Space for 30 Day Shred

Hi everyone.

This will probably sound a daft question but after hearing so much about 30 day shred on the forums I decided I'd really like to give it a go. The only thing is the space in my room is small, very small with no moveable objects. So I was hoping someone could tell me what sort of space you use up in the routines. Unfortunately I can't really use the living room by the time I get back or before I go out to work.



  • lenwie
    lenwie Posts: 240
    Not much really, I get to do all mine on my yoga mat.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    you need the space of a yoga mat and enough height to do jumping jacks.
  • heybrit
    heybrit Posts: 140
    I have to do the exercises sideways from my tv (the ones that require laying on the ground) but if you have enough room for you to lay down, you should be fine. Otherwise, enough room to stand and do jumping jacks and running in place. I have very little room myself but I am able to do it all.
  • wutamunkee
    wutamunkee Posts: 440 Member
    what everyone said... need to lay down somehow, and do jumping jacks... if you can, you are good!
  • joakool
    joakool Posts: 434 Member
    30DS consists of jumping jacks, lunges (front and side), planks, squats, sit-ups, crunches, etc. I think what might take the most space, are the "skaters" where you jump from side to side mimicing the movement of a speed skater. Those could be done in moderation, I'm sure. If I forgot any moves, I'm sure someone will add them. Hope that helps.
  • Thanks alot everybody for the help I'm not sure on the laying down space but can see if theres some way to make it work I think I'll go ahead and get it.

    Thanks again
  • Adynata
    Adynata Posts: 128 Member
    I also had incredibly limited space last year. I was able to modify a couple of moves by doing some of them on the spot. For example in one of the levels there's a lunge forwards, meet in the middle, then a lunge backwards. I really didn't have the space for that, so I had to kinda shuffle back and forward a bit to get the right amount of room, which didn't really change the exercise much.