Amairee Member


  • Week 3 Day 1: Start of a new week today! Did a good Chest and Back workout, although it's not my favourite of the strength exercises. Looking forward to/dreading Plyo tomorrow haha, I always feel so good after I've finished it though. Glad to hear of new people starting up (or changing up) this program! I wish you the best…
  • Week 2 Day 7: End of week 2! Rest day today, so I'll be doing some light cardio later on. Haven't done Stretch X yet but I'll see if I feel like it later on; it's a good stretch workout I just don't feel I need it as much this week as I did last week. What are people's typical plans on rest days anyway? I never take them…
  • Week 2 Day 5 and 6: Ack, such a busy week so I haven't been logging in. But I am managing to keep up! Legs and Back yesterday went well, I definitely enjoy that workout best among the strength ones (probably because it's targeting areas I really care about hahaha). Kenpo X went well today, definitely a good burn and really…
  • Week 2 Day 3 and 4: Easter weekend was so busy for me, but I managed to keep up with the P90X schedule (if straying a bit from the diet ahaha). Although I didn't have time to log it yesterday, I had a good shoulder and arms workout early in the morning along with Ab Ripper X as I knew I'd be getting back too late, and…
  • Week 2 Day 2: Amazing Plyo workout, didn't have to pause once and was able to do just about everything at tempo with the rest of them. Still find those high knee jumps and rock star jumps difficult, typically have to rely on my arms to get the height I need, but I'm improving! Definitely the most kick-butt workout of them…
  • Week 2 Day 1: Start of week two! Great Chest and Back workout, followed by Ab Ripper X and Cardio X. Trying to burn a lot these next few days to make up for what I know will be an indulgence come Easter dinner haha. Had to make cheesecake today for said dinner (my all time favourite sweet) and managed to not eat a single…
  • Week 1 Day 7: Last day of the week, so I did Stretch X for the first time today. I liked it, it really worked the kinks out of my body from the weeks worth of exercise. I especially liked the bow move, that was just an amazing all over stretch for me. I'll probably do some light cardio later, but an hour long stretch…
  • Week 1 Day 6: First day of Kenpo X and I LOVE IT! That's a really amazing style of cardio that's incredibly enjoyable and so much fun. My dog even managed to enter into the room and hop along with me haha. And thus tomorrow is my rest day, although I'll be trying the Stretch X, but my first week of P90X is almost completed…
  • Week 1 Day 5: Bit of a later reply here, but I did my workouts earlier. First time doing the Legs and Back routines and I really liked it, although my legs still kill hours later haha. Really hated/loved those tippy toe lunges and the wall presses, they certainly do a number on you. :) Also did Ab Ripper of course, still…
  • No no no, you aren't out of shape, I've just been doing yoga religiously for 7 years now and this just wasn't for me. Plus I'm a small girl, I mean I have 15 pounds I want to lose but it's not a big issue for me to raise my body weight off the floor over and over haha. Great to hear that you're enjoying it though, yoga is…
  • Great job! :D
  • Hey there, sounds like we're in a similar-ish situation and age group. Feel free to add me and we can help each other stay motivated! :)
  • Personally I love the way I feel after a good workout. I love the rush of endorphins, I love the sense of satisfaction, I love that overall I feel healthier every time I do. For me, that burst of energy is what motivates me. :smile:
  • Awesome, thanks for the feedback! Glad to know that this isn't something I've dreamed up in my head haha. I'll probably substitute Namaste or Padma Yoga sessions depending. In addition I finished my Cardio X workout a short while ago; great burn and leaves me feeling excellent and energized! :) @JeffreyKiehl I log the P90X…
  • Week 1 Day 4: Yoga X...I am unimpressed to say the least haha. I do yoga fairly regularly and have since I was about 15 years old. Although some moves in Yoga X were of moderate difficulty the entirety of this DVD was not giving me anything I needed from yoga. He just isn't a yoga instructor. He mentioned very little on…
  • Welcome! MFP is a great site and really offers the support needed for weight loss in my opinion. Feel free to add me if you'd like and we can keep each other on track!
  • Instead of bike riding for cardio today I tried Cardio X. I know you aren't supposed to go doubles until week 5 I think but it was a great burner. Feelin' good! :)
  • Week 1 Day 3: Great workout today! I really enjoyed the shoulder and arms work and really tried to push myself especially on the second circuits. My arms are sore but I feel great! Ab Ripper X also went better today, doing it for the second time now. My form was more solid I think than it was the first time I did it, which…
  • I know that lbs tends to be the biggest focal point for most people, but hyper-focusing on your weight is only going to set yourself up for some disappointments along the way. Everyone is going to have bumps in the road where weight gain occurs, and it might not have anything to do with your diet and exercise routine but…
  • Congrats to you on that weight loss, that is so amazing and admirable! I'm 21 as well looking to loose 10-20, add me if you'd like and we can motivate each other. :)
  • Ahaha ShakeWeights ;) Interesting questions though! My best would definitely be my Polar FT7 HRM. Won't do cardio without it now! My worst hmm well because I'm a poor young student I haven't really spent money on items I wasn't 100% sure would be worth it but my mother a year or so back purchased one of those Sauna Belts.…
  • Week 1 Day 2: First round of Plyometrics and oh wow did that hit me hard. I'm not a cardio girl so a lot of these circuits really made me push. I wasn't able to keep up with their speed on some of the moves, or occasionally their height (especially the high jump kicks and rock star moves), but I only took one extra 30…
  • Congrats on what you've accomplished so far, that's really commendable! I'm 21 and looking to loose 10-20, feel free to add me if you'd like and we can motivate each other :)
    in On My Way! Comment by Amairee April 2011
  • Oh wow that is just such a dramatic change, amazing, you look like a whole new person. You look fantastic, go out and flaunt your stuff!
  • Thanks for the messages of support you guys, that really helped motivate me to give it my all today. Week 1 Day 1 of p90x and my arms are sore like crazy, but I feel really energized! I actually am liking the format of it with the periodic one minute breaks. I'm not used to that set-up in my routines but that made sure I…
  • A bit behind the starting point but p90x should be arriving at my door tomorrow and I hope to work at it for the first time alongside all of you. I have to say I'm extremely excited but also fairly nervous as to what this will have in store for me haha. But seeing everyone's progress on here is really encouraging! :)
  • I've had long term problems with foot cramping and spasms so I feel for you and how difficult it can be. For myself personally I've found the only thing that really helps is doing focused foot stretchs at the beginning and end of the day. These include manually bending and flexing the toes. Working down the foot manually…
  • I love the bike riding, especially as you unlock higher levels of it because it gets more interesting and can really be a good workout as you enjoy riding around the intricate virtual island. Super Hula Hoop is also a really fantastic burner, and if it interests you at all I really love the yoga games because they work so…
  • As stated above you can get more detais from the day-by-day log posts but I have to say that I love Ripped in 30. I find it to be a happy blend of the intensity of 6W6P and the system of 30DS, with some of the best moves similar to stuff from her other DVDs. I was really happy with it overall and was glad to add it in to…
  • The Weight Watchers Chocolate has already been mentioned but I've got to second them because they are calorie conscious sweets that actually taste sweet and really help to settle that candy craving. Give them a try, I bet you'll like them!