blushingbride2bee Member


  • maybe a dozen times Confessions of a YOYO dieter *1st Weight Watchers - lost 18 lbs food changes only, no exercising (I was skinny fat Lol) Stopped because I got lazy and complacent and It sucks sometime to have to plan everything, track everything and there are times where I wanted to be free of the mental burden of food.…
  • OK Thanks guys! I appreciate some tough love! So just dive head first? Last I did no eating after 6pm night before, morning of HIIT cardio and no carb on day one, then reg keto on day two and I was in Keto right away. Is that the best way to do it? OK, Thanks guys! I appreciate some tough love! So just dive head first?…
  • HELP! I was doing so well on KETO (16 lbs lost) and fell off the wagon during my destination wedding and honeymoon. I've been back home for 3 months now, have gained almost all my weight back and can't seem to mentally get back into Keto. I need some tips and motivation.
  • Hey ladies, I am short too 5'1" starting weight 165! Let's do this!!!!!
  • Wow look at all you lucky tall people! I'm 5'1" I am hourglass shape so I gain on top on, on bottom, in the middle, everywhere! ;). Heaviest 165 tight in a size 12. Lowest I can remember 138, size 7/8. Working on getting back there!! Incorporate some lifting and cardio and that can make a big difference in pant size but…
  • Great Job! It can be tough to find the motivation after you have lost so much before! I did WW years ago and lost abut 18lbs but sadly gained it back too. MFP has a great network of people to support you!
  • Definitely see your doctor. I have had a similar reaction to what you are describing, I had to call in sick to work and literally could not get out of bed for 2 days. Horrible feeling. But I was following a ketogenic diet and the combo of weights with HITT cardio completely depleted me! It was too much. Just curious what…
  • basically it is what body builders use to shred, or cut after they have bulked up. It is a good way to cut fat while maintaining lean muscle. Interestingly it is also a diet prescribed to diabetics and people with epilepsy. It is a HIGH fat, Moderate protein, and very LOW carb diet. Essentially everything you ever thought…
  • Hi Ladies!! September 24th right here. I want to lose 10 - 15 more lbs, 10 weeks to go! CRUNCH TIME!!!! I am following a strict ketogenic diet and I am also going to try and up my cardio and keep up with my weight training!
  • awe I'm sorry about your dad, that really sucks! Your mom is probably feeling sad too and it is a hard thing to celebrate a wedding when you are in mourning. Maybe there is an underlying issue that she is upset about, like your father passing, being self conscious of her weight and having to stand in front of everyone,…
  • I am getting married at the end of September, 24th, almost Oct lol? I am definitely feeling the pressure to reach goals before the wedding. 10 weeks and I want to lose 14 -15 more lbs! Eeek I am following a ketogenic diet and plan to start upping my workouts to 5-6 days a week, and more cardio!
  • Oh I should add, I am eating a strict ketogenic Diet.
  • That sounds good! I have the insanity DVDs so I was thinking about starting those again! eek a bit nervous but I think it will pay off. How much more did you want to lose before your big day? When is your wedding? I want to loose 15 more lbs in 11 weeks. Think that is doable?
  • Hey, Yes, minor panic is setting in! Only 11 weeks until my wedding! I still want to lose 11-15 lbs! EEK! I think I am going ramp up my cardio and try to do HIIT cardio in the morning before I start the day. I also think 4 weeks out I am going to only eat carbs before 3 or 4pm, no evening carbs. I had a friend that did…
  • I hit a major plateau this year. exercising, cardio and strength training and tracking calories but scale not budging and yes pants tight around the thighs. Part of it could be that you just started working out again. I often see gains for a few weeks when starting a new exercise routine. I have tried hydroxicut, CUTS,…
  • I have been strength training and (lifting heavy) for about 6 months so that part isn't new. I have been trying to build my cardio endurance for the past 2.5 months. I also always thought you need more cardio to shed lbs?? Maybe not so true on keto? I have noticed I have less endurance since starting keto. How long is an…
  • Thanks for the good advice. I think I have been seeing better progress by keeping my calories a bit higher while keeping the macros the same and then not to consuming my exercise calories. I used this site to determine my macros I think once I lose 10 lbs I will re-calculate.…
  • Agreed! haha A lot of explanations suggested leave a lot of room for a whole conversation or debate on your program. If you really don't want to hear it, you need to be firm and assertive. TRUST ME, people will think twice before making some dumb comments or telling you how they had a friend of a friends mom's twice…
  • Bahah this is really funny! Hellooo, there are tons of hot bodies at the gym, men and women. Let's be real, women probably check out other women's bodies at the gym more than they look at men! I agree with other comments though, a glance or a brief moment of eye contact is totally fine, but not long term staring, no…
  • I started following a ketogenic diet to prepare for my wedding, which is in 16 weeks from tomorrow. I have lost 7 lbs in 5 weeks on keto! You should read up on it
  • DIET DIET DIET. You can't out exercise your diet so I would start with really cracking down on your food. I started following a ketogenic diet to prepare for my wedding, which is in 16 weeks from tomorrow. I have lost 7 lbs in 5 weeks on keto! You should read up on it…
  • I'm sorry you are feeling like giving up. We all know that feeling. Obviously the program you are doing is very rigid and serious. Don't let your argument or any other hurtle stop you from sticking to your goals. Sometimes it can be difficult to make goals as a couple and often we place too much weight on the other person.…
  • You have a nice figure and I think both look good. I like the vintage look of the one piece but you can TOTALLY rock the Bikini too. Hey it's your holiday and you should have two options ;) I went to Hawaii last year and only brought a one piece because I thought I was too chubby for a bikini and honestly there were so…
  • They are 16g carbs, 105g fat, and 73g protein. I have been around that since I started keto 5 Weeks ago. What I also want to know is if people on keto increase those macros on days they exercise to eat the deficit.
  • I had this problem when I started Keto too. It can be hard to get your macros right. Here are some ways I added more fat. Coconut milk (tons of fat, I use it to make breakfast shakes), Coconut oil I just eat a tablespoon with peanut butter as a before bed snack, Avocados are also a great source of fat, and I drink heavy…
  • Thanks for the advice. Yes, it is true my friends cringe at a 1200 cal diet but I am a lot smaller to start with. I am slowly getting the hang of Keto, this is week 5! I took the advice and I upped my calories to 1300 and it seems to be the magic number right now. I think I will slowly change calories down once my loss…
  • Small but mighty! Hello all! I am 5'1. I was up at 165 and realized I needed to take charge of my health. My goal weight is 125-130. I am getting married in September, I want to lose 22 lbs in 19 weeks, my current weight is 158. Feel free to add me. Let's motivate each other.
  • Hi Ladies I am getting married on September 24, 2014. I am getting excited and nervous for the big day. I want to lose about 20 - 25 lbs before the wedding and 30 -35 total. It is really tough to stay motivated and I seem to have a harder time eating right and staying avtive on the weekends! When I need some inspiration I…
  • Yes, I realized this too. It is indeed a sad sad day!