Hopeless, again.

ANewton401 Posts: 118 Member
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
My motivation has been pretty low; I've been hiding it for weeks. I’ve lost 15lbs (awesome!) and now I’m 13lbs away from my goal. Ever since I reached my plateau 6 weeks ago (which I thought I had beaten) my heart and determination to do this has faltered. I work out, I eat well (weekends I slip occasionally) I have integrated weights with my cardio, I watch my sodium, drink lots of water BLAH BLAH BLAH!!! I’m starting to resent myself; I thought this journey was supposed to empower me, for awhile it did, just not anymore. I feel like giving up. I’ve lost 15 why not just be unhappy and stop instead of being unhappy and not seeing results? "Plateaus will pass" WHEN, WHEN???!!!


  • ddecarr
    ddecarr Posts: 103 Member
    Hang in there kiddo! Hard to tell from your picture but can you spare 13 more lbs? (was your goal realistic to begin with?) If thats a current picture, you look pretty awesome already!
  • NYCDutchess
    NYCDutchess Posts: 622 Member
    I agree with pp that you don't look like you NEED to loose more, BUT if that is your goal, you know what you are looking to achieve.

    Try cutting out the white carbs all together. No white bread, no white pastas, no potatoes. I glanced at your journal and saw that you haven't done this yet, that may just be what you need to get those last few pounds off.

    Good luck
  • momma_roo
    momma_roo Posts: 146 Member
    I agree with ^ ^ ^
  • Jessk63
    Jessk63 Posts: 51
    switch things up....youve gotta shock your body now and then otherwise it adjust to whatever your doing and slows down....my trainer used to only let us a do a program for 2 to 3 weeks then he would completely change it for muscle confusion thats how i had got the last lbs off to reach my total of 40lbs off that i lost over a year ago with weight watchers....plus food wise they always said to switch it up to...everyone tends to slip into a routine and yoru body will too....im back to dieting to lose some more weight now and im at a wall and i just starting but just gotta keep pushing through! you'll get there~!...hope i was helpful
  • bsgoodrich
    bsgoodrich Posts: 4 Member
    Don't give up. Trust me I know what it's like to be so close and plateau and give up. That is why I have been on a yo yo diet my entire life but not this time. I am going to finish this. Read posts, google motivations, look for different ideas that will help your particular situation, set small goals to achieve weekly, but DON'T GIVE UP!
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    Aw, honey. Don't beat yourself up. I don't know what to say, really, since I feel like this all the time. There will always be highs and lows. I've never been that close to my goal, so I can't speak about it from experience, but I hear the last ten are the hardest to lose and that's almost where you are. It's not easy. I feel like throwing in the towel a lot, but I know that I can't. I will not. I'll just suffer through those tough moments, knowing that eventually it will pay off.

    Make sure your process isn't one of deprivation. Make sure you are setting yourself up so that you can continue doing this even when you meet your goal. Balance is important. Be good to yourself. <3
  • simplynila
    simplynila Posts: 54 Member
    I've been stuck at the same weight for a while too and while every body is different I'll tell you what worked for me. The body can only handle the high burn and low caloric intake for so long before it gets used to it and it therefore becomes ineffective. Lower your burn and raise your caloric intake. I'm not saying to stop by McDonalds daily but eat a few hundred calories more daily. If you're consistently burning 800-1000 calories a day then lower that to 400-500.

    I Hope that helps!

  • aliciadpo
    aliciadpo Posts: 69 Member
    I can't help but think about what Jillian Michael's says, If it hurts, keep going.....that's when change takes place.

    You can get through this, you have been very inspirational for many people on this site. You're "hurting" right now but that's when change will take place. Sometimes you have to go through a harsh winter to get to spring :)
    Please hang in there! Maybe instead of putting so many expectations on yourself (like for workouts) today, when you get off of work, just go for a short walk....just to enjoy it, not to burn "xyz" calories. Just forget about your low motivation today and hopefully when you wake up tomorrow morning, you won't feel this way anymore. Then, without you even realizing it, you plateau will pass
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    Maybe take a break for a week. Track your calories still but don't worry about it if you go over 100 or 200, just take some time off from doing it hardcore. I took a week off last week. I just couldn't seem to keep going, I had the helpless feeling you get when you feel like you are failing. I still ate decent, but I did not step foot in a gym or do any workouts. And I lost some weight. You work out a lot, so you should have a good base going for muscles which will still help you burn calories. Sometimes we need to take a break from things that bring us down, kind of like how our employers give us vacation time. It might be time to cash in your earned vacation hours. And if you do take a break, let us know so we can help you keep going when you're break is over.
  • ANewton401
    ANewton401 Posts: 118 Member
    Thank you, I opened up my photos.
    Hang in there kiddo! Hard to tell from your picture but can you spare 13 more lbs? (was your goal realistic to begin with?) If thats a current picture, you look pretty awesome already!
  • cmbneeley
    cmbneeley Posts: 160 Member
    You are so beautiful! Have you ever tried checking you body fat %age? Maybe you are at an ideal place, and you need to give the scale the boot? I'm not saying you should do this, but check into other ways of measuring your health-- I read a page once that detailed how many people get depressed because they can't reach a number on the scale, but when they know their body fat percentage is already in a healthy range, to get to their goal scale weight would require losing fat to an unhealthy level (below the "necessary fat" range) and losing lean body mass (and none of us what to lose the good stuff!). I don't know if this is what's going on for you, but i would just encourage you to look into other measures of health to see if losing 13 lbs more is necessary. You deserve to be happy-- you have worked so hard and been a great inspiration to me to keep working out when I'm feeling low. You definitely look fabulous and healthy, so please celebrate what you have accomplished, and maybe look into other measures of health to judge yourself by, not just the scale.
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