my first day!

hello pals! my cousin introduced me to this site and i really like it so far. reminds me of WW online but without the cost :)
i had an "aaha moment" when i remembered how tracking your food really makes you think about what you're's 11am and i've already consumed 1/2 my daily calories. oops!

but i definatley think you should get extra calories when you're pms-ing. anyone agreee?


  • shan2bthin
    shan2bthin Posts: 68 Member
    Welcome! Try to get more fruit/veggies in for the remainder of the day as it will fill you more. I always make room for a bad snack during 'mother nature' but I keep it within my calories. Drink lots of extra water and you will still see a weight loss. Best of luck!
  • 2burn
    2burn Posts: 32
    Welcome!! My first day was yesterday and I had the same thoughts about the website, so much like WW without the fee, hehe. The tracking is hard, I was starving yesterday!! lol. Trying to be better today :)
  • wahlflower
    wahlflower Posts: 9 Member
    Welcome. Glad to you have. Feel free to send a friend request if you would like. :-)

    Tracking really does help, sadly i have to relearn that aha moment over and over.
  • kristanickerson
    kristanickerson Posts: 72 Member
    yes! and give yourself some if you really need to but make sure you move a bit more. My trick is also flavored tea which is 0 cal but warm and comforting and when that doesn't work try Gardennay soup it's rich and filling but not too hard on the cals :)
  • jpjeffrey
    Hi everyone, Just signed up on Wed the 6th, I never heard about this site if it werent for my daughter. Wasn't haven much luck with W/W, couldn;t always make the meetings but have to admit, the main reason was I was laid off so really couldn't afford it any more..What I like about this program is it tally;s up everything for you in minutes and its free..What more can you ask for..Good Luck to everone, Janice