Embarrassed to Ask....



  • petrulak
    petrulak Posts: 56 Member
    I didn't really have a plan. One day I just decided to do it and the first thing was cutting out all soda and junk food. I began eating alot more salads, other vegetables and fruits. I also decided to start paying attention to the nutritional values of everything I ate and measured/weighed all foods out so that I can keep track of the calories. I don't eat much bread or pasta. I then incorporated exercising! I have been doing this since the beginning of June and have lost 16 pounds so far.
  • laurelei09
    laurelei09 Posts: 32 Member
    I think the important thing is that you start, so you're headed in the right direction. :) Everything changed up when I hit my 40's so I'm using the MFP app and the site pretty religiously at the moment. That weight won't just fall off anymore, darn it! I looked at my BMR and calculated calorie limits with the tools on the site. Since I'm 5'2, I'm aiming to keep the calories a little lower than advised. It's still trial and error, but I'm using the blog feature to save recipes and talk about the tweaks to my fitness plan. Just keep at it, you'll find something that works for you.
  • KeyMasterOfGozer
    KeyMasterOfGozer Posts: 229 Member
    Just start by logging everything you eat. Everything. If you put mayo on your sandwich, log it. Studies show you are 80% more likely to lose weight if you just measure something, anything. As you log things, you sill start to see what you are eating. You will start to see what you need to eat less of, and more of. Other than that, there are a lot of other good comments here.
  • ladydi1961
    Don't feel bad, I thought, planned, researched and thought some more for I'll bet an entire year before I started for real. That was almost 2 years and 70 pounds ago, with 30 more to go.

    My biggest changes: rule # 1 is "No fast food. Ever. No excuses." My husband and I have an eating plan that includes high fiber, low fat, home cooked meals made with real food. Baked, broiled or crock-pot meats. Lots of chicken and fish. Ground turkey instead of ground beef. Lots of fruits and veggies. Many small meals and snacks throughout the day. Nuts (almonds, pecans, walnuts) instead of chips, and measure those nuts out to no more than a small handful. Use the snack sized zip-lock baggies to measure out high calorie snacks so you don't go over. Oh yeah, and exercise, exercise, exercise!!! I worked out at the gym 3 days a week with a trainer and 2-4 other days on my own. Lots of cardio, strength training, and always, always, always abs. Now I go 3 days a week, and my weight loss has stopped....hmmm....better go back to 6 days a week, huh?

    I'm new to My Fitness Pal, so haven't made any friends here yet. Message anytime if you want to know more.

    Message anytime if you
  • stevwil41
    stevwil41 Posts: 608 Member
    When I started I had about 2000 calories to play with so it was mostly a matter of making smarter choices and doing some research.

    For breakfast I usually have half a cup of scrambled egg beaters, a couple of multigrain waffles with sugar free syrup or a whole grain english muffin and some yogurt or cottage cheese. Ball park that is around 350 calories. I also keep some sort of frozen egg muffing thing (Jimmy Dean D-Lights, Weight Watchers, etc) in the freezer for those mornings when I'm running late.

    I work at a restaurant and don't get lunch until 2 or 3 so I usually snack on almonds and either a box of raisins or some beef jerkey. Lunch is usually a turkey or roast beef lettuce wrap with light mayo, a pickle, and a glass of light lemonade.

    Dinner usually consists of about 6 ounces of meat, a vegetable (usually broccoli or green beans), and a starch (I like Busch's Grillin' Beans or scalloped potatoes). I usually have either a Fiber One Brownie or a fat free tapioca pudding snack for dessert.

    I'll have an evening snack as well. That's usually whatever will fit into my calorie budget.

    I also keep a few frozen dinners for the days I get home late or forget to thaw anything ahead of time for dinner. I keep a few cans of soup as well and frozen Lean Cuisine pizza as well. I also made a list of things that would fall into my calorie budget from local fast food places just in case. For example if I have to stop at McDonalds for dinner I get a Bacon Ranch Salad with regular ranch dressing (430 calories), a Fruit and Yogurt Parfait without the granola (130) and a bottle of water. I'm on travelling and need to drive thru then I get a grilled chicken snack wrap (270) and the parfait. When I go out with friends I try to stick to nicer chain restaurants when I can check their nutritional info ahead of time and have an idea of what I want and how many calories it'll cost me.

    Good luck!
  • sunnylv
    sunnylv Posts: 42 Member
    If you don't have a great place to walk you can use your very own living room. Check out Leslie Sansone DVD's on Amazon. I like her workouts. The Walk Slim 4 fast miles is great because it lets you turn off the conversation she is having (it can get boring) and use the Music Only workout. It is not difficult to follow her steps. She does kicks, side steps, some jogging and some leg lifts. All while walking 4 miles. You don't have to do all. I usually stop at 2 miles. There is even a challenge on this website with how many miles you think you can do. My goal is 40 with the DVD's. Post reminders everywhere! Get great quotes off the internet! You can do it!
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    you have to have the determination and right attitude...it starts there....
    #2...focus, right now, on drinking water water water.....give up sodas, sugary drinks and replace it with water....i lost ten lbs. before i ever lost a lb. of fat.
    #3....after you get in the habit of drinking water, add veggies/fruits to your diet....your body has to have fruits and veggies....if youre not used to eating them, then find one that you think you'd like to try and maybe incorporate it into a recipe.
    #4. watch portion sizes.....if you eat seconds and thirds, DONT....make sure you get enough to live, dont live to eat.....
    #5...encourage others here and you will also be encouraged in return

    add me if youd like
  • Blabob
    Blabob Posts: 15 Member
    I agree with everyone that said "Just start logging your food." The answers start to become obvious.

    I am the worst one to offer advice, because my habits are terrible, but I found Oberto Thin Sliced Beef Jerky helpful when I started, 3oz package 210 calories. I'd put 4 or 6 pieces by my computer (work area) - put the rest in a drawer or across the room - and nibble as I worked. By the end of the day, I often ate half or less of a bag and yet wasn't hungry - that became my lunch method.

    Note it is a terrible idea probably - particularly if sodium is a problem for you.
  • ToniAnn411
    start by logging every single ting you put in your mouth...if it goes over your calorie mark, SO WHAT...at least you logged it...thats the only way to start...just log your food/drinks for a couple days, look at it and re-evaluate and come back...we'll put you on the right path! xo

    Exactly. Log everything you put in your mouth, good or bad. It helps you see exactly what and how you eat. Sometimes you don't realize how much you eat until you see it on paper. Day by day, you'll make different choices. It also helps hold yourself accountable.
    Also, if you're able to, try to plan your "menu" the night before. Sometimes that helps keep you on track, having it planned, and not trying to figure out what you're going to eat last minute, which sometimes can lead to not so good decisions. Good luck.
  • Jennra
    Jennra Posts: 43 Member
    I did the same thing....just logged EVERYTHING that I put in my mouth for a week and then started to notice trends and responded accordingly....more fruits and veggies, less processed junk, more water, less coffee/soda/flavored drinks. Then I added exercise!
  • geekymom57
    geekymom57 Posts: 176 Member
    Others have mentioned many strategies, and the underlying theme is to start thinking about what and how much you are currently eating. For me, the act of putting every thing that enters my mouth into my log makes me think immediately about whether I want to eat/drink it, and if it's worth the draw on my daily total. I use the Droid app and love it--scanning the bar codes is a great tool.

    Weigh or measure everything, and if the portion size is 1, start with 1/2 and see how full you are. Most foods I cut the portion in half and am more than satisfied.

    Hang in there and remember that it didn't come on in a day and won't come off in a day, so be patient!
  • harlylena
    harlylena Posts: 125 Member
    Thanks everyone for taking a moment to provide such valuable advice. I did start tracking food and it turns out I was skipping alot of breakfast and quite a few lunches. NOT intentionally....usually if I'm rushing out or sitting in the car somewhere. I like the idea of preplanning a menu and keeping things on hand for such cases. Will also take things slowly so I don't burn out and change things up so I don't lose interest. Thanks again all and for those who sent me the friend request!
  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    start by logging every single ting you put in your mouth...if it goes over your calorie mark, SO WHAT...at least you logged it...thats the only way to start...just log your food/drinks for a couple days, look at it and re-evaluate and come back...we'll put you on the right path! xo
    Yes ..log it ALL..the good, the bad and the ugly....you'll wake youself up to your own diet needs and over eating....AND think about walking...
  • 40lbslighter
    40lbslighter Posts: 479 Member
    I started out really slowly. For the first week, instead of changing my entire diet I just looked at portions and focused on adding vegetables into what I was already eating. The second week, I added exercise in to my program. Every day, at least half an hour. I also started focusing on switching out some foods. Wheat bread instead of white, brown rice instead of white. The only white thing I am still eating is flour tortillas, but those will get switched out soon, too.

    The best thing for me has been to maintain a variety. I have a variety of exercises, a variety of foods, and I try not to get too caught up in the actual weight numbers, focusing instead on my size shrinking instead of just the number on the scale.

    Really great advice! I too am allergic to cooking, so small changes are helping. Rome wasn't built in a day.

    I've started making a dozen hard-boiled eggs to have available in the fridge. If I eat three eggs, I remove the yolk from the third egg. I find cooking food in advance is really helping. Slowly but surely, I am removing prepackaged foods from my diet.

    Feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • rankailie
    rankailie Posts: 144
    I started out really slowly. For the first week, instead of changing my entire diet I just looked at portions and focused on adding vegetables into what I was already eating. The second week, I added exercise in to my program. Every day, at least half an hour. I also started focusing on switching out some foods. Wheat bread instead of white, brown rice instead of white. The only white thing I am still eating is flour tortillas, but those will get switched out soon, too.

    The best thing for me has been to maintain a variety. I have a variety of exercises, a variety of foods, and I try not to get too caught up in the actual weight numbers, focusing instead on my size shrinking instead of just the number on the scale.

    This is what I did as well, I didn't change my diet or current eating habits immediately I just started paying more attention to portion and swapping out unhealthier items for other more healthy items, like brown rice for white rice, drinking more water, and more fresh whole veggies. Once I was comfortable with my eating habits I moved to exercising and slowly ramping that up. Once I was comfortable there I then started looking at the macros in my diet, sodium, protein, etc.

    One meal and one day at a time.
  • 40lbslighter
    40lbslighter Posts: 479 Member
    Yes ..log it ALL..the good, the bad and the ugly....you'll wake youself up to your own diet needs and over eating....AND think about walking...

    Hmmm...I wonder how many calories I can burn by just thinking about walking... hehehe