Decided to take control!

I was a WW years ago with my wife and I lost over 40lbs.. sadly.. over the last 10 years due to personal issues(losing my father and just basically dealing with getting older) I lost all of my motivation and gained all the weight back plus a few more pounds..

I recently met up with friends who I hadn't seen for a few months and when I saw them I was amazed at their weight loss... Well I guess he and was diagnosed with diabetes and he and his wife went on a very low carb diet.. Seeing him and hearing his story actually scared me.. I recent lost my 53 year old sister to diabetes and my brother was diagnosed a year ago with it as well... I decided because of my family risk I needed to take control..

I have found that using MFP works well for me... and for me better than WW, I decided to go the low carb route were as my wife is going back to her WW plan.. Hopefully between the two of us we will be able to succeed..

After a little more than a week I have lost close to 5 lbs... my goal is 30lbs...

I enjoy reading the community board, it not only gives me inspiration and motivation but is also a great source of information...

I am looking forward to not only losing weight but just being healthier over all ..


  • blushingbride2bee
    blushingbride2bee Posts: 39 Member
    Great Job! It can be tough to find the motivation after you have lost so much before! I did WW years ago and lost abut 18lbs but sadly gained it back too. MFP has a great network of people to support you!
  • shenejm
    shenejm Posts: 16 Member
    Great Job! It can be tough to find the motivation after you have lost so much before! I did WW years ago and lost abut 18lbs but sadly gained it back too. MFP has a great network of people to support you!

    Thanks blushingbride2bee.. WW was is a good system that works for some.. I got tired of measuring figuring points.. I just lost motivation... I think some of my motivation now is fear.. but I think fear at times is a good motivator
    Thanks for your supportive words