
I just started using the website by recommendation of a friend. I am currently trying to lose 30 more pounds. I have dropped from 265 to 220 in the past year. I am open to any advice on how to keep motivated and different foods to try. Right now my workout program is Zumba!


  • MCDerin
    MCDerin Posts: 226 Member
    hello and welcome to MFP!
    You had me at "Zumba" :) I love it. (I teach it, actually :).
    Do you go to classes or do the dvds?

    congrats on your weightloss so far. that is WONDERFUL.
    My first bit of advice is to start slow. Logging your food and activities in and of itself can be daunting at first, but it does get easier, as your food database grows and you form a habit.
    Once you start doing that regularly, THEN you can start paying attention to WHAT you are eating and make small adjustments as necessary. That can be either in what you eat, or how much.

    If you have questions, just ask. Everyone is here to help one another!
  • 2burn
    2burn Posts: 32
    Welcome!! I started today and I'm also looking into losing 30lbs. How do you like the Zumba? I'm doing the 30day shred with Jillian Michaels. She's a beast!! lol. There's also a couple of step videos on youtube that I like. Congrats on your weight loss and I wish you much success on your journey!
  • PreciousTreasure8117
    PreciousTreasure8117 Posts: 66 Member
    I am currently working out with the DVDs but I have considered doing classes. Thank you so much and I will keep your advice in mind!
  • PreciousTreasure8117
    PreciousTreasure8117 Posts: 66 Member
    I love Zumba. I love Latin music and Latin dances so it is a great combo for me! Thank you so much, look forward to getting to know you and learning some tips from you. Good luck!