Embarrassed to Ask....

I have to admit I have been here over a week and haven't started. I've searched the boards, 'met' a couple people and have come to the conclusion that I have no idea where to start. I can give every excuse in the book but it comes down to lack of discipline and I hate cooking. Could you tell me how/where you started? Tomorrow I will be writing out a plan for myself to follow during the week along with some recipe ideas so that I can get some groceries. Yep, it's that bad that I need a written plan. Next I'll be writing reminders on post-its all over the house....

Oh by the way, I'm 43, 5'3, and need to lose 40 lbs. Thanks in advance :)


  • minadeathclutch
    minadeathclutch Posts: 375 Member
    WAKE up in the morning.

    make an eggwhite omelette loaded with veggies and half a slice of bread. with a glass of water. or coffee ...
    there. you have started.
    go for a run or a walk.

    eat lunch a chicken breast with a huge salad and maybe some rice.

    drink more water.

    have a snack.. maybe a granola bar.. or some chocolate.. or nuts, fruit, baked apple i dont know.

    etc etc etc.
    its easy.. just do it. :) NIKE! lol
  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    I started out really slowly. For the first week, instead of changing my entire diet I just looked at portions and focused on adding vegetables into what I was already eating. The second week, I added exercise in to my program. Every day, at least half an hour. I also started focusing on switching out some foods. Wheat bread instead of white, brown rice instead of white. The only white thing I am still eating is flour tortillas, but those will get switched out soon, too.

    The best thing for me has been to maintain a variety. I have a variety of exercises, a variety of foods, and I try not to get too caught up in the actual weight numbers, focusing instead on my size shrinking instead of just the number on the scale.
  • crazymama2two
    start by logging every single ting you put in your mouth...if it goes over your calorie mark, SO WHAT...at least you logged it...thats the only way to start...just log your food/drinks for a couple days, look at it and re-evaluate and come back...we'll put you on the right path! xo
  • Mekob25
    Mekob25 Posts: 88
    No need to feel embarrassed, we all had to start somewhere. What got me started was working out. When I began to see how hard it was to burn those calories, it made it easier for me to cut back on eating so much. And I started to talking back to my body. When I would want to eat more, I would say, "This is what the serving size is and it's plenty." And to combat my nighttime grazings, I would say, "You're not hungry, you just WANT to keep eating. Put it back, you're fine!" LOL
  • JoSa37
    JoSa37 Posts: 16
    When I started I found it easiest to log the food that I was eating then after a week I saw how many empty calories I was eating and made adjustments from there. A big thing that helped me was watching the beverages I consumed. I replaced most of my beverages with water now. Best of luck.
  • tsimmons1974
    tsimmons1974 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello, I Tina,
    I just started yesterday and I also did not know where to start. So I just started...I mean I did some exercises, watched the portions I ate. Its neat to look at the calories and stuff everyday. I too am looking to loss amost 40lbs. I think the support here helps. to see what everyone else is doing. Also they support you.
    You can do it. Put your mind to it and get it done. Don't write down a plan just start doing it. You can ad me if you would like
  • harlylena
    harlylena Posts: 125 Member
    You all rock! Thanks! Great idea on the one tiny step at a time and awareness of what I'm doing. Atleast in a week I've started drinking water which used to be nonexistent!
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    I started just by logging everything I ate. It's good to see what you think are healthy choices versus what you normally consider bad foods. Then work on finding healthier choices to your healthy choices. Look at the labels of different brands in the supermarket to find ones with more fibre, less carbs/sugar, less calories. And remember that sometimes foods with less calories don't necessarily taste good - some foods I'd rather 'spend' extra calories on because I don't like the low-calorie alternative. They become 'less-often' foods rather than everyday foods.

    Then try to get in some exercise each day. Even if it means you prance around in your undies for half an hour before bed playing the latest P!nk cd...
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Have you been logging what you've been eating thus far? If yes, how does it compare to where you should be? Play with your ingredients and/or portions until it is where it should be.

    If no, what are you waiting for? If this is true, this is where you start. Most people start with consuming what they usually do, but just switch out a couple things or eat a little less. In time you'll probably find it easier to eat healthier food, but you'll have found the recipe threads by then and know what to get.
  • krysydawn
    krysydawn Posts: 231 Member
    My "easy" way to start is just start tracking your food.. no matter what it is.. pizza, chips, soda, ice cream.. TRACK IT.. Even if you go over your calories.. if you have to, do this for a few days or a week.. then move on to tracking a bit of exercise a few days a week.. Or trying out a new healthier recipe.. Pick one thing and start there. Good luck!! :)
  • cavaaller_85
    cavaaller_85 Posts: 94 Member
    You'll have to get over your disdain for cooking, unless you have LOTS of money! It's really not as hard as it seems, though! I would suggest starting with some simple things:

    1) Start tracking what you eat. For the first couple of days, don't worry about calories, just write down EVERYTHING you eat. That alone will open your eyes.

    2) Start making small changes wherever you can. Go for a walk after dinner instead of watching TV. Eat an apple at lunch. Add some veggies to your dinner.

    3) Start researching online. Some of the websites I've found that are great for recipes are hungry-girl.com and skinnytaste.com. Also 365crockpot.blogspot.com is good, but save that for when you're better about counting calories and calculation recipe values, etc.

    Good luck!
  • karrenbennett
    First of all WELCOME! You've taken the first big step!

    Second, you've defined your goal. 40 pounds.

    Now start to incorporate some exercise. At first try for 30 minutes of activity every day. Can you do that on your lunch hour? Or how about early in the morning before it gets too hot? Do you have access to a work out facility or swimming pool?

    Next take a long look at your diet. What are you eating? Make sure you record it in your diary so you can review it. Are you eating too many calories? Not enough calories?

    As the weeks progress add additional time to your workout. You may even want to change it up some and walk one day, weight train another day and then maybe bike. It's all a matter of what works best for you.

    If you want to do more than walk try doing the C25K program. This program is designed to get people who are couch potatoes to running a 5K in 8 weeks. It's a great program and many people on MFP have used it with great success.

    The main thing is that if something doesn't work then move on to something else. What works for one person doesn't necessarily work for someone else. You have to find something which you can do on a continuous basis.

    Hope this helps!
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    I agree with crazymama2two. If you just start logging everything you eat you very quickly see what they "cost". This site is kinda like mafia wars with food and exercise. You can eat pretty much what you want and "buy" more calories by exercising. It comes down to what's worth how much. You will be surprised!
  • lindalou0703
    lindalou0703 Posts: 226 Member
    I did not even weigh myself the first week. I could have lost weight that week but I will never know. lol Feel free to add me, I find it helps to have others to talk to. I bought a cheap scale to weigh certain foods. Bought lots of bottled water. Salads are easy and make a good summer meal.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    My recommendation: to begin with, don't try to DO anything other than log your intake. It will go a long way towards showing you what you're doing and a lot of it will explain itself.
  • Missmissy0003
    Missmissy0003 Posts: 250 Member
    I started by just logging everything I ate and looking at various message boards for ideas. And then it has kind of naturally progressed from there.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member

    Start eating like the thinner healthier person you want to become.
    Start walking 1-2 miles ... then add some running. Ease into a workout routine...
    be more gooder than badder

    And make lots of MFP friends (check out my profile feel free to add me if you desire)!
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    My wife and I are both on MFP. When we started we logged in the food that we normally ate. When you see what you are eating it changes your outlook. Then, just change things that you eat. Replace certain foods with healthier foods. Change ingredients in recipes to healthier ingredients.

    And make sure you work out. Anything that makes you work up a sweat.

    Good luck.
  • Trezzy
    Trezzy Posts: 52 Member
    Personally the best way to start is to just log everything you eat...no matter what it is. It will give you a real reality as to what you are eating and how much. Then start measuring EVERYTHING, increase water intake if needed and make changes to your diet as you feel needed. You don't have to start fast or make this huge change. #1 thing to do is LOG it all. That is my best advice to you and my biggest downfalls.
  • smallerthighs
    Each night...make your menu for the next day. Log everything you will eat..including snax and splenda..everything. if you go over in calories..take something off. On the day of..start with water..atleast 2 cups as soon as you wake up...and then follow your log. Between meals..drink water..lots of it. It will keep you full. As you draw closer to the end of your day....and you are not hungry....delete something else. That's what I do...and I have found that it really works...my overall calories are reduced. Good luck!!!