

  • Definitely use a HR monitor, if not just log the time under wrestling. Don't pay attention to the negativity. Your question is very valid...it's all about accountability.
  • Wow!! That's awesome!! You both look amazing!
  • I think that 40 lbs in 3 months is a bit much and you might really discourage yourself if you try to accomplish this and fail. The average loss is about 1-2 lbs a week. Take this journey one day and one week at a time. You will be surprised what losing 1-2 lbs can do for your self esteem. You'll start to feel really good…
  • Welcome and congrats on your 7 lbs!! That's awesome!! I'm new also and lost 3lbs :) Good luck on ur weight loss journey and on hitting your first mini goal!!
  • Hello, welcome and good luck on ur journey. Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
    in Hi all Comment by 2burn April 2011
  • 1. Breakfast sandwich: 1bagle thin-110 calories 1tsp onion sauteed 2 eggs whites- do not scramble Once u flip the eggs over place 1/2 slice of cheese on top and place eggs on bagel. 2. sautee onions, tomatoes, green bell pepper (if u want some meat, throw in diced turkey deli meat) 1 egg, 2 egg whites. Heat two corn…
  • Yay!! I'm on day 4 and really feeling it. I think my format is getting better and therefore really getting the benefits, but man I am sore today. Might just do a walk, just dance and a step video. Btw, I feel stronger on day 4 if you could believe that :D didn't need to catch my breath as much. Good luck on ur workout.…
  • Welcome!! Just joined too and I love it!! Reminds me of WW without the fee :p Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Thanks Jerzee, it does help. Thinking of just getting a heart monitor....glad to hear that it gets easier, lol
  • On day 3 of 30 day shred and have a question for Jillian lovers....When you log in this work out, what are you putting it under? How many calories burn for level 1? Thanks :)
  • Welcome!! It's a great site. Good luck on ur weight journey :)
  • If he was alloted more points on WW, then def up his calories 1500 sounds about right. [url=http://www.myfitnesspal.com/weight-loss- ticker] [/url] Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Welcome!! I just started yesterday myself, but used to have a WW membership. I really like this website, it seems to accomplish the same thing and the ppl seem friendlier. For snacks, I'm just keeping to fruits and veggies until I get back into the groove of things. If I have a sandwich I cut slices of cucumbers and place…
  • It's very difficult when you first start off. I joined yesterday, but used to record my daily food on weight watchers (same idea). Once you start building ur menu, it will get so much easier to log in ur food. Also, log in ur meals in the morning before u eat them, not after!! That was a critical point for me. Go in with a…
  • Congrats on ur weight loss!! Out with the old and in with the new, hopefully just in time for summer :)
    in New Comment by 2burn April 2011
  • Great job!! That's awesome, just sent you a friend request :)
    in Hello Comment by 2burn April 2011
  • Hey, well you certainly took the first step. Even logging on can be put off :/ I had a similar experience with school. I completely lost all self control and in the process I gained 20 lbs :( It can all derail so quickly, but you are here now and we can all support each other :)
  • She uses dumbbells and a mat, I don't use either one right now. I have 5lb weights and I find them too heavy for me right now. Trying to get the right format first and then I'll add the weights.
  • Welcome back!! I started yesterday but was previously with WW.
    in Fresh Start Comment by 2burn April 2011
  • Welcome!! I joined yesterday and really love the site so far. Good luck on ur journey. Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Welcome!! I like apples, popcorn, dry cereal and cucumbers.
  • Welcome!! My first day was yesterday and so far I really like what the website has to offer. I have a very fit husband...def know where ur coming from, lol. We are headed in the right direction now!! Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Welcome!! My first day was yesterday and I had the same thoughts about the website, so much like WW without the fee, hehe. The tracking is hard, I was starving yesterday!! lol. Trying to be better today :)
  • I'm also a fan of the biggest loser and I have the 30day Shred from Jillian Michaels. It's a great workout and you can modify to your level which I love. Good luck on ur journey.
  • Welcome!! I started today and I'm also looking into losing 30lbs. How do you like the Zumba? I'm doing the 30day shred with Jillian Michaels. She's a beast!! lol. There's also a couple of step videos on youtube that I like. Congrats on your weight loss and I wish you much success on your journey!
    in Hiya! Comment by 2burn April 2011
  • Welcome!! I'm a newbie too :)
    in NEW to MFP Comment by 2burn April 2011
  • -tinytotnot Life gets crazy for busy moms and this website seems to fit. Good luck on your weight loss goals!! The City awaits the new skinny you :0)
  • Congrats on your journey and your success!! Thank you for sharing. I fell off the wagon a while ago and reading the weigh loss stories is very motivating. I can just imagine the great feeling of having a box of "out shrunk" clothes, lol. If you have any tips that have made you successful and can't do with out pls let me…
  • I'm new, new, lol but I agree, seems like a great group of ppl :)
    in New Comment by 2burn April 2011