Beginning Loser

donnaeve8 Posts: 113 Member
Hi everyone, I just wanted to introduce myself as I just joined this website a few days ago and I am really loving all of the info, tools and advice I am finding on here!
I am a 37 year old mother of 4 ranging in ages from 4 to 20 (!). I started working out a couple of weeks ago mainly just to get time to myself but have been needing to lose weight for a long time!!
I am happy that I have begun this journey and that there are such nice people here to share it with.
I currently go to a gym twice a week and started doing zumba once a week. I am an avid Biggest Loser fan and after reading about Jillian Michaels' Shred DVD, I am going to pick it up on my lunch break and do it on the nights when I can't get out of the house.



  • christinar2008
    christinar2008 Posts: 51 Member
    Welcome. My fitness pal is the best program. I have lost 13lbs in 4 weeks doing the food journal and exercising. Good luck on your journey. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • 2burn
    2burn Posts: 32
    I'm also a fan of the biggest loser and I have the 30day Shred from Jillian Michaels. It's a great workout and you can modify to your level which I love. Good luck on ur journey.
  • MCDerin
    MCDerin Posts: 226 Member
    Hello Donna,
    Nice to meet you :) I am glad you are enjoying the site so far.
    Wow! 4 kids. Hats off to you :) I only have 1 (he's 12 yrs old) and that is PLENTY :)
    So, you Zumba, eh? I do too (I teach it, actually :) I love it.
    I am so glad you found something that you enjoy doing. And, incorporating at home workout dvds (which I LOOOVEEE to do), is a wonderful way to round out your exercise routine. The 30 Day Shred program is great.

    Keep us posted on your progress and feel free to friend me.
    We all need as much encouragement and support as we can get.
  • enoch40
    enoch40 Posts: 9
    Hi i am also new maybe we can be friends and help each other i love zumba my son likes to do it with me:smile: