sometimes i wonder....whats the point



  • routerguy666
    In before the 'eat more' replies.

    If you aren't losing weight, try to eat less and exercise more. Looks like you eat a good amount of calories, reduce it and see what happens over a couple weeks.

    my diary is open so you can see what i eat and my workouts. i usually am under my calories for the day. i posted a few times before about this and people tell me to eat more but if i am not hungry i am not going to eat just for the sake of consuming more calories. i just dont get it. all i drink is water but i do not get very thirsty all day which is something i am working on.(trying to drink more)

    I looked at your diary before. Let's break it down:

    From last Monday to yesterday, assuming perfect calorie tracking, you logged an intake of 13038 calories.

    That's 1862 calories a day.

    What's your maintenance intake? Probably somewhere around there or even less.

    So setting aside whether or not you should lose weight, if you want to you need to reduce that number either by eating less or exercising more (or ideally both).

    Good luck!

    edit: the calories burned exercising, again assuming perfect accuracy, would not add up to a pound loss in that same period. But really it's just this - you've got some data logged, you aren't seeing a weight loss, so reduce the calories one way or another and then see what happens.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    So all that matters to you is weight? Not health or muscle definition? Then you're right... there's no point to this.

    I've heard that is called being 'skinny fat' and is not good for you because you don't have muscle tone and can be unhealthy under that thin frame.
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    I've learned to eat more and sometimes less. It will come off very slowly and if it doesn't then maybe that's your lowest point without starving yourself to get skinnier? Personally its been very hard to get down to 120lbs at 5'4. I've done it once before but only because I literally sat on the couch and ate a bag of chips everyday...not healthy and gained a lot of weight. This has been a life changing experience with mfp and I know how fustrating times can be but remember to stick it out and try different exercises, foods (zig zagging) and drink more water. I hope it can change here for you. Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • kevinlynch3
    kevinlynch3 Posts: 287 Member
    I don't get it:

    "i can tell that my muscles are more defined in my arms and legs(from exericise) but that is just not cutting it"

    Why isn't better definition and tone cutting it?? It might be your old weight but its not the old you........
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    You're already at a healthy weight for your height.

    Here's what I found out just now online. I did not know your age so I just threw 30 in there.

    Current Weight: 130
    Healthy Weight Range: 121 - 158

    You should aim to fall within a healthy weight range. Please do not attempt to obtain a weight below this range with this plan.
    Activity level: LIGHTLY ACTIVE
    Current BMI: 20.4 Healthy Body Mass Index (BMI) range:: 18.5 - 24.9
    Daily calorie level...
    to maintain current weight: 1844 to lose weight: 1344
    Make careful note of your calorie level to lose weight. Use this number when choosing a Meal Plan and to determine the daily calories goal in your Food Diary.

  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    As you get closer to your goal weight, the pounds will be a bit more stubborn. If you haven't made any progress for a while, then it is time to change things up.

    I would try giving yourself a diet break for a few days by eating at maintenance. When you return to your dieting, I would aim for a slightly higher deficit. Also, you can try adjusting your macros... i.e., increase your protein. Also, be sure you aren't overtraining. Make your workouts intense but brief.

    I'm at 152.5 lbs right now. I'm close to my goal, but the pounds are coming off VERY slowly. But that's just fine by me because that is the only way to lose fat without losing much in way of lean mass.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member

    I looked at your diary before. Let's break it down:

    From last Monday to yesterday, assuming perfect calorie tracking, you logged an intake of 13038 calories.

    That's 1862 calories a day.

    What's your maintenance intake? Probably somewhere around there or even less.

    So setting aside whether or not you should lose weight, if you want to you need to reduce that number either by eating less or exercising more (or ideally both).

    Good luck!

    edit: the calories burned exercising, again assuming perfect accuracy, would not add up to a pound loss in that same period. But really it's just this - you've got some data logged, you aren't seeing a weight loss, so reduce the calories one way or another and then see what happens.

    I just checked out her diary. In my opinion the reason she's not losing right now is because she currently is NOT eating back her exercise calories. So her body is holding onto the weight. She does not have a lot to lose, and is already at a healthy weight for her body, so her body is just not letting go of anything right now. By not eating back to REACH your MFP goals (in this particular case) there's no way any additional weight will be lost.

    To eat back those workout calories and REACH the goals that MFP has set for you to lose 1lb/week (suggest for those already in a healthy weight) my method is to pre-log those workouts and spread those calories around during the day with healthy whole foods (yogurt, apple with almond butter, etc.)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    In before the 'eat more' replies.

    If you aren't losing weight, try to eat less and exercise more. Looks like you eat a good amount of calories, reduce it and see what happens over a couple weeks.

    Yes, this ^^ But even if you don't lose the weight you want (at 5'7" it's possible that 130 is your healthy weight) I think you are holding the "point" to eating a healthy diet and exercising in your profile pic. A healthy life is about more than your waistline.
  • Jessicaruby
    Jessicaruby Posts: 881 Member
    In before the 'eat more' replies.

    If you aren't losing weight, try to eat less and exercise more. Looks like you eat a good amount of calories, reduce it and see what happens over a couple weeks.

    my diary is open so you can see what i eat and my workouts. i usually am under my calories for the day. i posted a few times before about this and people tell me to eat more but if i am not hungry i am not going to eat just for the sake of consuming more calories. i just dont get it. all i drink is water but i do not get very thirsty all day which is something i am working on.(trying to drink more)

    I looked at your diary before. Let's break it down:

    From last Monday to yesterday, assuming perfect calorie tracking, you logged an intake of 13038 calories.

    That's 1862 calories a day.

    What's your maintenance intake? Probably somewhere around there or even less.

    So setting aside whether or not you should lose weight, if you want to you need to reduce that number either by eating less or exercising more (or ideally both).

    Good luck!

    edit: the calories burned exercising, again assuming perfect accuracy, would not add up to a pound loss in that same period. But really it's just this - you've got some data logged, you aren't seeing a weight loss, so reduce the calories one way or another and then see what happens.

    my maintance calories are 1990. my intake for this last week was high because i had a cheat day where i consumed a large amount of calories becuase of a special occasion which i do not do very often. the 1990 maintance calories are before exercise and i workout everyday so even if i am consuming a bit more on some days i am still under and should lose something
  • routerguy666
    Eat more or eat less, post next week and let us know which worked ;)
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member

    my maintance calories are 1990. my intake for this last week was high because i had a cheat day where i consumed a large amount of calories becuase of a special occasion which i do not do very often. the 1990 maintance calories are before exercise and i workout everyday so even if i am consuming a bit more on some days i am still under and should lose something

    Yes, but on a regular basis you eat less calories per day than MFP gives you (after logging every bite and every workout). In your case your body will not let go of any additional weight if you are not meeting your calorie goals for the day (set to lose 1 lb/week in your settings).
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    In before the 'eat more' replies.

    If you aren't losing weight, try to eat less and exercise more. Looks like you eat a good amount of calories, reduce it and see what happens over a couple weeks.

    I respectfully disagree.... you are an active young Mother. You need those healthy calories you are eating. If anything, try taking in another 100-200 for a couple of weeks...see what happens. Yes, you are already at an ideal weight for your height...but not sure of your frame size.

    Good luck - We are in a similar boat, except you are way younger! :-)
  • Murphk323
    Murphk323 Posts: 184
    I'm at my wits end with this stupid plateau buisness.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    you are an active young Mother. You need those healthy calories you are eating. If anything, try taking in another 100-200 for a couple of weeks...see what happens. Yes, you are already at an ideal weight for your height...but not sure of your frame size.

    I agree.

    To the original poster, you have posted this exact same topic several times as I remember responding to your previous posts. The majority of people said you needed to eat more both times you posted this question. I don't know if you are just fishing for the answer you want to hear or what. Try eating as the previous poster mentioned- eat a couple hundred calories more every day for a week or two and see what happens. You don't like that answer? Then try eating less for 2 weeks then see what happens. Let us know either way what worked for you.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    May I ask how you came up with the goal 120?
  • Midori_i
    Midori_i Posts: 91 Member
    I'm also 5"7, currently at 124 pounds and trying to get a little lower, because I want to reduce my body fat percentage. And I've also been stuck at my current weight for weeks and weeks in spite of intense exercise and always being close (usually slightly over) my calorie goal.

    This has been posted before, but: You must have a VERY active lifestyle, because MFP tells me my calorie goal per day to lose a pound a week is around 1300 calories, and I chose lightly active. Maybe you calculated your daily calorie allowance too high?
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    How long have you been eating up at your current level? You need to give it time to work. 4-6 weeks. When you are this close to your goal weight loss is going to be very slow.

    ETA: ans I still think eating all your calories might makes the difference. It's not forcing yourself for the sake of eating, it's forcing yourself for the sake of reaching your goal!
  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    What is "healthy?" A diet high in complex carbs, that's not healthy. I eat about the same amount of calories you do and I end up eating 50% of the total carbs you eat. Carbs increase blood sugar, this sugar can be stored in the muscles if there is no sugar there, or converted to bodyfat. I think what is happening you're losing some weigh, but put it right back on with all the carbs.
  • Jessicaruby
    Jessicaruby Posts: 881 Member
    What is "healthy?" A diet high in complex carbs, that's not healthy. I eat about the same amount of calories you do and I end up eating 50% of the total carbs you eat. Carbs increase blood sugar, this sugar can be stored in the muscles if there is no sugar there, or converted to bodyfat. I think what is happening you're losing some weigh, but put it right back on with all the carbs.

    i am usually under my goals for carbs. while i do allow myself treats most of my carbs come from fruit and vegetables.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I already answered this question last week.