

  • what is this raspberry ketone i'm hearing so much about, doesnt seem to make sense to me.. i'm actually similar to you, i'm 5ft 1 and was 11st 13lbs when i started MFP. i'm now down to 11st 5 and a half lbs.. just stick with the calorie counting and regular excercise, eventually you'll lose the weight.. there's no quick…
  • I decided to start writing down everything i was eating but as i spend a lot of time on the computer i were googling a website that lets you write everything online, and found MFP :) glad i did as so far i'm doing great!
  • carbs are not the problem, over eating is. There are good carbs that keep you fuller for longer such as brown rice and sweet potatoes. add a little of the good carbs to your meal and your sorted. just stay aware from the cream cakes and biscuits ;)
  • i'm from the north west UK. feel free to add :)
  • i'm 20 :) feel free to add x
  • North West :) Lancashire.. feel free to add
  • i'm in the same situation where i have most of my fat on my stomach and hips. Nothing a change of diet and excercise cant reduce or get rid of.. Just takes abit of time. but cant expect to get rid of it overnight. It certainly didnt all pile up overnight !!!
  • i drink about 2 - 3 litres of water a day :) Also love my fizzy pop which i'm trying to cut down on.. :cry:
  • i'm 20 and been on MFP for 5 days. feel free to add :) x
  • If i'm having a cheat meal I usually add it to the diary the night before so i know how many calories i have left. usually log just before a meal so i know i'm only eating that and not nibbling on other things!
  • I'm 5ft 2, have 27 lbs to lose and i've put my preferred weight loss at 1lb a week. makes it much more realistic. I have around 1300 calories a day and usually slightly dip in to my burnt calories by around 50 - 70 cals. Overall i still have a calorie deficit and dont let myself get to the point where i'm constantly…
  • i'm very close to my family, from my mums side. dads family lives abroad so only get to see them after a couple of years. I have the same problem as when we usually get together its at my Nans house where she cooks absolutely loads of food.. hard to resist nans cooking.. yummm :) Theres 2 of my auntys who i've got more of…
  • 50lbs is realistic if you put ur mind to it! there's people on here that have lost 2 or 3 times that amount. What i've learnt on here is as long as you dont go over your daily calorie allowance you can eat as many meals as you like. Just try to get your 5 a day in of fruit or veg, protein foods will keep you fuller for…
  • i'm the same ^^^ but have started eating breakfast now because i'm starving after going to the gym in the morning!! As long as you dont go over your daily calorie allowance you should be fine..x
  • i'm not an expert on any of these matters but personally i think as long as you reduce your portion sizes and dont go over your daily calorie allowance you'd be fine. Its healthier to make sure you're eating fruit and veg and protein as well as all the other important food groups. everyones body is different.. once you…
  • My TOM usually isnt too bad, only struggle the first couple of days with leg pains or back pains.. i dont push myself too hard then, go for a light workout so i dont break out of the habit of going to the gym or go for a stroll around the park to get a walk in. I tend to eat more comfort food though :/ thought it was just…
  • firstly try not being so negative about yourself. Thats one thing i've managed to figure out, if you keep telling yourself i cant do it then you probably wont be able to! Everyone has bad days, the trick is to pick yourself up and carry on. Try setting a small target first and give yourself a reward at the end of it to…
  • The only problem i have is sometimes i use some leftovers from dinner for next days lunch.. so if i do use oil then i wouldnt know how much exactly to write for each meal.. usually i just use a drizzle of oil if i put something in the oven, to make sure it doesnt burn or stick!
  • I was considering writing everything i eat down. So was looking for a website that allows me to store all the meals i eat online as i spend alot of my time at a computer. found MyFitnessPal and so far i'm really enjoying it :)
  • ah okay :) thought that would be the best way, then you know exactly how many calories you're consuming. Thanks
  • sounds similar to me.. i didnt realise i had a problem until i saw a pic of myself in my friends wedding album! Feel free to add me, i need as much motivation as possible and would love to support people in the same boat as me :) good luck with everything!!
  • feel free to add me :) i need the support and would like to help others in the same boat as me :) x
    in Hi there! Comment by haleema93 May 2014
  • yeah just going to see how i get on, then amend it if i need to. Thanks for all ur replies guys :) feel free to add, i need all the motivation i can get!! :D
  • i've got food on my mind all the time!! so frustrating.. grrr.. wish unhealthy food didnt taste so good. :D
  • How does the 5:2 diet work? got me interested now. haha
  • i'm not actually sure how many calories i were having before. To be honest i wasnt bothering counting. just used to eat what suited me.. :O sounds so bad writing this. haha.. it's only my 2nd day so i'm going to see how i do for about 2 weeks and see if its working for me.. i'm 5ft 2, 20years old and currently weight 11st…
  • I want to initially lose 25lbs.. i currently weight 11st 11lbs and want to get down to 10. I thought i'd set myself a realistic target first and then see where i want to go from there..
  • i chose the not very active option as i sit at a computer all day at work. the only physical activity i get is when i go down to the gym before or after work and sometimes sauna and swim. my initial target is around 25lbs, and i'm trying to lose 1lb a week.