GlenG1969 Member


  • Me, too. Some days when I've done a long bike ride I can burn over 2000 calories. Add on the 10000-13000 steps I do every day and now I'm really struggling to eat all that back. I may have to start eating Lard.
  • As I mentioned calorie counting is not a exact science, far from it. Just because a banana has X amount of calories does not mean your body utilizes 100% of those calories. Different foods are broken down and digested differently in the body, they are also broken down differently by different individuals. Thats the reason…
  • Personally I wouldn't worry about it too much. As already mentioned non soluble fibre isnt broken down in the digestive system, so zero calories. Soluble is broken down however only releases a few calories in the process. Calorie counting is never going to be exact, cooking methods change the calorie content of food and…
  • Not necessary mate, you are only limiting calories for two non-consecutive days a week. I am no expert but I know It takes longer than 24hrs for the body to start to converting muscle tissue into energy, when in starvation mode. Personally I think the 5:2 is great because of the drop in insulin levels, causing the body to…
  • I agree 100% mate. I have trained and done one sport or another since i was in my teens. I would have never thought it possible to function or complete an hard session on only 600 cals. Again i agree that your body does adapt and enable me to still train like a mad man in a semi fasted state.
  • I love it and do it as and when i want to lose a bit of lard. I do Tue and Thu and still train as normal, which is usally twice a day. I do tend to eat a little over the 600 calories but i dont beat myself up because i will burn over a 1000 in exercise alone. Its not everyones cupa tea and if i was bodybuilding i wouldnt…
  • Hi, there Uk lad here. Add me if you wish
  • Yorkshireman born and bred, living in Lincolnshire and working in Leicestershire.
  • They are taking the piss mate ha, ha, Put your fork down and push the chair away from the table
  • Hi, mate you cant spot reduce fat, it comes off all over. So i cant think of any ab exercise that would get rid of the jiggle ha, ha. Everybody has a 6 pack (even me) its just most of us have too much body fat more than 10% covering our midsection to enable the abs to show. I recently read an interesting article on strong…
  • Take a mop and bucket mate, you will need it to mop yoursen back up off the floor afterwards. Good luck
  • - Hi iborsato1, how do you manage your running program? I would love to be able to get back to to running decent 1 mile and 5k times. I have recently (last week) re-introduced the treadmill into my training program. I can manage a few times a week without too much pain but nothing t0o serious. Short intervals of no more…
  • sent you a request. Anybody feel free to add me. Unless you are a serial killer, then please friend someone else.
  • Its about as hot as treading in Dog *kitten*!
  • Total agreement mate. Also I find Mrs Browns Boys about as funny as putting my knob-end in a shredder. How this pile of turd gets called comedy and gets the reviews it does is beyond me, its pump! Same can be said for a lot of other British so called comedy TV. Its scripted, cliqued, none funny bum droppings. On the other…
  • Hi there, I am a fully paid up member of the bad knees club too. A motor bike accident 7 years ago resulted in injuries including: ACL reconstructions both knees, medial ligament right leg, popliteal ligament left leg, broken knee cap left leg, dislocated knee cap right leg, meniscus surgery both legs, also ankle…
  • As Driagnor said buy some cheap dumbbells with either spring or threaded collars, which you can adjust up and down in weight. If you dont want to spend any money why not start with a few bodyweight exercises at home, such as press ups from a kneeling positon, chair dips, bean tin bicep curls etc. Or if you are happy enough…
  • Read this from the dietitian, right here on Myfitpal.
  • I dissagree folks, i never eat back calories burnt. Whats the point of smashing out an hours worth of physical training only to eat extra calories? You may as well just not bother. If fattymcfatterson is trying to lose weight by diet and exercise eating extra calories on top of the 1500 she is giving herself is still extra…
  • Hi Amber, there is a distinct lack of blokes on this discussion. Please feel free to add me if you think I can help. Good luck
  • I agree forget the scales mine lie too. Just keep on doing what you are doing, its the lifestyle change thats important not some number on a scale. Weight Watches will not get you fit. I know many, many people who walk around at the supposed ideal weight and look good. But i guarantee you they would not be able to last…
  • Hi, Valissa, personally I always train fasted in the mornings. I find that way i have no excuses for not getting me a*se in gear and to the gym. Regardless of whether the morning sessions is weights, intervals or cardio it’s always fasted. True i don’t always feel full of boundless energy at 0600 in the morning, but who…
  • iloseityes, i like the "old jump up and down in front of a mirror" Now thats the real acid test ha, ha
  • Personally I think BMI is a little irrelevant, a tape measure a mirror and an honest opinion of yourself is much more effective. BMI is supposed to be a means to measure body fat, but does not take in to account lean muscle mass. As a result many power athletes such as elite rugby players and sprinters would be well over…
  • Hi, everyone i'm Glen another Yorkshire Man, currently living in Melton. Same story ate and drank far too much over Xmas and managed to put on abart half a stone of usless lard. Had great results previously with the 5:2 diet so back on that from today plus training twice a day with intervals and weights. Feel free to add me
  • Hi Kerry, Im new here too, I found this site and joined on Monday. I find it a great help with watching the calories, and tracking my workouts. Speaking of which, you don’t need to join a gym or risk damaging yourself by starting a running program. Emma hit the nail on the head by suggesting walking as a great way to start…
  • Must admit the booze is my Achilles heel. I try to maintain a reasonable level of fitness, train like lunatic almost every day. Lift weights, do interval training, cycling, heavy bag workouts, practice the 5:2 intermittent fasting diet, then unwind with a couple of tinnies in the evening ha, ha. Weekends are even worse, a…