

  • Yes, that's exactly what I am dealing with! I shall definitely just try to amp up the natural foods and water to help get my stomach back to normal. We had a night out with friends Saturday (bar, beer, bar food, late eating, etc) and I its been so long since I have done it that I have felt awful since. Getting back on…
  • haha can i count it as cardio too?
  • I think I shall go the fruit veggies and tons of water route.....and perhaps I shall not listen to certain friends haha! Thanks everyone :smile:
  • You are a true inspiration!!! Congrats to you for all your success!
  • I read about that this morning....its awful...and I totally agree i'd love to strangle that woman with her feeding tube....I especially liked when she talked about how the Dr. asked her to try to compliment the "diet" with a walk on the beach and said I just didn't feel like it...soooo maybe laziness is why that 10lbs just…
  • i believe you stated "limiting your diet to liquid or pureed foods may cause digestive problems " which would imply a liquid diet....which is why i said liquid diet...implying we were friends was pure'd think that someone as sarcastic as you would pick up on that....and yes i have received lots of responses…
  • i asked the opinion from people who have done it or tried it.....i did not ask for a pat on the back....i did not ask for nothing but nice things....i asked for an opinion....not sarcastic non-helpful responses that serve no purpose except to take up space
  • thank you very much....i was trying to explain but i feel like no one is listening....i jus thought switching things up and having a structured meal plan for a week that is FULL of healthy foods would maybe give me a little jump start and help me find new meal ideas.
  • and once again my friend....its not a LIQUID DIET...try reading one more time...but thank again for your wonderful advice
  • pretty sure i didn't ask for rude sarcastic responses just some ideas....ive lost over 40lbs and maintained it for almost 2 years im pretty sure i know how to only on here to lose 10 more and to help with maintaining and i just enjoy mom was asking about this and trying it i just offered to do it with her…
  • no no no you dont inhale as much food as you want....its a meal plan....they have all the meals planned out for 7 days...for example today i had yogurt and fruit for breakfast....and for lunch it calls for a turkey sandwich no cheese...snacks are veggies ...sorry i should have clarified
  • yes thats exactly it its the cabbage soup diet but it is only a one meal still eat a full breakfast and lunch
  • thanks ladies....this actually involves a lot of eating.....the only meal that is soup is the dinner....but you can change the soup to make it heartier like into a chili or something like today i had yogurt and fruit for breakfast....and it calls for a turkey sandwich on wheat with no cheese for lunch....tons…
  • count me in!! i got turbo fire and loved it but have been slacking so i wanna start fresh and kill it this time!!!
  • friend request sent : ) i enjoy encouraging as much as i enjoy encouragement....we all need it!
  • welcome and best of luck to you!
  • welcome to the site, its a great place to join, nothing but support and tons of information! feel free to add me and best of luck on your new journey!
    in New to this Comment by Jessk63 May 2011
  • I ordered it!!! But i got the complete set on amazon for $85....not to so i just have to wait for it to come which is the worst part! haha
  • i really wanna get it buttt just gotta find the extra cash!
  • Officially ordered by Polar FT4 online and got a great deal!!! so excited for it to come now!! Thanks everyone for your help!
  • Thanks everyone for all the input, i think the polar is the way to go, everyone i have spoken to says its the best and most reliable! Looks like I know what im buying today!!
  • Best of sure you'll do great!
  • welcome to MFP....everyone is great and super sounds like you super motivated and ready to go...i wish you the best of luck!
    in Hey Comment by Jessk63 May 2011
  • welcome...this site is awesome...lots of great support !! feel free to add me, we're all here to help each other!:smile:
  • I couldnt agree a free trial...most gyms offer them and there is no better way to know then to try it out....i belong to a big gym LA fitness and did a free trial first an loved it so i went alllllll the time....but eventually it got kind of crowded so i had to switch my times up....i would definitely still be…
  • Im dealing with the same thing right now....last thursday i went to the melting pot and went wayyy over board then got my TOM that night...needless to say on weigh in day i was up a pound....i was so upset but i faced it and am working on erasing it....i checked this morning since im nearing the end of my TOM and scale is…
  • switch things up....youve gotta shock your body now and then otherwise it adjust to whatever your doing and slows trainer used to only let us a do a program for 2 to 3 weeks then he would completely change it for muscle confusion thats how i had got the last lbs off to reach my total of 40lbs off that i lost…
  • best of luck to you!
    in Hey guys Comment by Jessk63 May 2011
  • Best of luck...your going to do great, keep up that attitude!!
  • Apples! i love apple slices for a snack....when im feeling something a little sweet i go for a red delicious or something tart i grab a green granny smith apple....for some reason apples fill me up for my midmorning snack and hold me till lunch...clementines are great too, super juicy and sweet !