Amazing Soup Diet!!???



  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    know what else works? eating fruits and vegetables, counting calories, burning more than you consume, and exercising regularly.

    you know. just an idea.

    pretty sure i didn't ask for rude sarcastic responses just some ideas....ive lost over 40lbs and maintained it for almost 2 years im pretty sure i know how to only on here to lose 10 more and to help with maintaining and i just enjoy mom was asking about this and trying it i just offered to do it with her as support....i still count all my calories on here and intend on making sure to maintain my daily allotment....but thank you for your intelligent suggestions.

    Actually, from what you said it doesn't sound like a completely ridiculous plan if you consume enough calories with the soup and you are eating more than just soup, which you have clearly pointed out. I doubt you will lose whatever you are promised (10 lbs in a week, etc) but if your mom really wants the support this wouldn't hurt you at all, and it doesn't sound very extreme. I personally have issues with eating the same thing even twice a week, because I get so bored, but if you think you can do it and you're getting enough protein, carbs, fat, and calories, then why the hell not. I looked up the recipe it has tons of veggies and you can put in ground beef or turkey- its a pretty hardy soup, not flimsy cabbage soup like some of you are thinking.
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    I haven't heard of it but as long as it is using healthy soups it's probably okay. Soups can be great as meals because they contain a water so you fill full (until you hit the bathroom).

    Soups normally also contain A LOT of sodium. Something you don't want too much of. I absolutely love soup, but limit my intake because of the sodium content.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    know what else works? eating fruits and vegetables, counting calories, burning more than you consume, and exercising regularly.

    you know. just an idea.

    Strangely enough, I discovered the same thing.

    It seems to work a lot better than any fad diet.

    No reason those things can't be put into a soup though.

    All I know is that I totally want to go home and make a big pot of vegetable soup now!
  • know what else works? eating fruits and vegetables, counting calories, burning more than you consume, and exercising regularly.

    you know. just an idea.

    pretty sure i didn't ask for rude sarcastic responses just some ideas....ive lost over 40lbs and maintained it for almost 2 years im pretty sure i know how to only on here to lose 10 more and to help with maintaining and i just enjoy mom was asking about this and trying it i just offered to do it with her as support....i still count all my calories on here and intend on making sure to maintain my daily allotment....but thank you for your intelligent suggestions.

    *looks again... nope, no rudeness there. sorry you misinterpreted my response.

    p.s. as a sidenote limiting your diet to liquid or pureed foods may cause digestive problems when done for extended periods. don't believe me? ask a medical professional. better yet, ask more than one.

    and once again my friend....its not a LIQUID DIET...try reading one more time...but thank again for your wonderful advice
  • know what else works? eating fruits and vegetables, counting calories, burning more than you consume, and exercising regularly.

    you know. just an idea.

    pretty sure i didn't ask for rude sarcastic responses just some ideas....ive lost over 40lbs and maintained it for almost 2 years im pretty sure i know how to only on here to lose 10 more and to help with maintaining and i just enjoy mom was asking about this and trying it i just offered to do it with her as support....i still count all my calories on here and intend on making sure to maintain my daily allotment....but thank you for your intelligent suggestions.

    Actually, from what you said it doesn't sound like a completely ridiculous plan if you consume enough calories with the soup and you are eating more than just soup, which you have clearly pointed out. I doubt you will lose whatever you are promised (10 lbs in a week, etc) but if your mom really wants the support this wouldn't hurt you at all, and it doesn't sound very extreme. I personally have issues with eating the same thing even twice a week, because I get so bored, but if you think you can do it and you're getting enough protein, carbs, fat, and calories, then why the hell not. I looked up the recipe it has tons of veggies and you can put in ground beef or turkey- its a pretty hardy soup, not flimsy cabbage soup like some of you are thinking.

    thank you very much....i was trying to explain but i feel like no one is listening....i jus thought switching things up and having a structured meal plan for a week that is FULL of healthy foods would maybe give me a little jump start and help me find new meal ideas.
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    It makes me laugh when people ask for opinions on things and then get angry at the negative remarks! People post because they only want to hear good things and when they don't, they get defensive.

    Why do you ask opinions if you don't want to hear them?

    Just want a pat on the back and be told what you want to hear? Then don't post.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I haven't heard of it but as long as it is using healthy soups it's probably okay. Soups can be great as meals because they contain a water so you fill full (until you hit the bathroom).

    Soups normally also contain A LOT of sodium. Something you don't want too much of. I absolutely love soup, but limit my intake because of the sodium content.

    Canned soups may contain a LOT of sodium, but if it's homemade it's only going to contain the amount you put in.

    I'm so confused by all these replies. Are there really this many people who think soup is unhealthy?? That's kind of sad to me. I make awesome soups.
  • gonnareachmygoal
    gonnareachmygoal Posts: 14 Member
    I very, very frequently have home made soup for lunch which is the same as this "diet" only I am using it at a different meal. Weight watchers also has a Zero point soup that you can eat for snacks or meals (as long as you are getting your daily nutrition and calories). I see no problem with this. I'm Canadian! We eat tons of soup in the winter! haha
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    I haven't heard of it but as long as it is using healthy soups it's probably okay. Soups can be great as meals because they contain a water so you fill full (until you hit the bathroom).

    Soups normally also contain A LOT of sodium. Something you don't want too much of. I absolutely love soup, but limit my intake because of the sodium content.

    Canned soups may contain a LOT of sodium, but if it's homemade it's only going to contain the amount you put in.

    I'm so confused by all these replies. Are there really this many people who think soup is unhealthy?? That's kind of sad to me. I make awesome soups.

    Yes, if you don't put in any sort of stock/broth. THIS recipe involves 48oz chicken broth. THAT is where the sodium comes from. Even low sodium broths are high in sodium.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I haven't heard of it but as long as it is using healthy soups it's probably okay. Soups can be great as meals because they contain a water so you fill full (until you hit the bathroom).

    Soups normally also contain A LOT of sodium. Something you don't want too much of. I absolutely love soup, but limit my intake because of the sodium content.

    Canned soups may contain a LOT of sodium, but if it's homemade it's only going to contain the amount you put in.

    I'm so confused by all these replies. Are there really this many people who think soup is unhealthy?? That's kind of sad to me. I make awesome soups.

    Yes, if you don't put in any sort of stock/broth. THIS recipe involves 48oz chicken broth. THAT is where the sodium comes from. Even low sodium broths are high in sodium.

    Assuming you buy prepacked chicken broth. It's easy enough to make your own broth too.
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    I haven't heard of it but as long as it is using healthy soups it's probably okay. Soups can be great as meals because they contain a water so you fill full (until you hit the bathroom).

    Soups normally also contain A LOT of sodium. Something you don't want too much of. I absolutely love soup, but limit my intake because of the sodium content.

    Canned soups may contain a LOT of sodium, but if it's homemade it's only going to contain the amount you put in.

    I'm so confused by all these replies. Are there really this many people who think soup is unhealthy?? That's kind of sad to me. I make awesome soups.

    Yes, if you don't put in any sort of stock/broth. THIS recipe involves 48oz chicken broth. THAT is where the sodium comes from. Even low sodium broths are high in sodium.

    Assuming you buy prepacked chicken broth. It's easy enough to make your own broth too.

    Yes, but homemade broth doesn't come in cans, does it? I'm talking about the recipe that the OP referred to. And if you read my post completely, I said NORMALLY. I didn't say ALL soup is high in sodium.
  • wow. people really arent reading the OP or her comments made afterwards. from what i understand its having soup as a meal each day, ie dinner. ive done this before, and it worked. if you make your own soup the sodium content is controlled.

    I used to have a healthy breakfast, healthy lunch and soup for dinner- sometimes it would be just veggie soup, sometimes it woud have chicken/prawns and it worked great for keeping my weight under control in winter (when i was more prone to piling on the pounds). I think its a good kick start and i dont think theres an harm in it
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,850 Member
    know what else works? eating fruits and vegetables, counting calories, burning more than you consume, and exercising regularly.

    you know. just an idea.

    pretty sure i didn't ask for rude sarcastic responses just some ideas....ive lost over 40lbs and maintained it for almost 2 years im pretty sure i know how to only on here to lose 10 more and to help with maintaining and i just enjoy mom was asking about this and trying it i just offered to do it with her as support....i still count all my calories on here and intend on making sure to maintain my daily allotment....but thank you for your intelligent suggestions.

    *looks again... nope, no rudeness there. sorry you misinterpreted my response.

    p.s. as a sidenote limiting your diet to liquid or pureed foods may cause digestive problems when done for extended periods. don't believe me? ask a medical professional. better yet, ask more than one.

    and once again my friend....its not a LIQUID DIET...try reading one more time...but thank again for your wonderful advice

    Did i say liquid diet? i did not. Are we friends? we are not. Is my advice wonderful? invariably.

    and really? the "no one is listening" line? please... it seems quite a few people are "listening". or reading.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I haven't heard of it but as long as it is using healthy soups it's probably okay. Soups can be great as meals because they contain a water so you fill full (until you hit the bathroom).

    Soups normally also contain A LOT of sodium. Something you don't want too much of. I absolutely love soup, but limit my intake because of the sodium content.

    Canned soups may contain a LOT of sodium, but if it's homemade it's only going to contain the amount you put in.

    I'm so confused by all these replies. Are there really this many people who think soup is unhealthy?? That's kind of sad to me. I make awesome soups.

    Yes, if you don't put in any sort of stock/broth. THIS recipe involves 48oz chicken broth. THAT is where the sodium comes from. Even low sodium broths are high in sodium.

    Assuming you buy prepacked chicken broth. It's easy enough to make your own broth too.

    Yes, but homemade broth doesn't come in cans, does it? I'm talking about the recipe that the OP referred to. And if you read my post completely, I said NORMALLY. I didn't say ALL soup is high in sodium.

    I just don't see why everyone is picking on a diet that says to eat soup for dinner. I don't normally use store bought stock in my soups but I buy Imagine low sodium chicken stock for making rice dishes. It has 140 mg per cup, which isn't a lot. And you could always use half stock and half water if you wanted less.
  • It makes me laugh when people ask for opinions on things and then get angry at the negative remarks! People post because they only want to hear good things and when they don't, they get defensive.

    Why do you ask opinions if you don't want to hear them?

    Just want a pat on the back and be told what you want to hear? Then don't post.

    i asked the opinion from people who have done it or tried it.....i did not ask for a pat on the back....i did not ask for nothing but nice things....i asked for an opinion....not sarcastic non-helpful responses that serve no purpose except to take up space
  • It makes me laugh when people ask for opinions on things and then get angry at the negative remarks! People post because they only want to hear good things and when they don't, they get defensive.

    Why do you ask opinions if you don't want to hear them?

    Just want a pat on the back and be told what you want to hear? Then don't post.

    it makes me laugh when people post unhelpful comments like this which dont answer the OPs question or help atall. maybe you shouldnt post until theres something nice or helpful to say? try reading the comments and you'l see y the OP is getting fustrated.
  • It makes me laugh when people ask for opinions on things and then get angry at the negative remarks! People post because they only want to hear good things and when they don't, they get defensive.

    Why do you ask opinions if you don't want to hear them?

    Just want a pat on the back and be told what you want to hear? Then don't post.

    i asked the opinion from people who have done it or tried it.....i did not ask for a pat on the back....i did not ask for nothing but nice things....i asked for an opinion....not sarcastic non-helpful responses that serve no purpose except to take up space

  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,850 Member
    It makes me laugh when people ask for opinions on things and then get angry at the negative remarks! People post because they only want to hear good things and when they don't, they get defensive.

    Why do you ask opinions if you don't want to hear them?

    Just want a pat on the back and be told what you want to hear? Then don't post.

    i asked the opinion from people who have done it or tried it.....i did not ask for a pat on the back....i did not ask for nothing but nice things....i asked for an opinion....not sarcastic non-helpful responses that serve no purpose except to take up space

    space officially taken.

    my work here is done.
  • know what else works? eating fruits and vegetables, counting calories, burning more than you consume, and exercising regularly.

    you know. just an idea.

    pretty sure i didn't ask for rude sarcastic responses just some ideas....ive lost over 40lbs and maintained it for almost 2 years im pretty sure i know how to only on here to lose 10 more and to help with maintaining and i just enjoy mom was asking about this and trying it i just offered to do it with her as support....i still count all my calories on here and intend on making sure to maintain my daily allotment....but thank you for your intelligent suggestions.

    *looks again... nope, no rudeness there. sorry you misinterpreted my response.

    p.s. as a sidenote limiting your diet to liquid or pureed foods may cause digestive problems when done for extended periods. don't believe me? ask a medical professional. better yet, ask more than one.

    and once again my friend....its not a LIQUID DIET...try reading one more time...but thank again for your wonderful advice

    Did i say liquid diet? i did not. Are we friends? we are not. Is my advice wonderful? invariably.

    and really? the "no one is listening" line? please... it seems quite a few people are "listening". or reading.

    i believe you stated "limiting your diet to liquid or pureed foods may cause digestive problems " which would imply a liquid diet....which is why i said liquid diet...implying we were friends was pure'd think that someone as sarcastic as you would pick up on that....and yes i have received lots of responses some of which people did actually read and understand what i am saying and some who just respond without really reading.
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