

  • Sending well wishes your way! It's a struggle but you can do it!!
  • If the bf likes to go for 2-3 hours...tell him you'll meet him at the treadmill for his last hour. Then go your own pace.
  • Walmart/Great Value honey wheat twist pretzels...or any pretzels for that matter.
  • I take Viactiv chews. Makes me think I'm getting chocolate...kinda
  • I'm kind of focusing on my bike riding recently but I would be up for joining a little later on. One thing I always wanted to try, is to pick a destination (say Disneyland), determine how many miles it is from your home, and over the course of however long you walk that many miles. When you reach your goal, you plan a…
  • As I understand it, the 1200 calorie goal is the number of calories your body needs in order to lose the weight healthily. If you were sleeping and you ate this many calories you could still lose your 2 lbs a week. But, if you exercise, you'r body needs more fuel, so you eat a little more than 1200 that day. There's a huge…
  • I would get a chicken salad (I want protein) and bring my own dressing so I can regulate sodium, calories, etc.
  • Swim. Was my initial response as well. A lot of Pilates exercises are easy on the knees, not as arobic though.
  • Welcome! Hope MFP can get you on track. It's helped me so far!
  • I usually end up weighing 3-4 times a week but only log successes. Thursdays are my "weigh-day" or my re-evaluation day. Weekends are sometimes hard for me (less routine) and Mondays are usually the day I can get myself back on track. Give me 4 days of being on track and I can feel pretty good about things. If Monday were…
  • Woohoo! I'm inspired!! Great job - seriously. I don'e even know you and I'm completely excited for you!!
  • Lap Band pretty much is it's own plan. It's got it's own set of rules. Three meals a day. Eat slow. Protien 1st, veggies 2nd, starches 3rd. No liquid while you're eating. As well as others.
  • My friend who runs track for her college said she can run almost twice as far or fast if she is listening to classical music over modern pop, rock or RnB. I haven't tried it yet but I think I will do that this week!
  • if you have cox cable, on demand freezone has dozens of workouts in as little as 5 minute increments. Dance, yoga, pilates, walking, strecthing. There are endless possibilities! I also enjoy walking. use your car's odometer to figure out how far a mile is, memorize the spot and then walk there and back - voila! 2 miles!
  • I love the hot air balloon ride! And I love love love the annual pass idea. Everytime you go you can be excited about reaching your goal all over again! I have 5 lb rewards all along :). 20 lb marks are bigger prizes! Reaching my final goal will be a trip to South Africa...although the destination might change between now…
    in Rewards Comment by care28 April 2011
  • Ooo! I hope I can catch this new Rachel Ray show spoken of. I think it is a spectacluar idea! 1st- basically all bread products can be frozen and thawed to remain almost as tasty as when they were day-1-fresh. So anything i've tried along the lines of pizza, calzones,paninis should work for you. Just be careful on how much…
  • my initial response would be that maybe you're body is thirsty...but I don't think that's your problem. Answer could be something as simple as that is has something to do with your cylce. Maybe try something super high in protien?
  • Hey me too!...well, I'm starting a little higher than you but shooting for the 60s.
  • I'm so inspired! Awesome! Keep it up :happy:
  • Patience my dear. It didn't take 2 weeks to put the weight on. It'll take some time to take it off. Keep working hard. You can do it!!
  • I had the lap band done 3 years ago. Believe me, I know how to cheat my way around it. I've even gained a lot back in the past year. But it still restricts me. I shudder to think where I would've been after 3 years at the rate I was at pre-lab band. I have no doubt that in that time I would've gained 100 or more lbs.…
  • Woohoo! You go! You can do it! Hey your more than half way to first mini goal!! I find it ironic that you referred to it as the 'comfortable life style', are you referring to the fat, sedentary lifestyle? Cause I find it to be rather uncomfortable, don't you? But you're changing all that!! Good luck with your endeavor! It…
  • How far post op are you?....Oops. just saw your post
  • I don't agree with eating every hour if you need to - Lap band rules say to eat 3 times a day, and if you feel you are not getting enough nutrition with that then add a couple nutrient-rich snacks or continue with the protien shakes. I don't think starvation mode is anything to be to concerned about as a lap bander. 3…