Full time working Mommy here too! I have a 4 yr old and a 11 month old. Feel free to add me!
I Hoop! I love to dance while Hooping or Hoop Dance I am burn about 100 calories per 10 minutes according to my HRM! I LOVE it!!!
Wow 7lbs in 2 weeks is GREAT!! Keep it up!!
Hope everyone is doing GREAT!!! I haven't been the best at tracking like I should but I am continuing to make good choices! Let's murder this week. Sexy New Years dress here I come!!!
Me, me, me!! I'm in Anchorage!
Thanks Michelle for my message too! Just what I needed. Hard week for me this week. I am about 3lbs down since the beginning of the challenge but I know I can do better! So as a far as "ah ha" moment I've never reallly had one. I knew I was overweight when I got pregnant with my second baby and knew that when the pregnancy…
What I like about me: 1. Eyes 2. Hair 3. Ears (they are so tiny, LOL) 4. Boobs (they are big so they cover my big belly) 5. Long Legs (though buying pants is know what) 6. Height 7. Calves 8. Ankles 9. Back 10. Arms (though chubby they are strong)
I had about 70 oz yesterday but doing great today! 48oz and it is just 10am here!
I got 96oz yesterday. I'm happy with anything above 90 honestly.
Love, Love, Love that show!!! So funny! Plus I love my Fantasy Football team!
Name: Tracy Location: Anchorage, AK Reason for MFP: Honestly I want to be hott! Shop at any clothing store, keep up with my kids and be a MILF!! Starting Weight (as of this morning) is 211.4 Goal Weight: 195 H20 Challenge....I'm so in and upping mine to 100oz too!! We got this guys!! I'll have to get back to you on the…
Snowboard!!! I have been at it for the last 14 yrs, I love it!! Can't wait to wear my HRM to see how many calories I burn!
Hey I'm Alaskan too! Not sure about scale though...Mine came from Fred Meyer, does the job but isn't fancy.
Mariah Carey-Music Box
Personally the best way to start is to just log everything you matter what it is. It will give you a real reality as to what you are eating and how much. Then start measuring EVERYTHING, increase water intake if needed and make changes to your diet as you feel needed. You don't have to start fast or make this huge…
Amazing Difference! You go Girl!!
I biked with my 3 yr old and 6 month old in a trailer for 40 minutes with my HRM I burned 450. I weigh significantly more than you (about 215) and my heart rate was around 140 to 170 depending on the hill. LOL! Hope that helps
I biked with my 3 yr old and 6 month old in a trailer for 40 minutes with my HRM I burned 450. I weigh significantly more than you (about 215) and my heart rate was around 140 to 170 depending on the hill. LOL! Hope that helps
Kraft has a great lunch box ideas. I would totally check them out! They recommend like using other things instead of just bread like pitas or tortillas.
a HRM is the only real way of knowing. I've burned anywhere from 212 to 325 calories doing the same level depending how hard I work. Everyone is going to get a different burn.
I am so down too! I had a rough weekend so it's time to get back on the bandwagon. What better than slowly. Today I will do 30 minutes of some type of exercise video at home. I've been trying to do the 30 day shred so that maybe it!
Yum! Bump!
I have two besides my goal weight...199.9 because my Husband said i can't do it (jokely) and 185.9 because that would make me overweight and no longer obese!
Yuuuummm!! So making this for a weeks worth of lunches too!
Yuuuummm!! So making this for a weeks worth of lunches too!
Ground Turkey Turkey Flavored Stuffing (One Box) 1/2 cup Chicken Stock Mix together, even divide amoung 12 muffin tins at 350 for about 25 minutes. Can't get much easier and yummier than that. It's my Junkfood addicted DH's favorite.
Well since I told someone else I was starting last week! Today is the day, FOR SURE!!! I'll be using my HRM. CW: 216 GW (at the end of 30 days): 206...more would be great. I'll take measurements tonight and do them after each 10 day level. This will be fun guys! Hopefully we can walk tomorrow
Sounds super good! But what is the refried beans like in a soup?
That sounds super good! Thanks!