nsv :(

Let me start off by saying I have been very active, drank 8 glasses of water everyday and have been under my calories everyday! I weighed in today for weekly weigh in and I lost a whole .5 lb! With the calories deficit and calories I've burned this week it should have at least been 1.5 lbs. I had so much motivation yesterday to keep doing this because I thought I was losing weight and now I see that all the work I put in this week didn't accomplish anything :( I even put in atleast 45 mins on days I had migraines!


  • don't beat yourself up! for women, it's especially hard to lose weight sometimes due to stress, hormones, etc. just keep at it! do not give up and keep leaning on all of us.
  • Two points I would like to make.
    1. There are more changes going on than just your weight. Your body is shifting to a healthier condition. Sometimes the scale will reflect that and sometimes it won't. That doesn't mean it isn't happening.
    2. The scale is not always accurate. If, for instance, you stuck to your calorie limits, but had high amounts of sodium the last couple of days, you could easily have lost 1.5 lbs of fat but be retaining a pound or two of water. Or if it's coming up on your TOM, that could cause some bloating that will mask the fat loss. The scale is a general guide, not an absolute indicator of your body's condition.
    Please don't give up because of a number. You are not that number, and you are important. The number is not.
    I understand your disappointment, though. It's hard not to feel that way. None of us will ever get thinner by giving up, even when it's harder than it's supposed to be.
  • 3ricaAnn
    3ricaAnn Posts: 288
    it is really frustrating I have been trying to lose weight since Feb and have only lost 9 lbs.
  • Tracy184
    Tracy184 Posts: 74
    If someone else posted that they lost 0.5 lbs this week, would you agree that they'd accomplished nothing? I hope not. I know it's disappointing not to see a big loss, but any week with any loss is a victory. Rome wasn't built in a day and so forth. Every loss puts you closer to your goal.
  • NurseHthr
    NurseHthr Posts: 43 Member
    I posted almost this exact same thing a couple of days ago. If u want to look it up I titled it FRUSTRATED! DAMN YOU SCALE! Everyone had lots of advice for me. Give it time, your body is changing and maybe in ways that won't show on the scale.
  • 3ricaAnn
    3ricaAnn Posts: 288
    Two points I would like to make.
    1. There are more changes going on than just your weight. Your body is shifting to a healthier condition. Sometimes the scale will reflect that and sometimes it won't. That doesn't mean it isn't happening.
    2. The scale is not always accurate. If, for instance, you stuck to your calorie limits, but had high amounts of sodium the last couple of days, you could easily have lost 1.5 lbs of fat but be retaining a pound or two of water. Or if it's coming up on your TOM, that could cause some bloating that will mask the fat loss. The scale is a general guide, not an absolute indicator of your body's condition.
    Please don't give up because of a number. You are not that number, and you are important. The number is not.
    I understand your disappointment, though. It's hard not to feel that way. None of us will ever get thinner by giving up, even when it's harder than it's supposed to be.

    Thank you for your support but I have been under my sodium everyday, ive been working out for a while and its past tom so that is why it disapointed me
  • KristaWeiss
    KristaWeiss Posts: 233 Member
    Don't get down and solely rely on the scale. It could easily be water weight that will come off in a day or two. What matters is how you feel. I'm willing to bet that in another week you will see big numbers :smile:
  • 3ricaAnn
    3ricaAnn Posts: 288
    Some more info, I never drank water and this week I stopped soda and drank nothing but water with the exception of 1 1/2 cups because of a headache. And I started eating more fiber so I was really thinking I'd see water loss
  • natersmama
    natersmama Posts: 157
    just glancing through your diaries i noticed your sodium intake is high. not by MFP standards, but they have their limit high. if you try to stay between 1500-1800 and have about 9 cups water/day it should keep you flushed. even if you try for a couple days and weigh yourself again, you'll prob see a number drop. and as for your exercise, are you using a HRM? i noticed from when i was relying on MFP it was over estimating my calories on some things. so i didnt have the deficit i thought i did. but as someone mentioned before, any loss is a step toward the ultimate goal. =)
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,493 Member
    just glancing through your diaries i noticed your sodium intake is high. not by MFP standards, but they have their limit high. if you try to stay between 1500-1800 and have about 9 cups water/day it should keep you flushed. even if you try for a couple days and weigh yourself again, you'll prob see a number drop. and as for your exercise, are you using a HRM? i noticed from when i was relying on MFP it was over estimating my calories on some things. so i didnt have the deficit i thought i did. but as someone mentioned before, any loss is a step toward the ultimate goal. =)

    I was about to say all of this. so yep good advice
  • DnAmommy
    DnAmommy Posts: 47 Member
    Some more info, I never drank water and this week I stopped soda and drank nothing but water with the exception of 1 1/2 cups because of a headache. And I started eating more fiber so I was really thinking I'd see water loss

    I know this sounds redundant but the best way to "get rid of water weight" is to actually DRINK more water. This is especially true if you have eaten a lot of sodium. The increased water helps your kidneys flush out the impurities in your body, like sodium and you should definitely see a decrease on the scale. I would also try to stay away from teas & colas because they can also make you retain water, too. The standard measure is 8 cups a day but you can't drink "too much" water!

    I also recommend weighing yourself at the same time every day (like first thing in the morning) preferably naked or in your underwear, to keep your numbers consistent. Your "first thing in the morning" weight can vary 3-5 pounds compared to your "evening" weight so try to keep your comparisons consistent.

    Keep at it and don't get discouraged. We all get frustrated with the process but that scale will be moving in no time! :smile:
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    3 things I noticed in your diary.. (1) your sodium is on the high side. Some say 1500-1800. I try to keep mine under 2000. (2) I noticed 3-4 of the last 7 days, you were over on fat. Definitely try to stay under in that area. (3) I personally think you're netting too low. You eat 1300 calories but burn 400 leaving you netting only 900.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Two points I would like to make.
    1. There are more changes going on than just your weight. Your body is shifting to a healthier condition. Sometimes the scale will reflect that and sometimes it won't. That doesn't mean it isn't happening.
    2. The scale is not always accurate. If, for instance, you stuck to your calorie limits, but had high amounts of sodium the last couple of days, you could easily have lost 1.5 lbs of fat but be retaining a pound or two of water. Or if it's coming up on your TOM, that could cause some bloating that will mask the fat loss. The scale is a general guide, not an absolute indicator of your body's condition.
    Please don't give up because of a number. You are not that number, and you are important. The number is not.
    I understand your disappointment, though. It's hard not to feel that way. None of us will ever get thinner by giving up, even when it's harder than it's supposed to be.

  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    You don't have that much to lose, and it comes off much harder than for those that have more to shed. Many days you are leaving hundreds of calories uneatten. If you are exercising as much as you say, you may not be consuming enough to keep your body running at maximum potential. Try a couple weeks of being within 100 of your NET calories.
  • kmbutler09
    kmbutler09 Posts: 29 Member
    I would start tracking your sugar intake in your diary. You'd probably be surprised how much sugar is in things. .5 pounds is better than nothing, don't give up! Are you mixing up your workouts or doing the same things?
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Let me start off by saying I have been very active, drank 8 glasses of water everyday and have been under my calories everyday! I weighed in today for weekly weigh in and I lost a whole .5 lb! With the calories deficit and calories I've burned this week it should have at least been 1.5 lbs. I had so much motivation yesterday to keep doing this because I thought I was losing weight and now I see that all the work I put in this week didn't accomplish anything :( I even put in atleast 45 mins on days I had migraines!
    you had a loss and not a gain that is an accomplishment