseno Posts: 166 Member
    Okay...Dont sweat that AT ALL. Yesterday, I was doing good in the morning. Then the evening came and I had some wine. I had like 3 glasses. Then I got the munchies so I ate some spaghetti. Turns out the spaghetti I ate was like 800 calories and I ended up going over like 1000 calories. But then I thought, most days I'm under like 500 calories, so going extremely over one day is not such a big deal. Each day is a new day :)
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    Please no rude comments.. :\ just need feedback.

    I totally ate HORRIBLE today. Had a day out with a friend I haven't seen in a while and she wanted to go to her favorite restaurant. My diary is open. I had Vietnamese Pho shrimp white rice noodle soup which is super HIGH in sodium & carbs. The menu didn't have it's nutrition menu so I figured to type whatever MFP had in "Pho." I'm sure the cals were much worse though. Anyway, I ate about 15 trader joes peanut butter filled pretzels too. A bunch of fruits.. Protein shake, and Kashi Go Lean this morning.

    Basically I really went over my calories by at least 2-300 cals I bet and haven't been to the gym in almost a week due to horrible stomach cramps, but I'm feeling better so I plan on going tomorrow morning.

    I feel so horrible & guilty. I usually have light cheat meals sometimes maybe once every other week, honestly a "cheat" FEEL meal for me everyday is my trader joes raw almond butter along with special k chips or just something healthier but it'll crave any sweet / salt tooths for me lol.

    I'm nervous to step on the scale this weekend.. Even though I haven't been to the gym in about a week, I still eat much healthier. Again, my diary is open to view.

    Anyone have a BAD cheat meal that turned into almost a CHEAT DAY? Ugh.. Sorry everyone I just feel like I gained 5 pounds or something lol.

    Please help w any feedback! Thanks so much.

    i dont believe in cheat meals or days.
    i suggest cutting them out altogether but its your choice.
    find foods that you love that are beneficial for your body.
  • lguy29
    lguy29 Posts: 131
    Stress is a big factor in weight loss. So is the mental aspect. If you're telling yourself you're eating bad, and then it stresses you out, it's not going to help. Typically days like this are the start of people's low point. They feel bad about something, then the next day it continues instead of starting over. One day isn't going to kill you, and just get at it tomorrow. Being with friends and having a good time is worth the extra calories every so often. So don't stress! Be happy you got to see an old friend, and tomorrow start fresh and new :)
  • HangoverSquare
    HangoverSquare Posts: 128 Member
    Nothing to worry about. You'll be fine! :)

    If it makes you feel any better, I downed 4 pieces of pizza yesterday at 250cal each. Let's just say I had A LOT of work to do at the gym... :laugh:
  • trini14
    trini14 Posts: 110 Member
    I've had days like this, It left me guilty to a certain point ( kind of like "dang, I know I shouldn't be eating this, but oh well"). I would just call it a learning experience one day shouldn't be to bad. Look at everything you've done and will do, this too shall pass. :) I'd say just jump back on the bandwagon :)

    Last week I got together with family, my sister cooked some Trinidadian food, girl I didn't even log that day, lol, but it's all good. Don't feel bad, I agree with one the posters above, you had a good time with your friend that should make up for it :)

    I don't believe in depriving yourself.....
  • LoseItJourney
    LoseItJourney Posts: 122 Member
    I know exactly what your talking about.
    It was basically my day today..

    small cheat = mini flurry from mcdonalds..
    turned into eating terribly all day long.

    I just think, for this cheat day, means the next few days have to be super healthy and ill work a bit more cardio into each day.

    Nothing to fret over, just work a little more tomorrow :)
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    Seriously, a couple hundred calories? Not the end of the world. A bad cheat day for me could be several THOUSAND calories over. So, truly, a few hundred calories is not bad AT ALL. I would just consider it a maintenance day. Get some extra exercise tomorrow, drink a ton of water, forgive yourself, and move on.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    First off, stop with the guilty feelings and feeling of failure. This is your life - not a diet. Sometimes we have to go out and simply enjoy ourselves without counting every calorie that is going into our mouth. Honestly, 200-300 calories over isn't a big deal. The sodium may make you retain a bunch of water, so I would definitely increase your water intake over the next few days.

    Don't feel bad or guilty. You ate it, you logged it - over and done. Close out the day. Drink tons of water and move on with your life. No big deal. :)

    I will add that I do not do cheat meals or cheat days. I eat what I want, when I want it. I eat in moderation and I log everything - no matter how ugly it may look in black and white. Honestly, I've found that practicing an "everything in moderation" lifestyle makes this feel less like a diet and more like something I can continue for the rest of my life. If I want a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, I eat it. I log it and move on. I account for everything in my calories and you know what? If I go over, it isn't the end of the world by any means. It is one day. No harm no foul. I refuse to spend the rest of my life avoiding some of the things I really enjoy - so when I want them, I eat the serving size of them and move on with my life. :) Having the "failure" mentality will lead you straight into.. well, failure.
  • mindbodysoul011
    I agree :) We can't put ourselves down so much for having a bad day, all we can do is move forward. I would suggest making extra easy snacks to grab during the day between breakfast and lunch and lunch and dinner. This way if you go out you won't be as hungry and therefore tempted to eat a lot of those empty calorie foods. If you go out with friends to a resto try substituting sides for steamed veggies or mixed greens. I hope this could help! Just smile and keep moving forward. -Mindbodysoul 011
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    yes, to each their own, but I wouldn't classify this as "horrible" It's all in your head really.

    I don't have "cheat" meals or even "cheat days". I try to eat sensibly and healthfully most of the time and sometimes I go on vacation or go to someone's wedding or birthday party and don't and I just log everything.

    For example, last week, I went to the beach for 4 days and was 1000-3000 calories OVER my goal every day. I gained 10 lbs in 4 days (you are impressed, yes?)

    Well, most was water. Whenever I take a break from eating healthy, when I'm ready to get back on track I really push the lean protein, the fiber and the water. Keep sugar and carbs low. Any "weight" you gained from your "horrible" cheat day should fall right back off in 3-4 days if you do this.

    Good luck and don't sweat it. You've got to live a little from time to time, just do your best the other 90% of your life. :)
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    I just had a cheat 3-day weekend and gained 4 pounds! Fast forward 3 days later and I've already lost 2 of those 4 pounds so I guess it was mostly water weight. No biggie in the whole scheme of things. Don't beat yourself up and move on.
  • francena84
    Ate over 3000 calories today no exercise. Screw it one day won't hurt
  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    You feel guilty for going over 200 calories?! Sorry if I sound horrible but you need a reality check...

    200 calories isn't even a cheat day, I'm pretty sure you're still at a deficit.
  • Tracy184
    Tracy184 Posts: 74
    I'm over my calories by 725 today, so you're making me feel bad. :-) It happens. Eating badly and having one day of eating healthy didn't "sabotage" your weight gain, so one day of eating poorly won't sabotage your weight loss. The important thing is to realize that this is not a big deal and to try again tomorrow.
  • kadoodle76
    kadoodle76 Posts: 234
    Don't sweat it...besides, other than the sodium being high, you ate rather healthy foods. It is not a big deal to go over on calories every now and then. Maybe a little more exercise as soon as your belly feels better...and chill. Chillin is the best thing to do when you feel like you screwed up.
  • kadoodle76
    kadoodle76 Posts: 234
    Don't sweat it...besides, other than the sodium being high, you ate rather healthy foods. It is not a big deal to go over on calories every now and then. Maybe a little more exercise as soon as your belly feels better...and chill. Chillin is the best thing to do when you feel like you screwed up.
  • kadoodle76
    kadoodle76 Posts: 234
    sorry, double post!
  • EthanJeremiahsMama
    EthanJeremiahsMama Posts: 534 Member
    Thanks everyone for the feedback. Idk, I guess also since I'm "PMS'ing" lol I feel even MORE bloated. Honestly I know I went over by at least 500. That soup was really fattening especially with all the oils & added chili oil, high sodium tamarind seasonings added.

    Even 15 trader joes peanut butter filled pretzels? Idk I felt horrible & still do.

    I'm going to the gym Sunday and going to get in a more intense cardio workout. I honestly go to the gym 3 times a week and on Sundays. And I only burn 300-500 cals each time.
  • bree2012
    bree2012 Posts: 179
    Get yourself back on track tomorrow, and to be honest, you didn't eat horribly.
  • BeeRod527
    BeeRod527 Posts: 104
    OP: I agree with everyone. Just forgive yourself and start the new day fresh. What's done is done. You only went over by less than 100 calories which is better than going over 2000 calories.

    Make sure you watch your sodium intake because you're gonna get a lot of water retention. However, since you went well under your net calorie goal a few times during the week, this might make it up for that. So it's not necessarily a bad thing.

    Drink plenty of water and keep it clean for the day. :)