Adynata Member


  • Oh man, Gina Carano. I'd let her Crush me any day.
  • Life's a Beach
  • Did my test on Saturday. Turns out I really suck at push ups :laugh: . Couldn't even manage one proper one with good form, so I've switched to alternative ones. I'll be doing column 2 but from my knees. Ah well. It would be awesome to complete this challenge using the alternate ones and then repeat it with the full version…
  • I've always wanted to do this. In the past I've been able to do a lot of alternative pushups (knees and knuckles for my wrists) but no more than maybe 4 or 5 standard pushups (still on knuckles). I've always felt like I've just got too comfortable with the alternative ones and that I've never pushed myself to do the "real"…
  • A pencil. I'm one of those awkward people that will carry something in their mouth when they've run out of hands, like a bag or whatever, but then just keep carrying it in their mouth when their hands are freed up. Gets me some odd looks.
  • Dear OP. There are many times in our lives that we may accidentally smell bad. For example, as a fellow woman, I am going to assume that at some point in your life, you have experienced The Dreaded Unexpected Early Time of the Month Panic (more commonly of course known by its abbreviation TDUETMP). TDUETMP notoriously…
  • I do use the Oxford comma, but it's not standard use in the UK. I occasionally worry that I'll get penalised for it in essays but, you know, **** the system and all that. What you should really be complaining about is the horrible use of the comma splice! =P.
  • Wait, how can you get so pissy about a padded bra then say that a woman getting surgery is fine if it makes her feel more comfortable? Padded bras can make me feel a hell of a lot more comfortable with myself. If stuffing a sock down their pants gives a guy the same confidence, then I wouldn't have a problem with it. I see…
  • Damn, exactly my thoughts. How can anyone deliberately plan a child with a person but not want to live with them? Living with your partner makes such a massive difference to how you view them. I would almost go so far as to say it's an essential step before marriage. Plus I'm sure it would make your kid happy.
  • As basic as this sounds, try getting up slower. Focus on your breathing too. If that doesn't help, then yeah, what everyone else has said =P.
  • I am very strict about grammar in forum posts and elsewhere on the internet. I don't always capitalize (or capitalise, if you like) when using instant messaging, though. I also forgive the usage of commas in place of semicolons. It's important to acknowledge some things that people consider spelling errors are also due to…
  • Your body contains lady parts!
  • I make a pretty badass gnocci dish with pesto, caramelised red onion, mushrooms, and halloumi. Not brilliantly healthy, alas =P.
    in Gnocchi Comment by Adynata November 2011
  • I got the same reaction from all kinds of coffee, from home made instant to ones bought at big coffee chains. I also had the same reaction at different times of the day - one of them being a small cup of coffee after lunch. Honestly, I'd rather just live without it, and preferably find an alternative. Thank you, though.
  • It's not dairy, I have milk in quite a few other things, and I eat cheese quite happily. I have been to the doctor about it, but he was pretty useless. I was given peppermint pills, which did seem to work, but it's obviously not a long term solution. Coffee is also not the only thing to set it off, but I've yet to be…
  • I will always complete a game, often with a sinister obsessive drive to 100% everything, unless I dislike the game. Even if I get stuck at a certain point for a long time, and it's probably not worth the frustration, I don't tend to give up on things.
  • Yes, definitely! Who did everyone romance in 1 & 2? ;P.
  • If there's a prize for rotten judgement, I guess I've already won that.
  • I'm thinking Argonian this time. Something smashy bashy anyway, unless they've actually improved the magic system. I was so disappointed when I found out the truth about the dragon shouts. I was hoping it was some kind of Kinect thing that made the player scream different dragon calls at their TV. Would have been so badass.
  • 6'0" - 160lbs. My current goal is 196, which is my before uni weight, then I'll be taking it from there to reassess.
  • Damn it all, I thought they were bringing back Karamel Sutra. Man that stuff was awesome.
  • Man, I bet you got some interesting Google Image results when you looked for that picture =P.
  • I find this thread genuinely confusing. Is this if you're like, extremely constipated or something? I can't think of a time when I've not gone in, done my business, washed my hands, and left in the space of under a minute. Is that... abnormal?
  • Not really anything anyone can do if you don't elaborate.
  • I am a lacto-ovo vegetarian, and have been for about six years. My own personal reasons are almost entirely moral, but I can also play the health debate game when provoked. To me it came down to a decision between two loves: animals and meat. Yes, I did love the taste of meat, but I disliked the poor treatment in the meat…
  • These are exactly my thoughts. I never really had the talk with my mum, other than an explanation on how to use sanitary products, because I seem to have had a pretty basic understanding all my life. We had some incredibly thorough sex education at school with varying degrees of detail from about ten years old and onwards.…
  • I imagine 20lbs in a month was a very unusual case, and was probably lost by someone extremely overweight, so it's technically true and can be used as a selling point. Having said that I really love Jillian Michaels work outs. They're worth doing just to watch how insane she is.
  • I also had incredibly limited space last year. I was able to modify a couple of moves by doing some of them on the spot. For example in one of the levels there's a lunge forwards, meet in the middle, then a lunge backwards. I really didn't have the space for that, so I had to kinda shuffle back and forward a bit to get the…
  • I assume seeing as you said you're still at school then you're currently doing your A levels. Will you be going to university? That would likely sort out your problem. It sucks that you would be going to uni with the higher rates, but the benefits have also increased, and if you go to a university in a cheaper area you…
  • I have no idea. Sadly we left shortly afterwards.