sometimes i wonder....whats the point

my highest weight was 152 through exericse and eating a bit healthier i have got down to 130lbs. i joined this site in january at 130lbs. i am 5'7 and my goal weight is 120lbs. now that i am tracking my calories and eating ALOT healthier i can NOT lose weight. i just dont get it. i am 5'7 and i went down to 125 for a while but then went right back to 130lbs. my weight may fluctuate down or up a few lbs but i am always returning to the same 130lbs. now i gave up fast food a while ago and have been slowly trying to eliminate alot of processed foods but my weight is the same as when i was eating fast food as are my measurments. i can tell that my muscles are more defined in my arms and legs(from exericise) but that is just not cutting it. if i am going to constantly watch what i eat and monitor it i want to LOSE weight. if not i might as well go back to eating what i want if i can still weigh the same.


  • routerguy666
    In before the 'eat more' replies.

    If you aren't losing weight, try to eat less and exercise more. Looks like you eat a good amount of calories, reduce it and see what happens over a couple weeks.
  • Tracy184
    Tracy184 Posts: 74
    Are you drinking enough water? I notice your last diary didn't have any water entered. Also, you're pretty thin. It's possible that your body just wants to be 130 lbs.
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    Maybe you are already at what your body is happy at!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    You're already at a healthy weight for your height.

    Here's what I found out just now online. I did not know your age so I just threw 30 in there.

    Current Weight: 130
    Healthy Weight Range: 121 - 158

    You should aim to fall within a healthy weight range. Please do not attempt to obtain a weight below this range with this plan.
    Activity level: LIGHTLY ACTIVE
    Current BMI: 20.4 Healthy Body Mass Index (BMI) range:: 18.5 - 24.9
    Daily calorie level...
    to maintain current weight: 1844 to lose weight: 1344
    Make careful note of your calorie level to lose weight. Use this number when choosing a Meal Plan and to determine the daily calories goal in your Food Diary.
  • KayakingPublicist
    KayakingPublicist Posts: 37 Member
    I am working with a trainer and a nutritionist from and today I got this same advice: "Eat less exercise more." It sounds trite, but honestly, our bodies get used to the food and exercise we give it and strive for balance. So, I'm learning to 'mix it up' and maybe that will help you too. Don't give up. There are lots of us in the same boat and when you find your magic formula, please share with the rest of us. :-)
  • Jconner30
    Jconner30 Posts: 311
    I know what you mean... 1 1/2 month wall!! I am not losing weight per-say but clothes are fitting better. Are yours fitting better? If not try working out longer and harder and add fewer days of rest.
  • travishein
    Yea, I 've been stuck on the 230's for the past almost 2 months now. sure lost 110 lbs. great. but i was hoping for another 5-10. I think everything like hot summer weather makes me retain more water and just body getting used to its new size. Sure, I had a 0.8 lb loss all month. so i think after a while it just slows down. I've tried the eating healthy fresh foods, eating more, eating less, exercising more. But come on, I only can put in up to 14 hours a week for exercise and activities. And 10,000 calories later, not a pound lost. Grr.!!

    I'm sticking with it and hoping after maybe 10 weeks starting to lose again.
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    LOL- well I don't want to rain on your parade :wink: but the problem is that over time if you keep eating the same you will actually gain weight. Sorry but it's true! We all have a slower metabolism as we age. So, what that means is we have to keep fighting!! But yes- I think in the long run if you want to lose more weight you will have to eat less and/or exercise more. But your weight actually sounds pretty good for your height... so you can decide.
  • debswebby
    debswebby Posts: 326
    I do understand how you feel. I've been on a plateau for over a year now. When I start thinking "what's the point?" I look at my before picture and see how far I've come. If I have to work this hard to stay how I am it'll be a bummer but its 3000 times better than where I was. I'm never going back there not EVER. So, I keep on keeping on and hope that one day my body will stop fighting me and realise I'm trying to help it.
    Don't lose heart. Stick with it. Your body will catch up and get with the programme eventually
  • melymj4
    melymj4 Posts: 10 Member
    Don't worry so much about the scale. If you're losing inches and your muscles are getting tighter and more defined who cares how much you weigh?
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    Maybe you are already at what your body is happy at!

    This is what I was going to say!
  • jowings
    jowings Posts: 157 Member
    Heyas! I am about the same height and weight and I find that my body just seems to be happier when I hover around the 128-130 mark. I can get down to 125 but (aside from not really liking the way I look at that weight), it takes a ton of maintenance to stay at that weight, and I doubt that my body would tolerate 120 (it can be very finicky!). as far as ideas, I am not too sure besides cutting out a lot of sugar and doing your best to stay away from processed foods. It may take longer, too, since you are at a pretty fit weight for your height. Good luck, and I hope that this helps!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Hi...looks like most days you don't eat all your calories. This could be the reason you aren't losing plus you don't have that much to lose so it is harder. I'm down 26 lbs with just about 5 lbs to go and as a woman you want to try to not go below 1200 net calories everyday. Ever now and then it's ok to go a little less but you want to eat close to your goal calories as possible, not creating a larger defecit than what mfp creates for you. I've raised my calories recently and then has helped. Also, try changing up your exercise routine, keeping it fresh and new. Strength training is also great too. Keep your body guessing what's next!!! You can do it!
  • amandakel2003
    me too!! i'm heavier at 223 lb but i thought the heavier you are the easier its meant to be in the beginning. I lost 4 lb in the first week on here and then I fluctuate up and down by 1-2 lb a week. I've definately cut out alot of junk (I still eat some so as not to go mad but def not as much as before). I've also started to exercise which I didn't do at all before, it may be only 20mins or half an hour but I break a sweat. Its just no good. Its so disheartening when you try so hard. I'm determined this time if I have a bad day, It;s just 1 day. i am going to start again the next day and just be healthy. That has to count for something in the end. Hope things improve for you soon, just keep trying
  • Jessicaruby
    Jessicaruby Posts: 881 Member
    In before the 'eat more' replies.

    If you aren't losing weight, try to eat less and exercise more. Looks like you eat a good amount of calories, reduce it and see what happens over a couple weeks.

    my diary is open so you can see what i eat and my workouts. i usually am under my calories for the day. i posted a few times before about this and people tell me to eat more but if i am not hungry i am not going to eat just for the sake of consuming more calories. i just dont get it. all i drink is water but i do not get very thirsty all day which is something i am working on.(trying to drink more)
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    if i am going to constantly watch what i eat and monitor it i want to LOSE weight. if not i might as well go back to eating what i want if i can still weigh the same.

    You are mother to two children. You are setting a good example for them by eating well. I grew up in a family where we had healthy home-cooked meals each night and we grew our own veggies in the summer. I learned so much by growing up this way (and I'm healthier for it). :)

    So as for "what's the point?" it's for your kids, and their future. Look at the obesity epidemic among children in the US. That in itself is reason enough to eat well and teach your kids to do the same (of course not denying treats and homemade goodies in moderation).
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I know what you mean... 1 1/2 month wall!! I am not losing weight per-say but clothes are fitting better. Are yours fitting better? If not try working out longer and harder and add fewer days of rest.

    She's already thin (and healthy) for her height.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    well . . . I fluctuate bt 129 and 131 lbs. and I am only 5'4. My goal weight is 127, but I haven't lost anything in a while.

    Seems to me 130 is a very nice weight for 5'4, and might be an even nicer weight for 5'7.

    don't be so hard on yourself.

  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    So all that matters to you is weight? Not health or muscle definition? Then you're right... there's no point to this.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    In before the 'eat more' replies.

    If you aren't losing weight, try to eat less and exercise more. Looks like you eat a good amount of calories, reduce it and see what happens over a couple weeks.

    my diary is open so you can see what i eat and my workouts. i usually am under my calories for the day. i posted a few times before about this and people tell me to eat more but if i am not hungry i am not going to eat just for the sake of consuming more calories. i just dont get it. all i drink is water but i do not get very thirsty all day which is something i am working on.(trying to drink more)

    Definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. If you really want different results then you must do something differently.
